Creating The Traffic Lights?

May 15, 2009

I am creating traffic lights, but I'm new to flash. I have a timer that ticks 6 times. However, I want to make the timer refresh after 6, and on each tick, a different traffic light shows.So far I have this:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,6);
var counter:Number = 0;


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Creating Traffics Lights - Make The Timer Refresh After 6

Mar 19, 2012

I am creating traffic lights. I have a timer that ticks 6 times. However, I want to make the timer refresh after 6, and on each tick, a different traffic light shows. So far I have this:


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Creating Neon Type Line Lights Effect On Stage

Jan 31, 2010

I am looking to create an effect this this: [URL] Or even were the lines come in as a group or lines do a moment and move off the stage again. Been trying to mask it but the problem is that the line vectors have no inside too them, just a pure line.

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Flash Map - Rollover Lights Up Locations?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a map, which dots for locations, and a list on the right of place names. I want to rollover, say, Paris and the dot over central/northern France glows (expands, flashes, something... I know that would be in the movie over France).
So my question is, if the buttons on the right are the parts that mouseover (and will change colour, like good web links should) how do I get the dots on the map to change when the name is rolled over?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blinking Car Lights With The Rhythm Of The Music?

Mar 17, 2009

I am making a website for myself and I want to make something like:That the carlights are blinking with the rhythm of the music from my flashmusicplayer. [URL]

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Professional :: Police Car Drives Along With Flashing Lights In A Scene ?

Mar 17, 2011

What is correct way of creating a police car with flashing blue lights drive along in a scene?My plan was to create a new file, add car and png of just the lights to the library.layer 1 rename as car and dragdrop car graphic to stage, add keyframe at fr48 for 24fps scene, 2secs duration insert a layer call it lights and drag drop to stage, make duration 24frames, lights flash at 1 sec intervals when movie played.Should I select both layers and go modify>convert to symbol>movieclip then copy paste that from library to the library of the scene with the road ?(it doesnt flash !)How is this done ?

I also presume the fps of the movie clip if taken to another file should be the same as that file, one cannot have movie clips of different fps in one file, am I right ?

View 1 Replies :: Check If UDP Traffic Is Enabled?

Feb 22, 2012

I have this application that consists of two phases. Queuing phase and chatting Phase.The chatting uses UDP (a flash-app).So before the user enters the queue phase I want to check if UDP traffic is possible.I could do this both in the ASP.NET app (that wraps the flash-app) or in the flash-app.I'm not sure on how to do this in either of themMy initial thougth is to connect via UDP to some tiny webservice a server, but is there an easier way of doing it

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Php :: Traffic Going Between My Flex Application And ZendAMF?

Aug 8, 2011

I am using ZendAMP php and Flex (Flash Builder 4). It works great, but I noticed when I am looking at the traffic going between my flex application and ZendAMF, there packets moving even though I am not requesting communications in my code.For example, this is what my service looks like in flex:

var activityLogService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject("zend");

Are these just some kind of 'keep alive' messages?If so, is there a way to turn them off? Also, if so, is there a way I can use them to keep some kind of session alive on the server side maybe (maybe that's what they are for)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Traffic Simulation?

Oct 16, 2010

since i'll be asking so many qustion, I will put all my problem in one thread here I'm planning to make a traffic simulation with AS3.0


which will still run the if function when the error is below 1 pixel. but i dont really like things that isn't sure, specially I'll make tens of guide movements on the stage.

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6 Buttons, 6 Lights - Using The Gotoandstop Comand To Go To A Specific Frame Based On The Button Press

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to make a light comparison chart where the lights can be turned on inividually by the user and one can be compared to another depending on which of the 6 lights you want to view.So far i have managed to make this work with 5 lights over 33 layers and diffferent buttons and different handlers for each of the buttons on each layer but as soon as the 4 and 5 light come into play everything slows down struggles and sometimes gives up.Is there a simple way of doing this which i am unaware of.I am currently using the gotoandstop comand to go to a specific frame based on the button press.

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Aug 25, 2006

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traffic Control Game - Set The Car Run Independently?

Aug 25, 2010

I want to make these kind of game [URL] but in more compleks route, and i want to make the car can choose direction (straigt, turn left of turn right) but 1st thing 1st. i need a logical state for the timeline how the car works? how can i set the car run independently? because it can't be done in the main timeline. i'm guessing it has something to do the the action script, but i have no idea. i'm kinnda new to flash, this is the 1st time i want to create a AI-like programing with flash.

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Flex :: Inspect HTTP Traffic In Adobe Air?

Aug 22, 2009

How does one inspect the HTTP traffic in Adobe Air? Obviously because it's running outside of a browser you can't use firebug .

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Flex :: Inspect HTTPS Traffic From SWF Files?

Feb 8, 2010

Is there a way to inspect HTTPS traffic from Flex applications compiled to SWF files?I'm trying to use Fiddler for this, have added DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot to my Trusted RootCertification Authorities so my IE now can access other HTML sites that would normally complain about untrusted certificate. However, the HTTPS traffic from the SWF file still doesn't appear in Fiddler and, in fact, the Flex app wouldn't work (HTTPS with a self-signed certificate is not supported by Flex apps I believe). Is there a way around it?Update: To be clear, I am interested in the traffic between the SWF file running under Flash Player and the server (typically, Flex components like HTTPService will be used for this). The SWF file itself can be served via HTTP or HTTPS, it doesn't really matter.Clarification 2: Don't assume that the source code is available for the SWF file. If it was, Flash Builder 4's Network Monitor could be used.

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Web Development :: Monitor Traffic Between A Flash Object And A Server?

Jan 25, 2012

Here's what I want to ho: In firebug, there's a Net tab, where you can see all requests, which javascript is making to the server.I would like to be able to do the same with a flash object.What is the best way of doing this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Run A Little Slower Due To The Many Accounts And The Volume Of Server Traffic?

Oct 28, 2009

We have recently had to change servers for reasons beyond our control. The server we were on had limited accounts and what we are using now seems to run a little slower due to the many accounts and the volume of server traffic.Anyways, I have a couple Flash pages where customers can listen to audio clips. This is one of them:I have never had any issues with this before but on this new server, when you choose a song and click "listen", more often than not, a brief blip of the audio plays, stops for a few seconds and then resumes.This is the code I am using for the Listen button:

mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound("SongLists/Audio/" + _parent.selectedSong + ".mp3", true);


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Media Server :: Fmsedge Stops Passing Traffic On :80 (not :1935)?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm a systems administrator at an ISP running many FMS 3.5.1 instances for an array of clients. About half of these FMS 3.5.1s fall over dead after 2-3 weeks of runtime. Specifically, 'fmsedge' becomes unresponsive to http/rtmp tests on port 80; NOT on port 1935. The process appears to be doing work (cpu time is nonzero), and it answers the phone - I can connect to port 80. But I can't pass traffic to the daemon.

Logs give no indication anything's wrong. I can't strace or truss java with any legibility, due to fmsedge living atop a multithreaded virtualmachine.This occurs regularly, but does not occur on /every machine/; only about half of them. Where it happens, it's at 2-3 weeks after process to collect additional diagnostics, so that I can find what's breaking in fmsedge and either prevent it.I am running on CentOS 5.3 (like RHEL-5), 64-bit; I install nothing but Adobe FMS, and used Adobe's installer.

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Jul 21, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Increase Traffic Or Make Flash Site Visible In Search Engines

Feb 12, 2003

Is there a way to increase traffic for flash web site. Is there an action script to make your flash website "visible" for others. I heard that if I build a flash web site it will be difficult to get customers due to the fact that flash pages usually don't show up in the data bases. Is it right?

so anyhow is there a way to increase traffic or make my flash site "visible' in search engines. do you think building a splash page in html and then redirect them to flash is a good idea?

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Creating A Car Configurator?

May 13, 2009

creating a car configurator such as in the following link. [URL] I would imagine users would be able to choose:style/model of car
car colour

wheel type
special features

Is there any kind of software out there that would allow this to be created or would I have to start from scratch in Flash?

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Best Software For Creating A Cbt?

Jul 24, 2009

What is the best software for creating a cbt that you can actually post on a website in flash

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Creating Pop-Up. Swf File?

May 15, 2009

So I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 and I'm trying to create a pop-up window with an enclosed .swf file (not a link). I want the pop up to have my gallery/portfolio artwork but all the code that I try doesnt work.

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Creating A Swf File?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a file .fla and some other files like .as(I think they are actionScript classes dependent of the fla). But I am trying to create the swf with adobe flash. So I open the fla and I do: File -  export movie but the resultant swf file is less size than the original swf file because I think it is not including the dependent *.as files.

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IDE :: Creating Mac DOC In Flash?

Feb 26, 2009

I am wondering about how to create Apple Maccintosh DOC in Adobe Flash.It should work same as it work in Mac (like SLIDING and GROWING movement on mouse over).

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IDE :: Creating The Map Hyperlinks?

Feb 27, 2009

I am working with flash 6 with a map that is already made.

1. find a layer with a name "LINKS".

2. Press F9.

3. The window "Actions" will open.In it a window you will see the following code.

4. In it a code you can change links for any state.


Easy enough except for the fact that there is no layer named links. All the layers are numbered. I can't get a response from the company.

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IDE :: Creating It With CS4 But The Filereference?

May 5, 2009

I've got a DVD style project where I need to be able link to files such as PDFs, JPGs and WMVs giving the user the ability to save these to their local drive.

I'm creating it with CS4 but the doesn't work as it needs a HTTP or HTTPS address.

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IDE :: Creating A Swf With ByteArray

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to create a new swf with AIR and Flash CS3. All I want to do is push a button and have a new swf saved to the desktop with a line of actionscript in it. The actionscript can be anything stop(); - for instance.I have been messing around with ByteArray and I can save an image to a swf but I can't find any information on what I want to do.

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IDE :: Creating A AIR With Iframe?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm creating a AIR project inside Flash CS4.I've seen that AIR support iframes, I could I create one from my flash?

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IDE :: Creating An Exe In Flash?

May 16, 2011

am creating an exe in flash using exe running in html file it shows error msg if i click ok it will run how can i invisible the warnings

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AS2 :: CS3 : Creating A Flash Game?

Mar 22, 2009

And I am creating a box game where the user has to avoid the boxes but i want to put lives on so when the user moves over the box one of the lives goes down.

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