Flex :: In Mate, Sending Two Or More Requests To The Server Simultaneously?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using Mate's RemoteObjectInvoker to call methods in my FluorineFX based API. However, all requests seem to be sent to the server sequentiality. That is, if I dispatch a group of messages at the same time, the 2nd one isn't sent until the first returns. Is there anyway to change this behavior?

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Flex :: HTTPService Is Very Slow By Sending 10'000 Lines Of XML To The Server

Apr 6, 2010

I have a flex app which allows user to create some content. this content will then be sent via xml back to the server:

private function saveBackXMLToServer():void {
var params:Object = {};
params["xml_file"] = XML_content();

My problem is, that the transport of the data this way is very slow... It takes about 20 sec for 10'000 lines of XML... How can this be done better?

I'm trying to follow all of your hints, but they don't seem to be simple to change. My code is done in a way that I can't get access to every Object, and save it. So what I do is to load the swf file with one xml, and return the whole xml after I run it. My guess is, that the time isn't spent on transporting those lines to the web server (this task gets done quickly normally), I thing that there happens something on the send function of the HTTPService that every object must get changed, before sending...

UPDATE2: I just realized that it is not a matter of the flex app it is a matter of the rails app. It receives a 700 KB String. I guess it is not done for handling such a object. How to transport it then? I tryed to work with the file upload but couldn't get it done... Error 2037 was occuring! I'll go on trying.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Bad Requests From App To Server?

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I can modify my PHPRequest object so that it can detect and handle errors from my webserver? Normally after each of my successful requests, it dispatches that event which I listen for and then I can handle the data in the resultArray. During these times I notice I'm receiving a HTTP STATUS of 200 in my http status handler.

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Media Server :: Allow FMS To Accept Only RTMP Requests?

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I need to configure FMS server so that it will listen to only RTMP request and disable other services like HDS and PLD. What configuration is required for this arrangement?

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Flex :: Dispatching A Variable In Mate Framework?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a grid, when i click on the edit button it goes to edit page... but i need the value in the grid also to be passed to the page. this.dispatchEvent(new DepManagementEvent(DepManagementEvent.EDIT_NAVI));The above code lands in EDIT page... how can i move the values too.My Parent Page code.

private function editForm():void {
var event:DepManagementEvent = new DepManagementEvent("Edit Page",true);


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Flex :: Mate Not Catching Event In EventMap?

Jan 12, 2010

In my AIR application I am having problems catching dispatched events in my eventmap. The class that is dispatching the events looks like this:

[Event(name="centeredZoomOut", type="flash.events.Event")]
public class Shortcuts extends EventDispatcher
// Event Names


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Use Framework Like Cairngorm Or Mate?

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Actionscript 3 :: Mate Not Listening To Events - Flex?

Jan 23, 2011

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Media Server :: Bundled Apache Stops Receiving Requests?

Jun 10, 2009

I think I'm getting closer to the source of my problem.Let me outline my setup first (I'm using private IPs for example only). I have set two IP addresses to one network adaptor as follows:
CentOS 5.3 server running Apache 2.2.3 on eth0 with IP <- working fine absolutely no problems at all
FMS 3.5.2 running Apache bundled with FMS on eth0:2 with IP
In fms.ini I have the following config:
At (apparently) random times, the FMS Apache stops serving requests, but does not crash, and for some reason blocks requests to RTMP at the same time. Nothing appears in the log files which makes this even more tricky.I've run a test by shutting down apache as follows:
./httpd -f ./conf/httpd.conf -d "/opt/adobe/fms/Apache2.2" -k stop
and I expected RTMP to stop working aswell, however it continued serving up RTMP, which has led me to believe that something is then stalling the serving up of RTMP requests. This results in total downtime of all applications.

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Media Server :: NetConnection Using POST Requests To Retrieve Data?

Aug 20, 2010

I've noticed that when I use NetConnection.call(methodName) in my client Actionscript it sends a POST request off to the server. I thought this was odd because requests for data are normally GET operations but I didn't worry about it because it doesn't impact my applicationow I have our sysadmin complaining about the amount of data I'm shifting over POST requests because POST requests aren't cached by the web servers (and we are working with the kind of traffic levels where that matters.) Is there anyway I can make call() use GET?The code  I'm using is all fairly standard, but here is the relevant snippit:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);


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Networking - How Can Flash Open A Port To Listen For Server Requests

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible for flash to open ports to listen for messages from the remote server? If so, how?

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Flex :: Handling Event Inside Loaded Swf In MATE?

Sep 12, 2011

Can I handle an event inside a loaded swf file(using swf loader) using MATE when my main application fires the event ? i want to make a remote service call based on the data i get from the main applications event , and then populate my loaded swf .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Requests From Flash Create An Infinite Loop That Crashes The Server

May 18, 2009

a client hosts numerous sites at MT, I've built a few Flash sites that exist on his server. For some reason, the server is over-running due to an internal loop that is basically the domain requesting itself over and over. can this potentially happen via the player itself somehow making numerous requests.

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Media Server :: Live Streaming With Recording Simultaneously

Nov 18, 2009

I have got success in making live streaming with telecast at different pc. The application which I have made has the features: I' am publishing live stream using the connection like: nc.connection("rtmp://"); publishing the stream like: ns.publish("mycamera","live"); now, on other pc I am running the file for telecast using the following code: making connection with server: nc.connection("rtmp://"); playing the live stream: ns.play("mycamera"); vid.attachNetStream(ns);

Now, that was for the live stream for publish and view. But I want little more than that.I want to record the live stream at the publish end simultaneously. I have tried the code at publish side like: nc.connection("rtmp://"); ns.publish("mycamera","live"); ns.publish("mycamera","record"); But it is giving me error: NetStream.Record.NoAccess when I am changing the connection point to tmp://", t is giving me the result but then effecting the live telecast.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload File And Get Info From Server Simultaneously

Mar 2, 2012

I want to upload file and get some information from server at the same time. I have the code:
file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function():void {
trace("complete 1"); });
file.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, function():void {
trace("complete 2"); });

When the returning data is not empty, I see:
complete 1
complete 2
But when the returning data is empty, I see:
complete 1
How can I understand that file uploading is compete absolutely even if received data is empty?

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Java :: Integrate Services With Flex UI Built Using Mate Framework

May 24, 2010

I am new to Flex and need to integrate Java services with Flex UI built using Mate framework. Can anyone point me to any website/links or show an simple example of integrating Flex UI on Mate framework with Java remote services? A simple integration of a "LoginService" will be good enough.

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Web Services - Initialize Webservice WSDL At Runtime Using Flex And Mate Framework?

Mar 17, 2010

I am developing a Flex application on top of Mate framework. In this application, I am using a webservice to retrieve data.As this webservice as not a fix location URL (depending on where customers installed it), I define this URL in a config file.When the Flex application starts, it first reads this config file, then I would like to use the value I found to initialize the webservice.But currently, I have no idea how to this.


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Flex :: Auto-mate Build Of Multiple Swfs From Flash Builder 4?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm working on a project that has a Main.fla and a Preload.fla. I am doing all the coding in Flash Builder 4. Each time I want to test I have to go to Flash CS5, publish Main.swf and then run Preload.swf. Is there a way to automate this process so I can just press the "Run Main" button inside Flash Builder 4 and all that is done automatically?

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Actionscript 3 :: Comparison Between Mate Swiz And Robotlegs Frameworks For Flex Development

Jul 5, 2011

My company is willing to reffactor its biggest and heaviest project introducing some kind of framework. Are there good online source/issue/blogpost with comparison of these 3 frameworks - Robotlegs, Swiz and Mate?

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Mate Doesn't Cache Instance - Created With Object Builder

Aug 16, 2010

If you once run an ObjectBuilder the object instantiated will be cached and next time you use an PropertyInjector or something else, the instantiated object will be used instead of creating a new object. Or at least this should be like this :) But in the example below it seems that mate tries to instantiate the object again: The following error occurs:


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Media Server :: Sending Information From Server-side Script To Client?

Apr 18, 2010

I have created a script for an Adobe FMS application to broadcast a playlist of video files as a live stream. (internet tv)
I am now working on a custom Flash-based video player to play my stream.

How do I send information from my server-side FMS application (main.asc) to the client-side video player? (e.g: title, duration of current video player)

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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 - No Response When Sending Seriel To Server For Approval?

May 6, 2010

I have upgraded from FMS2 > Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 I added both the seriel number for FMS3 and FMS2 during the installation process.  When I logged onto the admin panel there was no licence listed, and a link saying "to upgrade to unlimited connections now, click here".
So, I checked the fms.ini and no seriel was there.  I put the seriel number in and restarted the server through the FMSadmin tool.  Still, no licence file was showing. I then added the licence file via the admin panel and got a dialogue saying "Seriel Key "blah" Sent To The Server for approval".  The seriel key now appears with a valid status of false.  And no further progress after that.   The documentation states that when you add the seriel key in this manner it should recognise it immediately.
Can anyone suggest what I might have done wrong?  I have trebble checked the seriel number, and copied and pasted it to make sure it is exactly right.

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Media Server :: Fms Live Stream Server Stops Sending Data Around 4+hrs?

Mar 21, 2012

My rtmp client connects to the server ok and rtmp data flowing ok for about 4hours, in the wireshark trace I can see that the server just stops sending data roughly after 4hours. The server version is 3.5.1, and I also try it on a 4.0 server the data stops coming from the server as well after 5+hours. There are no errors or any indication of session disconneciton in the diagnostic logs. I have also looked thru the settings in applicaiton.xml and server.xml I just don't see any obviious reason for the issue. I do send rtmp Acknowledgement to server after the client receives "window size" bytes, and the client sends ping response to server.

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Flex :: Multiple HTTPService Requests With AIR

Nov 17, 2009

I am developing an AIR application with Flex Builder that requires me to make two HTTPService requests at the same time. They both use different instances of the HTTPService AS3 class. Both services are calling a RESTful API which is currently running on my localhost (XAMPP) and takes a few seconds to respond (much quicker on live server). The problem is that most of the time one of the calls fails, however occasionally they do both work. Its also random as to which call will fail. Both calls use code something like this. This code is basically repeated in two classes.


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Flex :: Can Do Conditional GET Requests From Flash / AS?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a Flex client that loads data from a server to display a chart. This data may change, so the client regularly repeats the request. Since the result may require some work to retrieve, I'm going to have the server detect if the result has changed, and issue a 304 status if it hasn't.I haven't seen any headers in the Flash Player's requests which would indicate that it's already handling conditional GETs. Also, the HTTPService API doesn't seem to provide anything, either. Does that mean, Flash can't do this, or how can I implement this myself?

With regards to cookies, which aren't supported in Flash, I have heard the suggestion to build my own HTTP client on top of the Socket class. This might solve this issue, too, but frankly, I'm really not keen on doing that.As an alternative, I could just cache the result page and send it again, but so far, the API tries to utilize semantics that are already built into HTTP, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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Flex :: Blazeds - RemoteObject - Handling Multiple Requests?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a couple of remote object methods that I want to respond to in different ways depending on the context, but I'd rather not set up a bunch of different RemoteObject aliases.Some background: Let's say I have an admin application that displays sales stats in different ways. The remote method looks like:

<mx:RemoteObject id="rpt" destination="AMFServer">
<mx:method name="getSalesStats" fault="getSalesStatsFault(event)"
result = "getSalesStatsSuccess(event)" />[code]........

The getSalesStats method takes an employee ID and a sales type as its arguments. You'd call it like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts");
public function getSalesStatsSuccess(e:ResultEvent):void {
salesdata:ArrayCollection = e.result.rows as ArrayCollection;[code]......

I'd like to pass something through the remote method to the responding function, like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts", "clicked button one");

but that of course throws an error because the server doesn't want that last argument.

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Actionscript :: Make HttpService Requests Synchronous In Flex?

Nov 24, 2009

Is it possible to make httpService Requests synchronous in Flex?

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Flex :: Block Http Requests To Some Web-pages From Adobe Air

Jan 20, 2010

Is it any way to prevent user to go to specific web-pages using Adobe AIR framework.I want this software to run at startup and not allowing user to surf some web parts.I want to use Adobe AIR beacause of its crossplatform capabilities.

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Flex :: Multiple Async Webservice Call Requests?

Jul 26, 2011

I am using Flex and Actionscript 3, along with Webservices, rpc and a callResponder. I want to be able to, for example, say:

loadData1(); // Loads webservice data 1
loadData2(); // Loads webservice data 2
loadData3(); // Loads webservice data 3

However, Actionscript 3 works with async events, so for every call you need to wait for the ResultEvent to trigger when it is done. So, I might want to do the next request every time an event is done. However, I am afraid that threading issues might arise, and some events might not happen at all. I don't think I'm doing a good job of explaining, so I will try to show some code:

private var service:Service1;
var cp:CallResponder = new CallResponder();
public function Webservice()[code]....

I could ofcourse save the actions in an arraylist, but whose to say that the addToArrayList and the check if other calls are available do not mess eachother up, or just miss each other, thereby halting execution? Is there something like a volatile Arraylist?

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Flex :: Binding - Bind Property Of View To Property Of Class Using MATE?

Jan 9, 2011

Lately i discovered MATE (for Flex development) and was wondering: how do i bind a property in a view (actually a navigatorcontent component) to another property in a class so that they stay in synchronization (meaning that whenever the property in the class changes the property in the view also changes).

So if we have a view called Target.mxml and a property targertProp how do we bind it to the class called SourceClass with property SourceProp?

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