ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Bad Requests From App To Server?

Oct 7, 2010

I can modify my PHPRequest object so that it can detect and handle errors from my webserver? Normally after each of my successful requests, it dispatches that event which I listen for and then I can handle the data in the resultArray. During these times I notice I'm receiving a HTTP STATUS of 200 in my http status handler.

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Media Server :: Allow FMS To Accept Only RTMP Requests?

Mar 19, 2012

I need to configure FMS server so that it will listen to only RTMP request and disable other services like HDS and PLD. What configuration is required for this arrangement?

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Flex :: In Mate, Sending Two Or More Requests To The Server Simultaneously?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using Mate's RemoteObjectInvoker to call methods in my FluorineFX based API. However, all requests seem to be sent to the server sequentiality. That is, if I dispatch a group of messages at the same time, the 2nd one isn't sent until the first returns. Is there anyway to change this behavior?

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Media Server :: Bundled Apache Stops Receiving Requests?

Jun 10, 2009

I think I'm getting closer to the source of my problem.Let me outline my setup first (I'm using private IPs for example only). I have set two IP addresses to one network adaptor as follows:
CentOS 5.3 server running Apache 2.2.3 on eth0 with IP <- working fine absolutely no problems at all
FMS 3.5.2 running Apache bundled with FMS on eth0:2 with IP
In fms.ini I have the following config:
At (apparently) random times, the FMS Apache stops serving requests, but does not crash, and for some reason blocks requests to RTMP at the same time. Nothing appears in the log files which makes this even more tricky.I've run a test by shutting down apache as follows:
./httpd -f ./conf/httpd.conf -d "/opt/adobe/fms/Apache2.2" -k stop
and I expected RTMP to stop working aswell, however it continued serving up RTMP, which has led me to believe that something is then stalling the serving up of RTMP requests. This results in total downtime of all applications.

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Media Server :: NetConnection Using POST Requests To Retrieve Data?

Aug 20, 2010

I've noticed that when I use in my client Actionscript it sends a POST request off to the server. I thought this was odd because requests for data are normally GET operations but I didn't worry about it because it doesn't impact my applicationow I have our sysadmin complaining about the amount of data I'm shifting over POST requests because POST requests aren't cached by the web servers (and we are working with the kind of traffic levels where that matters.) Is there anyway I can make call() use GET?The code  I'm using is all fairly standard, but here is the relevant snippit:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);


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Networking - How Can Flash Open A Port To Listen For Server Requests

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible for flash to open ports to listen for messages from the remote server? If so, how?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Requests From Flash Create An Infinite Loop That Crashes The Server

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a client hosts numerous sites at MT, I've built a few Flash sites that exist on his server. For some reason, the server is over-running due to an internal loop that is basically the domain requesting itself over and over. can this potentially happen via the player itself somehow making numerous requests.

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Media Server :: Detect Camera Is In Use?

Mar 23, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The Latest Pic On Server Automaticly?

Jul 30, 2009

I want to to detect and load the latest picture on server, but dont know how to make it work..

import fl.controls.Button;
import fl.containers.UILoader;


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Media Server :: Detect Upload Bandwidth To Fms?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to get the "bwcheck" application to work on FMS 4 on Amazon EC2, in order to detect my upload speed to the server and provide the best quality stream for my upload speed.
The tutorial I follow is this:

Both are almost identical. However when I compile the .fla to .swf (having changed the URL for my server and application), and after I load the server-side code, I get the following error in my server-side log:
Method not found (recData)
I understand that apparently it is not finding the method, but I tried getting it off the function in the global scope, tried attaching it to the client, etc. but nothing worked. The original code of the server-side script is:
for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
data += "S->C";
Client.prototype.recData = function(data)


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Php :: Detect Disconnection Of Flash Client From Server?

Jul 24, 2011

How can the disconnection or Closure of the flash client be detected while using a php backend which ensures that only active client usernames are present in the datbase. My approaches were to use some polling method - where the client sends some message to the server periodically else the server deletes the client's name from the DB assuming it is closed - or to use some augmenting javascript code that informs the backend of a closure event.

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Media Server :: Detect If A Live Stream Is Running?

Jan 21, 2009

With the Flash Media Streaming Server (not the interactive version), is it possible to detect if a live stream is running? I want to show an overview of several live streams on one page. The ones that are not running should show as "offline". The others should show an online thumbnail. I don't want the visitors to have to go to all of the pages only to see that the stream is offline.

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Media Server :: Detect Webcam Connection In Runtime?

Jul 15, 2010

Is there any way to detect webcam and microphone connections in runtime in flex.Suppose the clients are participated in a videoconnference .One of clients joins the conference without webcam.In meantime he connects to webcam as he in the conference.How to stream  that user video to all connected clints.

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Detect Upload Bandwidth To Flash Media Server?

Jun 5, 2011

I am trying to get the "bwcheck" application to work on FMS 4 on Amazon EC2, in order to detect my upload speed to the server and provide the best quality stream for my upload speed.The tutorial I follow is this:{URL}Both are almost identical. However when I compile the .fla to .swf (having changed the URL for my server and application), and after I load the server-side code, I get the following error in my server-side log:Method not found (recData) understand that apparently it is not finding the method, but I tried getting it off the function in the global scope, tried attaching it to the client, etc. but nothing worked. The original code of the server-side script is:

for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
data += "S->C";


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Media Server :: Detect The Call Of A Function In The Plugin Auth?

Jan 11, 2010

how to detect the call of a function in the plugin Auth.Is there something like getNotifyAction?The idea is to read the username and password of the connection. Serverscript already did but I need to do it with a SQL database so I use the Plugin. helpvar connection: NetConnection = new Conecction ();connection.connect ( "rtmp: / /", "username", "password");

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Media Server :: Detect Packet Loss Or Other Quality Metrics For Inbound Streams?

Aug 5, 2011

So we're trying to come up with a way to automatically assess the "quality" of streams published to an FMS. So far, I've come down to 3 different statistics:

* Round-trip ping time to client (using the method and Client.getStats().ping_rtt.

* A home-grown jitter calculation that compares the deviation between wallclock and media time for an inbound stream, e.g., I get N+/-M seconds of media over a period of N seconds of wallclock time. How big is M on average? (uses Stream.time and Date.getTime()).

* How much packet loss are we getting?

For this third metric, I have the client sending up period reports containing tuples of <media_time, cum_bytes_sent>, where media_time is provided by NetStream.time and cum_bytes_sent is provided by NetStreamInfo.byteCount. I'm then comparing these samples to a similar set of samples obtained on the server via Stream.time and Client.getStats().bytes_in. Unfortunately, these two data sources do not seem to be measuring exactly the same thing. While they are close to each other, the received bandwidth (e.g., measured by the server) always seems to exceed the sent bandwidth (measured by the client) by a small amount (e.g., 0.5% to 2%) on a clean network.
The goal of this whole exercise is to enable to server to automatically detect when a client is having problems (either network or local CPU). Among other things, this will trigger us to tell the client to try sending a lower-bitrate stream.

So, my questions:
* Is there a method for me to reliably calculate (or obtain) a packet loss factor?  With something like RTP, I could simply look for holes in sequence numbers, but I don't see any APIs that would give me that sort of information via FMS (our inbound streams are usually RTMFP).

* If there isn't a way for me to get a clean packet loss factor, is there another quality metric I should be looking at?

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See Network Requests Made By A Swf?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a swf (flash file) who is making http request.

Which is the easiest way to see what request the flash application is doing?

P.S. I do not have the program as a fla file

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Actionscript 3 :: GET Requests With HTTP?

Oct 11, 2011

Unfortunately, Flash Player doesn't support using request headers with GET requests, as noted here, due to what Adobe terms "browser limitations": Due to browser limitations, custom HTTP request headers are only supported for POST requests, not for GET requests. That means I need to create my own HTTP socket class from scratch and find a way to run a policy server on the machine I'll be querying. Hooray.If I want to make a simple GET HTTP request with HTTP-Basic auth headers, what do I need? I'd need something like


What do I put in the write method to compose a GET request?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listening For Php Requests?

Apr 3, 2009

Can flash player listen to php requests (without specifying from which php file the requests are arriving ?)

In other words, I need a listener for php events. Maybe with the help of javascript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Various If CurrentFrame Requests Not Really Working?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm havin 5 button MC's (btn1-5 with animation) in a navi MC also there is a contentHome MC where all my content is. Above my content is a mask which fades the content in and out again.So now I'm trying to tell every button what to do, here's the code I'm using e.g. btn1 which is the home button.[code]but for some strange reasons it's not really reacting to my bio, music, and gallery commands, it keeps running the last command (booking).I must admit I just started using if-commands and all that stuff so I'm kinda new to these things, but I think flash only reacts to the last command and delets the others, because I did something wrong in my code writing, but what is it?

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Flex :: Multiple HTTPService Requests With AIR

Nov 17, 2009

I am developing an AIR application with Flex Builder that requires me to make two HTTPService requests at the same time. They both use different instances of the HTTPService AS3 class. Both services are calling a RESTful API which is currently running on my localhost (XAMPP) and takes a few seconds to respond (much quicker on live server). The problem is that most of the time one of the calls fails, however occasionally they do both work. Its also random as to which call will fail. Both calls use code something like this. This code is basically repeated in two classes.


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Flex :: Can Do Conditional GET Requests From Flash / AS?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a Flex client that loads data from a server to display a chart. This data may change, so the client regularly repeats the request. Since the result may require some work to retrieve, I'm going to have the server detect if the result has changed, and issue a 304 status if it hasn't.I haven't seen any headers in the Flash Player's requests which would indicate that it's already handling conditional GETs. Also, the HTTPService API doesn't seem to provide anything, either. Does that mean, Flash can't do this, or how can I implement this myself?

With regards to cookies, which aren't supported in Flash, I have heard the suggestion to build my own HTTP client on top of the Socket class. This might solve this issue, too, but frankly, I'm really not keen on doing that.As an alternative, I could just cache the result page and send it again, but so far, the API tries to utilize semantics that are already built into HTTP, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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Php :: Process AJAX Requests More Securely ?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to send AJAX requests to my website from my Flash games to process data, but I don't want people downloading them, decompiling them, then sending fake requests to be processed, so I'm trying to figure out the most secure way to process in the PHP files. My first idea was to use Apache's built in Authorization module to require a username and password to access the pages on a separate subdomain of my website, but then you'd have to include that username and password in the AJAX request anyway so that seems kind of pointless to even try.My current option looks pretty promising but I want to make sure it will work. Basically it just checks the IP address being sent using REMOTE_ADDR to make sure it's the IP address that my server runs on.

$allowed = new Array("", "");
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowed)) header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");

Both of those IP addresses point to my server. Things I'm worried about:

1) If I send a request from Flash/ActionScript, will that affect the IP address in any way?

2) Is it possible for malicious users to change the IP address that is being sent with REMOTE_ADDR to one of my IP addresses?

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Flash - How To Make Synchronous URL Requests From AS

Sep 13, 2010

I have a big loop in actionscript that sends lots of data to an url:
for(var i=0;i<1000;i++) {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
request.url = url;
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = data;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

The problem is because URLLoader can make only asynchronous calls, it sends all those thousands requests at once which kills webserver. Also it acts a bit strange on top of that. Lets say the loop is running for 5 minutes. For whole 5 minutes there is no requests coming to web server, then at the end they all are sent at once. I already tried everything I could possibly think of (empty loops, callbacks, delays) - nothing works. All requests are sent at once no matter what. How to make requests synchronous, so it will send one request after another?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Catch Some External URL Requests?

Oct 12, 2010

Is it possible to catch some external URL requests from loaded swf?

I have loader swf in which I need to load another swf. Those swf files I load are extarnal and I don`t have fla sources.

There is one large *.swf community which allows *.swf creators to upload their swfs. However, that should be packed swfs in one file, with no external script requests.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Trigger Different Url Requests From Xml In One Function?

Feb 26, 2009

I cant figure out how to trigger different url requests from my xml in one function.

Code: Select allprivate function drawButtonsFromXML(loadedXML:XML) {
var xmlInfo:XMLList=loadedXML.main.button;
for each (var xButton:XML in knappInfo) {


So in other words.. Im getting all the names from the xml and adding them to the stage. But i dont know how to add the @site to the different buttons.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF's/URL Requests?

May 13, 2009

I am trying to load in an External SWF inside my Flash file and have only been able to load one successfully. I am loading the one successfully through doing...

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
public function NewPortfolio():void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Way To Handle Multiple URL Requests?

Aug 31, 2009

Any best way to handle multiple URL requests. This is what I have:
function dropCick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if( == dropDownM.dropBtns_mc.menFoot_btn) {
var URL_6:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
[Code] .....
I would think there would be a better more efficient way to do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Urlloader Not Making Requests?

Apr 13, 2010

I have this odd situation, let me provide some background: - I have SWF and PHP files on a shared host, along with a MySQL database - I'm using urlloader requests to interact with the database via the PHP files.Everything works for me as expected. However, the end user is having trouble. Basically, none of the urlloader requests actually make a request - I'm basing this on all of the *.php requests in the access log from my IP, and none from his IP. I had him load one of the PHP files directly, and it came up fine, so I've ruled out firewall/security problems on the OS level.

Now - what could possibly cause this? He has 3 machines running XP and win 7 (all with the same issue), and he's using IE8 with the latest flashplayer. I've set up an XP virtual machine with IE8 and also the latest flash player and it works fine. I've also tested on a separate laptop running Vista. I've also tested with chromium and FF3 under linux and FF3.6 under XP (flashplayer versions 9 and the current 10.x) and everything works hereI've tried a crossdomain.xml file allowing from *, allowing from the domain where the files are hosted, and no crossdomain.xml file at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Security In HTTP Requests And Posts?

Nov 13, 2010

there is an issue i am curious about very much. when i develop a flash application or web site, http posts and requests, links etc.. everything can be seen with add ons. what do you suggest for this issue? i cannot find any good solution, what solutions to be used generally?

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