Flex :: Handling Event Inside Loaded Swf In MATE?

Sep 12, 2011

Can I handle an event inside a loaded swf file(using swf loader) using MATE when my main application fires the event ? i want to make a remote service call based on the data i get from the main applications event , and then populate my loaded swf .

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Flex :: Mate Not Catching Event In EventMap?

Jan 12, 2010

In my AIR application I am having problems catching dispatched events in my eventmap. The class that is dispatching the events looks like this:

[Event(name="centeredZoomOut", type="flash.events.Event")]
public class Shortcuts extends EventDispatcher
// Event Names


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Flex :: Keyboard Event Handling?

Jul 31, 2009

I'd like to arrange things so that I have a chain of keyboard event handlers in my flex application, all of whom are queried when key down events occur. Basically, when a visual component is on screen, it is a candidate for handling a key press event. Something like this (clearly this is pseudocode):

<application handles_keys="F5, F6">
<tab1 handles_keys="pgup, pgdn">
<control handles_keys="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" />


I have a class written that will respond to the key events the way I want it to, so how do I register one or more instances of this class to have the results I want? Also, note that there are some situations where this class should receive events that would ordinarily be handled by a UI component. The TAB key is the main example; I have a few cases where I want my key down event handler to fire even when the focus is on a text field.

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Apr 13, 2010

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import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;


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AS3 :: Flex - Unload Module Event Handling?

Mar 25, 2011

I am developing an AIR app. In the main app I have a module loader 'mainModuleLoader'. I am creating modules as separate mxml files using the <mx:Module> tag. And I am loading such a module in mainModuleLoader dynamically using actionscript. Everything works fine.For the module which I am creating as mxml files, I would like to know how to add an unload event handler. So that, whenever I call mainModuleLoader.unload(), the unload event hander is triggered from inside the module.mxml. I have tried the following without any success.

<mx:Module creatingComplete="init()" unload="unloadHandler()"/>
<mx:Module creatingComplete="init()" remove="unloadHandler()"/>

The problem with the second statement above is that it triggers the unloadHandler even if some child is removed inside the module. I have also tried to add the following in the action script.

private function init()
this.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, unloadHandler);


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Actionscript 3 :: Unload Module Event Handling In Flex

Oct 13, 2010

I am developing an AIR app. In the main app I have a module loader 'mainModuleLoader'. I am creating modules as separate mxml files using the <mx:Module> tag. And I am loading such a module in mainModuleLoader dynamically using actionscript. Everything works fine.For the module which I am creating as mxml files, I would like to know how to add an unload event handler. So that, whenever I call mainModuleLoader.unload(), the unload event hander is triggered from inside the module.mxml. I have tried the following without any success.[code]The problem with the second statement above is that it triggers the unloadHandler even if some child is removed inside the module.I have also tried to add the following in the action script.[code]But, it doesn't trigger on unloading the module. Kindly let me know if I am going wrong somewhere or if there is any other method to attach the event handlers.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Canvas Keyboard Event Handling?

Oct 23, 2010

In the attached code sample, keyboard events just don't work. The control never reaches handleKeyDown, no matter which key I press.


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Flex :: Event Handling - Listening To CustomEvent From ParentApplication?

May 22, 2011

I am trying to listen to an event created in a spark popup tileWindow. The aim is to get an array sent and updated in the popUp, to be received by the calling application, when the popUp is closed. As commented inline below, I have tested that it reaches the point of dispatching event in the popUp- and never gets listened in main application. What am i missing?My customEvent is as follows:

package folder1
import flash.events.Event;


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Mar 29, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Handling & Architecture Design - Event Dispatched Automatically At The End Of An Animation?

Jan 3, 2010

The app I want to build is an interactive map for a site I'm designing. In a nut shell, students looking to enter an exchange program should be able to use the map-image (as in, an actual 'map of the world') to preview possible destinations (I've attached an image of the two basic states to clarify).

After an introductory animation, I want a mouse-over to trigger a function that populates the map-image with a series of buttons. I need the buttons to be distributed according to information in an XML file (ie. x/y coords, some information text, and an animation to load upon being clicked). I want each button to call a mouse-over function that loads info data from an XML field and place it in a dynamic text field at the top. Then, I want each button, when clicked, to call a function that animates replacing the map-image with an image of the corresponding travel destination. Finally, I want a button on each image that will clear that image from the stage and call the function that populates the map so the process can start again.

I'm working out of a couple of books on AS3, but I'm a little hazy on how I ought to be constructing this thing. So here's the first place I've run aground: After the intro animation, I want the user to mouse-over the stage and have a second animation play (clearing away the introductory text), and I want the conclusion of the clearing animation to immediately call the map-populate function; but I don't want a mouse-over to have any effect until the introductory animation is finished. Is there an event dispatched automatically at the end of an animation? What is the event listener class?

I'm not sure if I should be storing each of these animations in an independent .fla file or if I should create them on all one timeline and have the program redirect to specific frames.

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Flex Custom Event - Dispatch An Event From Inside Two Nested Components And Receive

Apr 12, 2009

I am having trouble using a custom event in flex. I need to dispatch an event from inside two nested components and receive it in the main application file. The basic set up is a main application file importing a custom "gallery" component.


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Flex :: Dispatching A Variable In Mate Framework?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a grid, when i click on the edit button it goes to edit page... but i need the value in the grid also to be passed to the page. this.dispatchEvent(new DepManagementEvent(DepManagementEvent.EDIT_NAVI));The above code lands in EDIT page... how can i move the values too.My Parent Page code.

private function editForm():void {
var event:DepManagementEvent = new DepManagementEvent("Edit Page",true);


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Feb 13, 2010

From what I understand a framework reduces complexity in areas that are common, like a log-in system. I use ASP.NET MVC at work and have done some work in Zend Framework but do not get how a framework helps with client side development. The reason ASP.NET MVC is used at work is for Unit Testing - does a Flex framework help with this too? why I should or should not use a framework with Flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Mate Not Listening To Events - Flex?

Jan 23, 2011

I am working on a simple project involving flex 4 and Mate framework. When I am including Mate event map in fx:declarations tag in mxml file, and when I fire up an event, Mate event handlers listen to events and act upon it.

The issue is this, in action script based project, when I instantiate the eventmap class(this is in mxml file only) and keep it in top and fireup an event, instantiated eventmap is not listening to event fired up from action script class.

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Flex :: In Mate, Sending Two Or More Requests To The Server Simultaneously?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using Mate's RemoteObjectInvoker to call methods in my FluorineFX based API. However, all requests seem to be sent to the server sequentiality. That is, if I dispatch a group of messages at the same time, the 2nd one isn't sent until the first returns. Is there anyway to change this behavior?

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Java :: Integrate Services With Flex UI Built Using Mate Framework

May 24, 2010

I am new to Flex and need to integrate Java services with Flex UI built using Mate framework. Can anyone point me to any website/links or show an simple example of integrating Flex UI on Mate framework with Java remote services? A simple integration of a "LoginService" will be good enough.

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Web Services - Initialize Webservice WSDL At Runtime Using Flex And Mate Framework?

Mar 17, 2010

I am developing a Flex application on top of Mate framework. In this application, I am using a webservice to retrieve data.As this webservice as not a fix location URL (depending on where customers installed it), I define this URL in a config file.When the Flex application starts, it first reads this config file, then I would like to use the value I found to initialize the webservice.But currently, I have no idea how to this.


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Flex :: Auto-mate Build Of Multiple Swfs From Flash Builder 4?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm working on a project that has a Main.fla and a Preload.fla. I am doing all the coding in Flash Builder 4. Each time I want to test I have to go to Flash CS5, publish Main.swf and then run Preload.swf. Is there a way to automate this process so I can just press the "Run Main" button inside Flash Builder 4 and all that is done automatically?

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Actionscript 3 :: Comparison Between Mate Swiz And Robotlegs Frameworks For Flex Development

Jul 5, 2011

My company is willing to reffactor its biggest and heaviest project introducing some kind of framework. Are there good online source/issue/blogpost with comparison of these 3 frameworks - Robotlegs, Swiz and Mate?

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Mate Doesn't Cache Instance - Created With Object Builder

Aug 16, 2010

If you once run an ObjectBuilder the object instantiated will be cached and next time you use an PropertyInjector or something else, the instantiated object will be used instead of creating a new object. Or at least this should be like this :) But in the example below it seems that mate tries to instantiate the object again: The following error occurs:


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Event Handling On Multiple Instances Of One Mc

May 17, 2010

I have a problem with event handling. I'm working on a calendar, on which events can be listed. With actionscript i loop through an XML file with the days (and if there, the events for that day). So far so good. Where it goes wrong is this: I only want to display blocks with the day numbers on it. When you click on a day, a box pops up and shows the event's for that day.

This is what i did: created a movieclip with classname mc. loop trough the xml file and for each day create a new instance of mc with the day number as text on it. This al works, but now i want to add an eventhandler for each day. How to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Event Handling?

Aug 31, 2010

If you have a larger project, how do you manage your custom events, do you put all of them in a single class or make multiple classes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling The CLICK Event?

May 19, 2011

on clicking the Search Icon , a search bar will be visible (ON) if user click anywhere on the stage the search bar will be NO visible(OFF) OR user click on ICON again the search bar will be OFF but it Stage CLICK is triggered without clicking

searchIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showSearch);
var srchBox:Boolean = true;
function showSearch(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML.onLoad Event Handling?

Feb 4, 2004

I have a class with a XML object in it. In one of the class' methods, I tell the XML object to load a document. Before I do that, I set up the onLoad event to call one of the class' other methods. The problem is that in that handler function, I can't seem to access any of my class' data. If I try to use the "this" pointer, I'm getting the XML object not my class.

A simple example:

class MyClass
var theXML:XML;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Question On Event Handling + Functions?

Jul 25, 2011

I'm trying to write a function, that would load XML file when I click an object. Now, I want to have one function for all the objects, and just transfer the proper name of XML file each time I click a different object.So, I think it should look like:
Object1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoadXML("XML1.xml"));
Object2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoadXML("XML2.xml"));

I'm not sure about "LoadXML("Xml1.xml") though.So I click Object1 - LoadXML with parameter "XML1.xml" is being called.Now, the LoadXML function would look like:

function LoadXML(evt:MouseEvent, urlXML:String):void{
some code
The problem is, that LoadXML has two parameters - how do I call it?I wrote in the beginning var evt:MouseEvent and just call LoadXML as LoadXML(evt, "XML1.xml")but then I get error message:"Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type Function"

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Actionscript :: Delaying Event Handling In Flash?

Jun 5, 2009

I'd like to delay the handling for some captured events in ActionScript until a certain time. Right now, I stick them in an Array when captured and go through it when needed, but this seems inefficient.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Handling Using NetStream.onStatus?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to detect the end of a streaming video using NetStream.onStatus in AS2. It worked like a charm in a Flash app but I started having problems when I decided to put it in a separate AS class. Here's the snippet -->

class MyClass
// Properties & variables


The code works fine and fires an event when the stream stops (I get the trace output without a hiccup). Problem is: it doesn't seem to recognize MyMethod function - or any other method of this class for that matter - for some reason! Just ignores it! When I set trace traps inside MyMethod they don't fire.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling URL Loader Error Event

Dec 6, 2006

There is a file (php script) stored remotely on the server and I want to read it into flash using AS3.0's URLLoader. However, if I unplug my cable just before reading the file, and attempt to read the file, I want to capture an Error event in some error handler, which would mean "internet connection is down, file can not be accessed". I am reading the AS3.0 documentation now for 2 hours already (mainly: "Handling asynchronous errors in an application" and "Events of URLLoader class"), but I didn't stumble across an example of how to catch an Error event of the URLLoader object when reading a remote file from the server. However I took all possible events I could find (even those which are not necessary at all), and tested them in the following code:

public function URLLoaderTest( ) {
_loader = new URLLoader( ); // _loader is private var of this class
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url_with_php_script");
[Code] .....

This code traces tons of data, when executed with internet connection up:
openHandler: [Event type="open" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
progressHandler loaded:10 total: 30
httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=0]
completeHandler data: 1165428133
but it traces NOTHING (?!),

If the connection is down (whether closed by firewall, or cable-unplugged). So that basically means, none of the above events is fired, none of them takes care of the errorHandling in case of no-internet-connection (or if for some reason we can't reach the server atm). Any ErrorEvent i can use to catch such (connection down) Error Event? Or do I have to use Timer class instead to check wether the server responded in some time or not? I would like to leave this as the last option.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Numeric Stepper Event Handling?

Oct 5, 2008

I have several numeric steppers and I m trying to get the name of the numeric stepper that generated the event.

like target.name.value

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