ActionScript 3.0 :: Added An Invisible Button To First 315 Frames

Mar 21, 2012

Everything was working perfect until I added an invisible button to the first 315 frames and added the Link_1 clickTag code.  We use an ad server so I have to use the clickTag code that they provided for each external link.  I am not sure why it worked just fine before I added in the invisible button and now it does not.  I am wondering if the Fire Animation movie (see AS3 down below) is somehow comflicting with the button being overtop of it?I used the Debugger and it says:[Code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Mc Visible In Some Frames And Invisible In Others?

Nov 12, 2006

well i m here to ask a "simple" doubdt i think, i wanna duplica a movieClip and acess it in diferent X positons, and how can i put my mc visible in some frames and invisble in others? i ve tryed mc.visible = false but it didnt work :S

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IDE :: Make The Text Invisible On The Other Frames?

May 5, 2010

I have a component called "liveTEXT" that I purchased that allows for the client to edit certain text sections to be edited by them on the front end of the site. Right there in the site. The problem I am having is that if I have this liveTEXT on say frame 100, and I go to frame 101, the text is still their overlayed over the content of that page. The text is called with this actionscript in frame 1:


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Professional :: Implementing PayPal Button Code Into Invisible Button

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I created a view cart button in PayPal and need to link it to a button in my fla. I know you can do this in AS but I haven't had any luck in my searches. I'm using CS3.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Triggers Text With Invisible Button?

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I am a Flash novice who has worked through a couple of the standard introductory books on Flash in Actionscript 3 and some of the online tutorials. However I cannot work out how to do the following: A button A (I know how to design buttons including invisible ones) is on the stage. A user clicks on this button which then causes a text to appear at another location of the stage. This text includes an invisible button B. The text tells the user to click on it with the result that the text, including the invisible button B, disappears but if the user reclicks button A then the text with button B should appear again.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Click A Button Under An Invisible Button?

Jul 29, 2009

I am making a video player based on the Video Basics tutorials Lee put up a while back.

I am working on a custom controlBar with autohide. Basically, when i mouse over the video area I want them to pop up, and when I mouse out of the video area I want them to disappear. I have setup the controlBar movieclip itself with "show" and "hide" frame labels. Each one plays a fade in/out sequence a few frames long, no big deal. That is the easy part and works fine.

In order to detect the onRollOver and onRollOut events for the video area I made an invisible button on top of it called "butt". It works fine too.

Code: Select allbutt.onRollOut = function() {
trace("out of video");


Invisible button layer above controlBar layer: When i roll onto the video area the controlBar pops up, but I cannot access the buttons on it (play, rewind, etc) because they are now underneath the invisible button that monitors the rollOver and rollOut of the video area, which apparently wont let anything under it be clicked. How can I gain access to these buttons?

Controlbar layer above Invisible Button layer: When I roll onto the video area the controlBar pops up fine, but once I mouse over the control bar flash thinks I am leaving the bounds of the invisible button and tries to hide the controlBar right away, which causes me to "re-enter" the invisible button, so it just bounces back and forth between showing and hiding the controls.

How can I monitor the video area and still have access to the buttons on the controlBar once it pops up?

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Getting An Invisible Button To Work

Jul 27, 2009

i am working in cs3 flash, but saving my files to flash 8. i am having an issue with getting an invisible button to work. i never had this problem in flash 8. could you please look at the very simple file attached below and let me know WHY i am getting error messages saying: "warning: this movie uses features not supported in flash 5 player" ?? and "scene=scene 1, layer= invisibleBton, frame=405:Flash mx button instance name"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Invisible Button To URL

Feb 18, 2009

I am having a problem linking an invisible button to a url. I have 3 invisible buttons that have an action script as follows:

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler1);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler2);
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler3);
function clickHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("mywebsite"));
[Code] .....

After I upload the files, I can see the hand icon when I mouse over them, but when I click on that spot nothing happens. I have two text links on the same page that do work. One is an email link and the other is a url link. I have check the button names to my code and they do match.

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CS3 - Make Button Invisible In Flash CS4?

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ActionSctript 3 :: Making A Button Invisible ?

Jun 7, 2009

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Invisible Button Covers Up Animation?

Nov 2, 2009

I have two motion-tween animated movie clips used as "buttons" which I would like to link to various html pages on my site. Using invisible buttons works, but I can no longer see the animation. If I put it under the movie clip layer, it no longer responds. Is normal, or should I place the invisible button within the editable movie clip?

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Professional :: Make A Button Invisible?

May 6, 2010

I'm sure this is something easy that I'm missing, but I can't figure it out.  How do I make a button invisible?  I need it to be invisible through frame 43 of my movie.  I have tried changing the alpha to 0, but it's not letting me change that, except in the edit button mode which changes it for the entire duration and not just through frame 43.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Invisible Button To Go To A Frame?

Sep 26, 2011

I have invisible buttons on a movie clip that is loading swfs onto a parent movie clip. I hope I am current in the terminology. Are a parent and root the same? Is saying root absolute and parent relative? I'm digressing.So, this this._parent.gotoAndPlay("contact form"); is going to the keyframe named "contact form" and it will stop there. What I want to happen, is, I want the other invisible button named aboutmeMC2 to go back to the keyframe named "skip" so my contact form will no longer show up and it will load the external swf

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndPlay("contact form");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make SWF Invisible With Button?

Sep 10, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Button Invisible?

May 15, 2010

Im a bit a of a noob when it comes to AS. I have a problem that I think should be very easy to solve.

I have a shape that I turned into a button and gave it an instance name of "CA" I also have an array that has a string item called "CA"

I want to be able to make the button invisible by using the array instead of just writing the instance name. I have the following code but it just doesnt work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Invisible Button To Go To A Frame

Feb 24, 2011

I'm using AS2.

I have invisible buttons on a movie clip that is loading swfs onto a parent movie clip. I hope I am current in the terminology. Are a parent and root the same? Is saying root absolute and parent relative? I'm digressing.

So, this this._parent.gotoAndPlay("contact form"); is going to the keyframe named "contact form" and it will stop there. What I want to happen, is, I want the other invisible button named aboutmeMC2 to go back to the keyframe named "skip" so my contact form will no longer show up and it will load the external swf.

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndPlay("contact form");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Button Invisible

Oct 31, 2008

I've built an image scroller but I'd like to make the 'next' and 'previous' buttons invisible at the first and last frames frames respectively. The code I'm using for the scroll is below. I think the code I'm after should be something like this:

HTML Code:
if (targetX<720) {
btn_Previous.visible = false;

But I can't work out where I should put it (or even if it's correct) within the scroller code.


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IDE :: Adding A Invisible Button On The Banner?

May 13, 2009

I tried adding a invis button on the banner ( by the way the banner is moving) but for some reason it wont let me add Action script to it to link to a url

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multi Mc At Once - Create A Invisible Mc With In 2 Other Invisible Mc's

Aug 27, 2004

Is it possible to create a invisible mc with in 2 other invisible mc's and if so would there be any complications. Im trying to do something similar and it gets to the second layer but then doesnt want to load the third inv-mc. Like loading an external swf to a container mc then in that same mc have another external load and then another.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Box / Button Should Be Invisible

Apr 7, 2010

i am using one input text box and one button. In the beginning the button should be invisible. Once i started to type text in input text box, the button should be visible.I used following script. But it's not working.[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get The Invisible Button To Goto A Frame

Feb 23, 2011

I have invisible buttons on a movie clip that is loading swfs onto a parent movie clip. I hope I am current in the terminology. Are a parent and root the same? Is saying root absolute and parent relative? I'm digressing. So, this this._parent.gotoAndPlay("contact form"); is going to the keyframe named "contact form" and it will stop there. What I want to happen, is, I want the other invisible button named aboutmeMC2 to go back to the keyframe named "skip" so my contact form will no longer show up and it will load the external swf.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Loaded .swf Invisible With A Button?

Mar 4, 2011

I Want to load an external .swf in a movieclip which is my container "contenedor_somos" when i click on a button. What i want to do next is to make that .swf to dissappear or unload or whatever when i click another button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Movie Clip An Invisible Button?

Oct 7, 2008

how to make a movieclip invisible so I can use it as an invisible button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movie Clip An Invisible Button?

Oct 7, 2008

Does any one know how to make a movieclip invisible so I can use it as an invisible button?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Invisible Button Not Playing Movieclip On Rollover?

Apr 26, 2010

I have an invisible button that on rollover should play a movie clip. Within that movie clip I need it to play frame 33. However, when I use the following code it does absolutely nothing. Instance name of the movie clip is "flavorIcons"
on (rollOver) {flavorIcons.gotoandPlay(33);}

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Professional :: Immediate Need Is To Take External Swf / Add Invisible Button Overlay / Click To URL

May 14, 2010

I am trying to close on as I am attempting to get this incorporated into my website. It came with the recommendation to try the CS5 today to see if this will meet the requirement at the moment.There is a desire to take custom SWF files (I think there is something called Swish files too?) from various sponsors for advertisement purposes and place them on my website.The implementation was straight-forward to make them work through the webserver.I tried a custom example of making a button that upon mouse click would open up a new webpage in CS5 which did work for me.My problem is since the SWF files are finalized, there is no way to put URL information into those files.After doing a lot of searching around today, it appears that the best way to redirect a user upon click of a video is to:
1) Open up a new Flash
2) Import the SWF video file into the project
3) Create a Invisible Button over top the SWF video so when the user clicks, they are redirected to a specific URL.
But for some reason, when I tried to overlay it with a sample SWF file I imported, there was all this flickering going on to where both were made transparent to one another on the screen not to mention the video wasn't even visible at all.My hope was that the SWF video could be seen clearly while the button remained invisbile to handle the click on the video.Is there someone on the forum that is able to guide me fairly quickly with a fast-path procedure so that I can try this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Object Invisible When Button Clicked?

Jul 1, 2011

For my newspaper i am creating each page has a next button and a previous button. I have assigned the previous button on one page to attach the movie of the page previous to it and then tested my movie. However when i click the previous button the movieclip does load but loads behind the starting moveiclip. So what i want to do is when the previous button is cliked, that page (movieclip) with the previous button on its dissappears and the previous page loads.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Invisible Button To Add To Completed Project?

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to create an invisible button to add to my completed project and I have hit a snag because of AS3 which will not let you set actions on a button symbol. So I have tried a trick I was told about and wish to use the addEventListener code to attach an action to my button. My button is saved as a button symbol as well as been given an instance name but I am still getting errors I do not recognize. This is the simple actionscript I am trying to attach to the button:

//...script for inviso button...\
inv_link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, inviso);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A True Invisible Button That Still Remains Clickable?

Apr 22, 2003

without using alpha 0% in Flash5

this is the problem.

i want to make a button invisible. however, since using alpha 0% will create colordifferences with 16bit colors, I want to use _visible = "0"; (like you would on a MC).

one option is to put a MC inside the button and make that invisible, but obviously you can't without an onClipEvent handler, but if you do so, it doesn't work.

puting the button inside a MC is the second option, and with the _visible command it works... however, it also stops the button from working.

is there a way to get a true invisible button that still remains clickable????

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Button Invisible Using Its Instance In Variable

May 1, 2006

I am just trying to make a button disappear using a variable set to it's instance name. When I say invisible I also mean deactivated. The code I've got is this..
[test]_visible = false;
but it doesn't work - any offers?

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