Flex :: Multiple Async Webservice Call Requests?

Jul 26, 2011

I am using Flex and Actionscript 3, along with Webservices, rpc and a callResponder. I want to be able to, for example, say:

loadData1(); // Loads webservice data 1
loadData2(); // Loads webservice data 2
loadData3(); // Loads webservice data 3

However, Actionscript 3 works with async events, so for every call you need to wait for the ResultEvent to trigger when it is done. So, I might want to do the next request every time an event is done. However, I am afraid that threading issues might arise, and some events might not happen at all. I don't think I'm doing a good job of explaining, so I will try to show some code:

private var service:Service1;
var cp:CallResponder = new CallResponder();
public function Webservice()[code]....

I could ofcourse save the actions in an arraylist, but whose to say that the addToArrayList and the check if other calls are available do not mess eachother up, or just miss each other, thereby halting execution? Is there something like a volatile Arraylist?

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Mysql :: Async Call Of A Callresponder?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Blazeds - RemoteObject - Handling Multiple Requests?

Jul 11, 2009

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<mx:RemoteObject id="rpt" destination="AMFServer">
<mx:method name="getSalesStats" fault="getSalesStatsFault(event)"
result = "getSalesStatsSuccess(event)" />[code]........

The getSalesStats method takes an employee ID and a sales type as its arguments. You'd call it like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts");
public function getSalesStatsSuccess(e:ResultEvent):void {
salesdata:ArrayCollection = e.result.rows as ArrayCollection;[code]......

I'd like to pass something through the remote method to the responding function, like:

rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts", "clicked button one");

but that of course throws an error because the server doesn't want that last argument.

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Flex :: Duplicate Sessions Caused Multiple Requests With Different JSESSIONIDs?

Jul 7, 2011

I think I inherited bad code, here's the deal: In my command, I create a local var for the remote object and then call a method on it. In the result, if there's no data, I start a timer. This timer broadcasts an event every 2 seconds that continually calls this command until data is returned. Then the timer is stopped.

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public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
ruleName = (event as FetchReportEvent).ruleName;
var ro:RemoteObject = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject("quantRemoteObject");
if (model.guid != null)


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Aug 31, 2009

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function dropCick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if(evt.target == dropDownM.dropBtns_mc.menFoot_btn) {
var URL_6:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
[Code] .....
I would think there would be a better more efficient way to do this.

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Feb 16, 2009

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However some questions arise when preferring flex over silverlight:

As a UI layer single thread is good enough but is it fair to assume that for Aync httpservice like operations in flex , internally it would use some worker threads to manage the async operation and then come back to the main thread ? it looks like it does since my UI does not freeze.Can the flex/flash player deal with multiple httpservice calls in parallel ? ( e.g more than one section of the UI loading data at the same time.)How about the animation stuff ( e.g the parallel animation ) - does flash player internally leverages some threading for accelerating graphics or is it all done on the UI thread ?

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With regards to cookies, which aren't supported in Flash, I have heard the suggestion to build my own HTTP client on top of the Socket class. This might solve this issue, too, but frankly, I'm really not keen on doing that.As an alternative, I could just cache the result page and send it again, but so far, the API tries to utilize semantics that are already built into HTTP, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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Simplified example:

var ws:WebService = new WebService();
ws.wsdl = "http://localhost:8000/api/service.wsdl"

var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
encoder.insertNewLines = false;

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Feb 22, 2012

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Sep 2, 2009

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<p430:getRoomsResponse xmlns:p430="http://impl.service.com">
<p430:getRoomReturn type="p888:Room" xmlns:p888="http://vo.room.com" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <p888:roomName> ABC


The full xml contains approx 40 of these "ROOM" types containing roomname,size etc.

I want to create a collection containing a list of the 40 room objects based on the xml above.

How can I map the objects from my xml to an object using e4x?

The purpose is to display the objects in a datagrid

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Python :: Flash - Handle Faults/exception In Flex In Http Requests?

Mar 15, 2012

Here is an issue i'm struggling to solve for quit some time now.I have a python + GAE backend with a flex client that communicates via JSON. I'm using flex's HttpService bound to a Responder with result and fault callbacks. When python raises an exception, I don't seem to get it in flex. I did some research and found out that the problem probably lies in the fact that the flash runtime cannot handle http responses with status code other than 200.

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Flex :: Cannot Access My Webservice

Jun 2, 2011

I am using flex/actionscript. i have created a webservice with following path [url]... When i run the above url its works fine. but when i use it using httpservice and send method it is giving me error. event[code]...

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Flex :: Getting Data From SAP Webservice

Jun 11, 2011

I am creating a flex dashboard using flash builder. I initially created a flex web based program without any server. This dashboard gets data from SAP query_view_data. And works fine. Now i wanted to host this on IIS. So i created released built. However after deploying on IIS. I receive error : "Security error accessing url.Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL ". Is this because of some crossdomain.xml. I added this to my webroot, However no luck.

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Flex :: Send XML To WebService?

Jul 12, 2011

I have an application in Flex how create and XML in UTF-8. When I open it everything is ok.I send it to a server using a webservice (the xml is send like a string), the server receive the xml but all the accent, degree symbol and some other stuff are gone.

I create an XML and save it in a file

var xml:XML = myObject.xml;
file = new File(myObject.path);
var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();


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Web Services - NET 3.5 WebService Compression For Flex?

Aug 17, 2009

We have Flex applications that connect to our ASP.NET 3.5 Web Applications and usually download lot of data. Now considering XML as transport, for every item, it transmits meta data twice for example.. instead of transferring int value as <Customer CustomerID=23/> it transmits <Customer><CustomerID>23</CustomerID></Customer> .. now here is where bandwidth conservation becomes an issue.

FLEX Can not read GZip and DEFLATE compressed HTTP Response ( So cant use any of them )I heard of some WSCompression but it requires WSE 3.0 now I am skeptical to introduce too many dependency in my hosting environment which requires too much management and overheads. Is WSE 3.0 only dll library which requires no installation on production server? Does it require rewriting all WebService attribute? Or is it simple one time configuration and more or less, anyone knows does it work with Flex ? Flex dynamically generates web services, and we use lot of its auto generated code, now if we want to support compression then do we need to rewrite lot of code?

Simplest solution I can think of is, reduce unnecessary XML tags and reduce them down to attributes to save bandwidth. Is there an easy way to achieve it, our classes has more then 50-70 properties, I understand it will be nightmare to add attributes to each property but we dont know how to do it in case of SOAP.


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Sharepoint WebService With Adobe Flex?

Mar 22, 2010

I have My Sharepoint Web Service URL, but when i try to access it i get HTTP Request Error. My Share point Webservice has credentials in it. I have also set that in Flex.

webService.setRemoteCredentials("CITMOSSAdministrator","Pa$$w0rd"); When i trace the url, my console does read the XML, but i am unable to call the method. It throws me HTTP Request Error.

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Flex :: .NET Webservice In MVC - Access (controller)?

Jun 22, 2010

I am working on a flex application which makes calls to an .NET webservice. I am trying to follow the MVC design pattern. I have created a model, which stores all information received from the webservice. The webservice itself is created by actionscript in the controller. The view in my case, consists of various user-defined components (multiple .mxml files).

The Model is a singleton class, and each of the views accesses a getInstance of the model. The question is how do i access the webservice (i.e. controller) from each of these components? Does the controller also need to be a singleton class just like the model? and let each component get an instance of the controller in order to access the webservice?

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Flex :: Change The Webservice URL Through Flashvars?

Nov 13, 2010

I am using a webservice deployed on SAP Web Application Server to create some charts. While migrating my FLEX application from dev to QA, I also wish to change the address of my target webservices in flex, so that they access webservices from QA. What I did was add the target server address as a URL parameter and add these URL parameters as flashvars in Flex.

var wsdlUrl= window.location.search.substring(1);
flashvars.serverUrl = wsdlUrl;

Now I try to access the flashvars during declaration of the webservice

id="cSCustomReportService" useProxy="false" wsdl="


But the flashvars are somehow not accessible during the declaration time.

Is there any way I can pass the server URL during runtime so that the URL need not be hardcoded in the Flex application in anyway?

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Flex :: Pass A WebService To Different Class In It?

Mar 28, 2012

I want to declare a webservice in .mxml and pass it to a function in a separate class. The problem: callresponder's lastresult never gets updated when the call is succesfully made.[code]...

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Flex :: Changing ResultHandler Of WebService Operation?

Aug 20, 2009

How does one change / modify the Result property of a web service operation?

For example, I have declared my WebService as follows:

<mx:WebService id="ws">
<mx:operation name="Call_One" result="Call_OneRH(event)" fault="Call_OneFH(event)" />


I want to be able to change the result of the operation "Call_One" to another result, since I am planning to re-use the same web service, but the result would be treated differently.

Am not sure if this would work:

ws.operation.Call_One.result = "myOtherResult"

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