Flash - Closing Child NativeWindows When Main App Gets Closed (via OS)?
Mar 14, 2012
I have been going crazy over this! I have an Air (2.6) app which, when running opens up a pop up NativeWindow, to handle alerts.
public var _alertWindow:NativeWindow;
_alertWindow = new NativeWindow(windowOptions);
_alertWindow.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
_alertWindow.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
I have had no problems with this across all platforms. But in Windows7, when right click on the taskbar and selecting 'close-window' only closes the main app and not its child NativeWindow. ( This keeps the app running in the background - so when a user tries to access it again it does't run ) I have tried adding event listeners like Event.CLOSING, and various other methods but have failed.how to close windows from the 'close window' option in windows7.
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(this is main1.swf)
var homeRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("window1.swf");
var homeLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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function loadPhx(event:MouseEvent){
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
var url:String = "websites/phx.swf";
This is the code im using to try to remove a child from the main movie.
The error i get is undefinded property ldr.
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PHP Code:
package {
import flash.media.*;
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Sep 3, 2010
So I am loading in external swfs and once loaded in I want to stop the main timeline. so I do the following.
var swf : MovieClip = e.target.content ;
which doesn't work, because I have trace statements in the external swf which fire off after that command is called. Which, here is another weird thing, When I trace through the loaded swf, it says it has two children, a shape, and a Loader. The shape is weird because what I have is another movieclip on stage so I should get instaceXX, and I dont know where that Loader class is coming from.
which also brings me to another question which is everytime I add the swf to the stage it duplicates the instance, and I run out of memory really fast after I keep removing and re-adding it. all I call is.
then after the swf dispatches an event saying its done.
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Sep 26, 2010
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import flash.events.MouseEvent;
mc_textbox.visible = false;
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Dec 20, 2011
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I was thinking of using SWC's, but I'm not sure how to incorporate that into FlashDevelops workflow. I tried the SWC export plugin but that doesnt seem to work very well, it attempts to export everything in the project and doesnt seem to offer me an option to be specific...
Surely there is a way to compile flas from the IDE and allow for classes to be used for compile type checking etc, but not actually include them in the compiled swf? I know with the flex command line compiler you can generate a link-report xml from the main swf then use that xml file to exlude classes from the compile of the child swfs, but I cant see how to do something like that when exporting swfs from the flash IDE.
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Feb 3, 2010
Someone the other day provided me with this code to a remove a child from the main timeline from within a movieclip.
This works fine, but how can I write an if statement to test if its in the display list before removing it?
As I'm getting an error if I try to remove it once its already been removed.
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Feb 26, 2010
How do I get a button event handler to refer back to the main timeline from within it's movie clip inside another movie clip?
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Apr 22, 2009
i have a flash application that calls a .bat file using fscommand.is there a way to call this fscommand when the flash player is being closed?
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Jan 9, 2007
is it possible for flash to detect when a user closes an html window with a swf embeded in it?
I want to record a user session time and need to be able to call a function and serverside script from within flash when a user closes the window...is there a way?
(I thought I might be able to do it with onUnload, but that will only work for unloading movieclips, not closing the main swf.)
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Jan 23, 2011
I have make 3 classes objecthandler, box and nav. Nav is child class of objecthandler, I have make an instance of box into objecthandler and now I wanna access property of box through nav.
See the code:
Objecthandler class
package code{
import flash.display.MovieClip
import code.box
import code.nav
[Code] .....
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Jul 15, 2011
Scenario: in MAIN file, i have a door, when door is open, we can see activities behind the door - LOADED SWF - when the door is shut i would like all the activities behind the door - LOADED SWF to stop
Problem: my first attempt was to REMOVECHILD when the door closed, however, still functions in child=loaded file are continuing Possible Solutions i had in mind: I assumed if PARENT, dispatches an event and CHILD listens, i can say, if the door is closed, dispatch event to the child to stop functions. but it doesnt work, because i assume i dont know how to listen for an event dispatched from parent
I am also open to any alternative solution that helps me shut off the activities when the door closes down, dispatching event was the first thought that came to my mind, not necessarily the only answer i m looking for.
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Sep 14, 2009
I can't access the variables that I declare in the main timeline from a child.
I attach the child to the stage during runtime.
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Feb 24, 2012
I'm following the instructions here URL... to learn how to modify a closed caption plugin for the bright cove video player.I started by downloading the closed caption module code here:URL...After I downloaded it and unzipped it, I modified the file src/ClosedCaptionsModule.as.Now the instructions tell me to compile this into a SWF file.I looked at all the top menu items in Adobe Flash CS4, but I don't see any Build or Compile command.The Debug movie and Test movie actions are grayed out.
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Apr 15, 2010
I am trying to get an instance of a class to the load an external swf and show it.So far I have the following:
1) I wrote a class that uses the Loader class to load an external swf "loadExtSWF".
2) I have a fla named "MainSWF.fla" that uses a document class "MainSWF.as".
3) I have the MainSWF.as file that instances "loadExtSWF" and calls loadExtSWF.startLoad to load the swf.
This almost works. The instance of loadExtSWF loads the external swf, but the swf is not displayed.If I replace the fla's document class with loadExtSWF (this has an empty constructor) instead of MainSWF, and run loadExtSWF.startLoad, then the external swf is loaded and displayed.[code]
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Jan 23, 2009
Using Child Navigation to load main time line.I am new to AS3 and have done pretty well but have been caught up this area.I have been loading swfs into a loader (imageLoader) which has been added to the stage using addChild. Then with buttons and functions I load other swfs into the same loader which replace each other. I now have an swf "testProject3a.swf" loaded into (imageLoader) which has icons for navigation and when each icon is clicked I need it to load another swf into (imageLoader) and replace it's self "testProject3a.swf" with "portalB.swf".I've tried adding removeChild code to the loaded swf but it removes the original (imageLoader) and the other buttons have nothing to load into.[code]
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Sep 11, 2010
I wanted to create a portfolio in flash, so I designed the layout in photoshop, with different webpages in different groups. So groups i created: home, about, porfolio, contact, affiliates, topbar, menu.I use Creative Suite 3 or CS3I then imported the groups into flash as movieclips, using the import to stage function. here is the image of the main scene in the flash. (SEE IMAGE 1st thumbnail)I created a new layer on top of all the layers and used labels at equal intervals to differentiate between pages.here's the image depicting the same.(SEE IMAGE 2nd thumbnail)Now in the home movie clip, i made all the text layers as movie clips to make button animations and assigned sounds and actions to them i.e. rollver, rollout andclick events. here's the swf.(PM ME FOR SWF)I want to know the code or method to load the frame labelled ''about'' in the main scene when i click on the movieclip button 'about' which is in the movieclip 'home'. Here's the code i tried for the first 'about' button, but it returns error "1120: Access of undefined property event."
ActionScript Code:
var OverSound:roll_over = new roll_over();
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Feb 29, 2012
I have created a tutorial for users that will register to use an application. I am used to using Adobe Captivate, but that is not available to me at my current job. So, I am doing my best in Flash. I couldn't figure out how to create a rewind button, so I cut up my tutorial into scenes that are based on what screen the user would see when registering.
Because of this, my audio will be cut into the scenes. I have created pseudo Closed Captioning by hiding and showing text when a user clicks on a Show or Hide button. That's great except, when the movie goes to Scene 2, the closed captioning returns to an off state and the user would need to click Show again. I want to know if there is a way to set a variable when the user clicks Show that can carry into subsequent scenes to then continue showing the Closed Captions. Alternatively, is there a way to make a rewind button or another way to handle Closed Captions? I am very new to ActionScript (3 or otherwise) and must have Closed Captions to meet federal law.
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