ActionScript 3.0 :: Call This Fscommand When The Flash Player Is Being Closed?

Apr 22, 2009

i have a flash application that calls a .bat file using there a way to call this fscommand when the flash player is being closed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fscommand-Fullscreen Does Not Work In Flash Player 9

Aug 28, 2009

I have a problem with Flash Player 9. I have developed a flash application (projector) in Flash CS3 using AS2 . I can compile it into Flash 9 projector, but when I do that, it will not run FSCOMMAND("FULLSCREEN", true); anymore. I wonder why this is as such.

When I read through some help resources, somewhere it says that FSCOMMAND is not supported in FP9 because of some security reasons and it says that I should use External Interface API instead.

If I have to use External Interface whatever remember that I am working with flash projector (exe), not in a browser. I use "trapallkeys" to stop people from pressing ESC and CTRL-F to quit fullscreen mode. However, ESC and CTRL-F still work if I put "trapallkeys" above "fullscreen".

So the problem is, I only able to use either one, not both. This is really strange.

I could not make "showmenu", "false" to work either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call Another Program Through Fscommand

Jul 21, 2009

I am quite a newbie and want to call another program through fscommand.Flash and the programm I want to call are both running on my hard disk (NOT online)I do not really understand what I have to put into:

1. the line command

2. the line parameters

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Function Before The Flex App Is Closed?

Oct 10, 2010

I was wondering if flex has some events that can call before I close the whole application or close browser. Since I would like to send a httpservice to a php before the swf is closed. I tried this before:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="init()" remove="clearHistroy()">

But it didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf File Using Swf Player For Android Doesnt Work Using Fscommand?

Mar 29, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can Send Fscommand But Can Take In Fscommand And Process It

Nov 29, 2005

I know, I can send fscommand but can i take in fscommand and process it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Player - Flash Button To Call Specific Song?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a flash website that uses an XML player to play the artist's songs. The player works great. Now, I need a specific button in the flash document to call and play a specific song title from the XML list. The button I tried and that is showed in the flash code has an instance name of "santaBaby", calling a function I named "sampleSong1"Here's my XML playlist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


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IDE :: Call Direct Flash Function From Javascript In Flash Player 6 Or 7?

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so can i call direct flash function from Javascript in flash player 6 or 7?

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Professional :: Flash 9 Fscommand Exec On Mac?

May 8, 2008

When publishing a mac projector (app) from Flash CS3 on PC,in order to use the fscommand("exec", appToLaunch) function, itseems as though the fscommand folder containing appToLaunch must berelative to the "Flash Player" app in the projector package. For example, if I create a mac projector called projector.appwhich calls fscommand("exec", "myOtherProjector"), and I putmyOtherProjector in the fscommand folder in the same directory,sitting next to - when I fun the projector thefscommand fails.

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Flash - How To Detect When SWF Is Closed In AS2

Jul 2, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Determine If Mac Or PC Within A Flash Projector (for Use With FSCommand)?

Mar 11, 2009

Determine if Mac or PC within a flash projector? (for use with FSCommand) How do I determine if a computer is Mac or PC within a flash projector? I need this because I've got several FSCommands I need to use within a projector (such as launching an application or file) and need to have different commands for Mac and PC.


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Actionscript 3 :: Open File In Mac Using A Fscommand In Flash?

Aug 25, 2011

I have created a one application in flash that application i have to open a pdf file in acrobat reader. i have done with open a dairect file i use a this code.

function ():void


but now when i am going to mac os then this code is not working. means file is not open so how can i open file in mac using this codes.

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Flash :: Embed Code Closed?

Dec 14, 2010

ok so i got a embed code which is hosted on another sitei enter the script to my page but now it makes my html validation fail with errors like this one h_id=cfe4b9038d67c69a9016a223b1040583&watermark=0&clickTag=null" width="1000"they all mainly apply to this part of it&watermark=0&clickTag=null"and the validator says i need a /> but when i change it from > to /> dreamweaver says it invaid <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">i dont know this code is there away to change it and still work? i deleted it from the end but then the watermark appears again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Do Stuff After The Swf Is Closed?

Feb 4, 2012

I'm writing a Flash game for a class that is supposed to test elementary kids' math skills. After each activity is completed, Flash sends the results to our database (e.g., that 8/10 math problems were answered correctly). If the user is in the middle of an activity and hits our Logout button, we'll send what results they had to the database anyway. But if the user closes out of the browser in the middle of an activity, is there a way to quickly send stuff to the database before the swf dies?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Fscommand Exec Doesn't Work In Flash?

Sep 6, 2007

I normally do a CD for a convention twice a year, and this year was different. As usual things gets down to the very last minute with changes, but normally we don't encounter any problems with the opening of powerpoint presentations from within a flash, with the fscommand, as long as all the presentations and software are on the fscommand folder.

But yesterday I just couldn't make it work. I thought at first that was a vista thing, that wont let you run a cmd.exe window from flash, but then I realized it was happening, even after burning the CD in almost any enviroment. I tried changing the publishing parameters to flash player 7, 8 and 9, and try to publish it with action script 1 and action script 2 in all the possible combinations. Then i got smart and republished one I knew that worked, and it stop working.


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IDE :: Fscommand Exec - Open A Word .doc From Within A Flash Exe Projector

Nov 9, 2009

I am having trouble getting even a trivial example of fscommand("exec", "..."); to work. I just need to open a Word .doc from within a flash exe projector. Eventually this needs to be on a cross-platform CD, but I'd be happy to see it work from the desktop of my PC at this point! I've attached a really simple sample.

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Flash - Closing Child NativeWindows When Main App Gets Closed (via OS)?

Mar 14, 2012

I have been going crazy over this! I have an Air (2.6) app which, when running opens up a pop up NativeWindow, to handle alerts.

public var _alertWindow:NativeWindow;
_alertWindow = new NativeWindow(windowOptions);
_alertWindow.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
_alertWindow.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


I have had no problems with this across all platforms. But in Windows7, when right click on the taskbar and selecting 'close-window' only closes the main app and not its child NativeWindow. ( This keeps the app running in the background - so when a user tries to access it again it does't run ) I have tried adding event listeners like Event.CLOSING, and various other methods but have to close windows from the 'close window' option in windows7.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting Flash/html Window Closed?

Jan 9, 2007

is it possible for flash to detect when a user closes an html window with a swf embeded in it?

I want to record a user session time and need to be able to call a function and serverside script from within flash when a user closes the there a way?

(I thought I might be able to do it with onUnload, but that will only work for unloading movieclips, not closing the main swf.)

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Compile Flash Project From Brightcove Closed Caption Module?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm following the instructions here URL... to learn how to modify a closed caption plugin for the bright cove video player.I started by downloading the closed caption module code here:URL...After I downloaded it and unzipped it, I modified the file src/ the instructions tell me to compile this into a SWF file.I looked at all the top menu items in Adobe Flash CS4, but I don't see any Build or Compile command.The Debug movie and Test movie actions are grayed out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Closed Captioning For Flash WITHOUT FLV

Feb 29, 2012

I have created a tutorial for users that will register to use an application. I am used to using Adobe Captivate, but that is not available to me at my current job. So, I am doing my best in Flash. I couldn't figure out how to create a rewind button, so I cut up my tutorial into scenes that are based on what screen the user would see when registering.

Because of this, my audio will be cut into the scenes. I have created pseudo Closed Captioning by hiding and showing text when a user clicks on a Show or Hide button. That's great except, when the movie goes to Scene 2, the closed captioning returns to an off state and the user would need to click Show again. I want to know if there is a way to set a variable when the user clicks Show that can carry into subsequent scenes to then continue showing the Closed Captions. Alternatively, is there a way to make a rewind button or another way to handle Closed Captions? I am very new to ActionScript (3 or otherwise) and must have Closed Captions to meet federal law.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class To Call Player That Extends MovieClip?

Apr 7, 2006

I have a class called Player that extends Movieclip? Why wont my code to attach a movie clip work?
import GAME_CLASSES.*;
Player1 = new Player()
Player1.attachMovie( "MainChar" , "Character1", 75)
Player1._x = 100
Player1._y = 100
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Creating Custom Player And To Use Flashvars In File And Call It Dynamically In PHP

Oct 9, 2009

I m passing variable/ file name in html/ php like this


I m creating custom player and want to use flashvars in AS2 in my file and call it dynamically in PHP. this is how i m calling the mp3 file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Php Variables - Call From The Player To The Xml File For Whichever Member Page Is Being Viewed

Jun 5, 2011

I have a flash mp3 player that lives in the root on my server, I have members on my site that each have their own folders which have an xml file in them for their uploaded mp3 files, my question is, how do I get as3 to call from the player to the xml file for whichever member page is being viewed, for example, if you were viewing members/profile.php?id=1, the player which is on the profile.php page calls to the playlist.xml file in the id folder '1' I know I can use the xml load function but how would I get the members/$id in there

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Player(i Call It Professor) Class Held In An External .as File?

Oct 6, 2003

I'm building a game in which I have different player objects which will behave differently. I want to make a player(i call it professor) class held in an external .as file. I need to be able to assign onEnterFrame attributes in for this class in the external .as file and I'm encountering some difficulties. here is my .as file

//professor constructor
_global.Professor = function ( skin, thrust, decay, maxSpeed )
{ = skin;


The constructor is working fine, along witht he getSkin function, but I can't get the onEnterFrame function to work. It is my understanding that once I instantiate an instance of the Professor class that the onEnterFrame function should kick over and start sending my trace statement to the debugger at the current frame rate.

ps. here is the code in my .fla

#include ""
playerOne = new Professor("mathews");

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Flash :: Call Anonymous Function From Method?

Nov 4, 2010

I need to get a javascript var in my Flash application. I like to be able to just set a variable in the javascript (client constraints) rather than define a function.

Can this be done? I am trying to use the

AS:"function(){return window.someVar}", null);


var someVar = "Test";

This does not work and I suspect it is because the does not like the anonymous function.

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Flash - Won't Call The JavaScript Function - Firefox 3.6

Feb 10, 2011

I have a function defined in JavaScript like so:

function fadeBack() {
alert("fadeBack called");

I call that function from my Flash file like so:

import flash.external.*;"fadeBack");

This works in both Safari and Chrome, but for some reason Firefox won't ever call the function. Still, I can't figure this out. How can I fix it?

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Javascript :: Reference The Html Object That Made The Call To SomeFunction Directly Using The Call?

Jun 28, 2011

i have some actionscript that makes a'someFunction'); it possible to reference the html object that made the call to someFunction directly using the call?

Assume that the object that makes the call also has some Callbacks (via ExternalInterface.addCallback) that are accessible via javascript.


Actionscript source"someFunction");


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Get Fscommand In Flex3?

Oct 8, 2009

I have one swf file in that i used fscommand to get final output when submit button clicked in that swf i am loading that swf in SWFloader in flex3 .i need to get fscommand value as Alert, how to get that value first and display as alert.

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