what would be the best way of creating rounds for a battle system? Say like with each attack a round goes by. rounds are not calculated at randomor player 1 hits player two = 1 round gone, now it's round two and so on until the player(s) hit points are all gone I'm using while loops for the record
The sprite which contains all element in my game world uses the real-world meter as distance unit, it doesn't know what pixels are. I then apply a scale to this sprite to make it appear correct on screen. Currently I use 1 meter = 100 pixels, so scale = 100.
If I try to draw a line inside this sprite it appears lineStyle(thinkness) rounds the thickness parameter. If I specify 0.5 (50 cm) it always gets drawn with 1 pixel (1 cm). If I specify 0.6, the line becomes 100 pixels, or 1 meter, thick. So basically I can only draw lines of 1, 100, 200 etc pixels thinkness.
Anything I can do about this? Otherwise I'll have to use a smaller unit like millimeters for my world.
well i was wonder how this could be done in flash or if its even possible with sound from the library..have the intro part of the song play first then loop the actual music for the duration of the scene.
So I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 and I'm trying to create a pop-up window with an enclosed .swf file (not a link). I want the pop up to have my gallery/portfolio artwork but all the code that I try doesnt work.
I have a file .fla and some other files like .as(I think they are actionScript classes dependent of the fla). But I am trying to create the swf with adobe flash. So I open the fla and I do: File - export movie but the resultant swf file is less size than the original swf file because I think it is not including the dependent *.as files.
I am wondering about how to create Apple Maccintosh DOC in Adobe Flash.It should work same as it work in Mac (like SLIDING and GROWING movement on mouse over).
I've got a DVD style project where I need to be able link to files such as PDFs, JPGs and WMVs giving the user the ability to save these to their local drive.
I'm creating it with CS4 but the Filereference.save doesn't work as it needs a HTTP or HTTPS address.
I am trying to create a new swf with AIR and Flash CS3. All I want to do is push a button and have a new swf saved to the desktop with a line of actionscript in it. The actionscript can be anything stop(); - for instance.I have been messing around with ByteArray and I can save an image to a swf but I can't find any information on what I want to do.
And I am creating a box game where the user has to avoid the boxes but i want to put lives on so when the user moves over the box one of the lives goes down.
I am creating traffic lights, but I'm new to flash. I have a timer that ticks 6 times. However, I want to make the timer refresh after 6, and on each tick, a different traffic light shows.So far I have this:
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,6); var counter:Number = 0; myTimer.start();
I am trying to generate a list of links via xml using as3. I have created a movie linkHolder and a text field called linkText.
I then add link text to linkHolder and add linkHolder to the stage. I have an eventListener attached to linkHOlder which calls a function and when I roll over the links it activates the function correctly.
How do I give a unique id or reference to each button so that I can pull up the correct link associated with it?
Here's some of my code:
function createVideoLinks():void{ for (var i:int=0; i<externalXML.videoClip.length();i++){ //build the arrays of link text and link destination vidText[i]=externalXML.videoClip.vTitle[i];
I am on the last leg of finishing up a full flash site and all of a sudden out of nowhere I started getting this error when I try and test the movie.
"Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."
Nothing actually changed in the flash file besides scripting when it started occurring. I went back and erased what I had done. Tried moving the frames to a new project, tried saving it as another file, saving it to the desktop instead of my external. Nothing works!! The strangest part is that it will work fine when I delete a couple text fields and then if I try and add something to the stage it will get the error again. Almost like I've hit some sort of limit.
I am trying to get each of the following pictures in my flash file to link to different webpages. I have tried a bunch of different things, and can't quite get it to work right. I have put different urls on the images, but when I click on them they all go to that first url.
Basically, as a part of my college assignment, I have to create a media jukebox in Flash. However, I have never actually used Flash before in my life, so I'm completely lost. create a jukebox or point me to a simple tutorial that shows how to make it.
I searched on Google but the best I found was this:[URL]. It looks simple but it requires some sort of extension which costs �70.I made a rough design of the jukebox in PowerPoint. I don't know whether or not I will be able to actually make something that looks like it though.
I am trying to create a flash program that will create a slideshow on the fly. I have a collection of music and images that I want to put in the show. The program will pick a piece to play randomly and the next image to show is also picked randomly. However, the speed at which the images will be shown in the show is decided by the tempo/speed/mood of the music at that moment. In one piece of music there will faster and slower movement, and the slide will fade in sooner if the music is faster and vice versa. The show will keep running until the program quits.
I'm trying to create a pull down menu. Not one that drops down when rolled over but one that drops down when clicked and stays down until an item is selected. Once an item is selected or the menu is clicked out of it retracks again.
My strategy is to create a movie clip for the initial menu that when clicked jumps to another movie clip where ther menu is extracted and houses movie clip buttons that hightlight when rolled over and when clicked redirect to another movie clip related to the button that was selected.
is this the proper way to do this? And second: can you offer some direction for the action script?
I try to do a gallery(not important right now) bar that expand when the mouse over it, and back to normal when the mouse get out. I used AS3. There is frame 1, 5 and 10, when 1 and 10 is the normal/small sized bar, and 5 is the big one. As you guessed, 1->5 and 5->10 connected in motion tween, and the layer goes as a loop. The problem is AS:Frame 1:
Actionscript Code: stop();var up = false;rollingBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,function(){ up = true;});rollingBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,function(){ up =
I'm trying to recreate an animation like this in Flash CS5. Is it possible to simply lock the push rod (red) to the rotating wheel (yellow) so that I don't have to go through frame by frame repositioning it?Is it possible to have the push rod slide through the slider tube automatically (Green) again so I don't have to reposition frame by frame.
Is it possible to input a text into textbox in php then it throws in .swf file and the .swf file can download it in desktop? What i mean to say is, is it possible to generate .swf consist of text and graphics came from php page? I saw a sample of that in Flash Vortex Website and some free flash banner generator that the user inputs a text in a textbox and the text together with the selected template background can download it's .swf file.
I have a project that I Am working that requires that I export data collected throughout the file in to a .csv file so it cna be exported into a Database. It has to go to a CSV because the machine that the file will be running on is not connected to a network or internet connection and is a stand alone machine. We are collecting data for a research project here at the University.
I am having trouble using the name of given button to determine my loader URL. If my button is called yerBasicButton_bt ... I would like it to utilize a reuseable function to dynamically determine and load a URL named yerBasicButton.swf. In this manner yerBasicButton2_bt would then load a movie named yerBasicButton2.swf, and so on. So the function looks at the instance name of the calling button to determine it's URL.
stop(); unit133bd3ba_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getUnitSWF); function getUnitSWF (e:MouseEvent):void { var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader(); swfLoader.x = 25; swfLoader.y = 368; var swfURL:String = e.currentTarget-"_bt"+".swf" var swfURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(swfURL); swfLoader.load(swfURLReq); this.addChildAt(swfLoader, 0);}
I'm looking to create a hyperlink outside of my flash website. Does anyone have the Actionscript 3.0 to code an instance of a button? or a better way to code this???