Creating Neon Type Line Lights Effect On Stage
Jan 31, 2010
I am looking to create an effect this this: [URL] Or even were the lines come in as a group or lines do a moment and move off the stage again. Been trying to mask it but the problem is that the line vectors have no inside too them, just a pure line.
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field = "";
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var linetox=0;
var linetoy=0;
var _stage=this;[code]...
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May 20, 2009
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm wondering how I would go about making a Mouse Trace, on a line that's preset but my choosing to let people enter into my Flash and/or progress throughout it. Basically, I have a picture of say, the number 5, I want to be able to have people use the mouse cursor to trace the 5 from one end to the next, and once completed the sites move forward. Though, I will be using my company logo which is a bit more advanced than a single number or letter form. If no one is sure what I'm talking about I've added a picture to demonstrate what I'm trying to do. Another idea I have if this one can't be accomplished, is a slide bar.Basically, it would look like a timeline control in say, VLC, and I would have the user drag a button from one side to the next to unlock and move forward. Though that may seem a bit more simple that my main idea, I would also like to be able to get really advanced with this second function and make a series of slide bars, say, 3, and they have to be slid in a certain manner, like slide bar 1,3,2 then it unlocks and moves forward.
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Sep 28, 2010
'm getting compile errors when I try to import it.
All files are in a folder 'com'.
The document class is 'com.Main', Line 121046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stem_Curve., Line 241180: Call to a possibly undefined method Stem_Curve., Line 81172: Definition com:Stem_Curve could not be found.
package com { [code].........
I've used it for other swfs and have no problems importing it. I've checked those projects, but can't see anything different.
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Jan 24, 2010
Trying to create a 2D vector. I'm getting type coercion errors when trying to store the 2nd vector inside the first.
var vector1:Vector.<Vector> = new Vector.<Vector>
var vector2:Vector.<CustomClass> = new Vector.<CustomClass>
for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++){
vector2[i] = new CustomClass()
vector1[0] = vector2;
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type __AS3__.vec:Vector.<CustomClass> to an unrelated type __AS3__.vec:Vector.
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Apr 16, 2010
Many years ago, I got this file to teach me how to make a mask.Its a magnifying glass and inside where the glass is, there is a circle that makes the mask.The two layers below it show type going from small, to larger, where the magnifying glass mask resides.The demo uses a motion tween, where the magnifying glass and the cirlce move together.I am trying to create a drag mask to do this, is this possible? am not sure how to keep the magnifying glass and the circle for the glass together?I can't put the magnifying glass on the mask layer, or it won't show in the movie?Here is what the Original file looked like:This is what needs to stay together to work, and I can't figure it out?I have a script tome write the start and stop drag, but I don't know how I can put both the magnifying glass, which needs to be visible to the user, and the circle, which needs to be on the mask layer to show visibility of the masked layer below, together for 1 stop and start drag action.
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