ActionScript 3.0 :: Error In Flash Program Upon Upgrading From CS3 To CS4

May 27, 2009

i'm using AS3.I cannot divulge too much, but i have a multiscene, fairly complex flash program that runs fine in CS3. Upon upgrading to Flash CS4 - i can open the file and edit it any which way, but when testing it (ctrl+enter) i get an error in the output window (1009) and a blank test window, as if it doesn't want to start.

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Description: { expected Resource: (shows project name, not a specific file) Location: line 15

Any ideas how to solve this or where to start the bug hunt?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get An Error , Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program?

Sep 10, 2008

1.) I have the following exact code for a button in a keyframe on the timeline (not in the button itself and of course excluding the quotes)

on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
and I get the following error when I try and preview in Flash CS3 1087 : Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program.

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Just to be clear it's not aligning to the right, the actual letters are coming out backwards like it might do for another language that is from right to left. These text fields are not TLFTextFields just regular textfields.

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If (counter == 1) { Next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,KMT1);}else { Next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,KMT1); function KMT1(event:MouseEvent):void {  gotoAndPlay("KMT1"); }}

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Professional :: Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program

Nov 8, 2009

Scene 1, Layer 'PreLoader', Frame 1, Line 11087: Syntax Error: extra characters found after end of program
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {        loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();        total = _parent.getBytesTotal();    if (percent == undefined) percent = 0;        percent -= (percent-


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Professional :: 1084: Syntax Error: Expecting Rightbrace Before End Of Program

Dec 13, 2010

So I'm doing this basic coding thing to make an object "shoot" bullets. It's from a tutorial video. My code matches his exactly unless I'm missing a tiny detail. Basically the code looks like this:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;

And the compiler error I'm getting says line 31 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program. Source: } line 31 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program. Source: }And yes it does say it twice. The vid I'm learning from is this:[URL]

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Jun 10, 2011

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1084: Syntax Error: Expecting Rightbrace Before End Of Program

Dec 24, 2010

something work with it.1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program. what wrong with it?

var bananacounter:Number = 0;
banana_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, feed);
function feed(event:MouseEvent):void


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Actionscript 3.0 :: 1084: Syntax Error: Expecting Rightbrace Before End Of Program?

Jan 9, 2009

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failed_txt.background = false;[code].........

When I use this code than I get the following message: Scene1 Layer"Actions", Frame 1

1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program.

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Nov 2, 2009

The following code is in an .as file and when I run my movie I get two errors, both 1084:expecting leftbrace before semicolon and rightbrace before end of program. Do you see what I am missing? where it is missing? This is supposed to be a drag and drop program and I just can't get it to work

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Professional :: Get:1087: Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program?

Mar 8, 2010

after doing:"- Make a new button on the first keyframe and name it my_button - Select the keyframe not the button and open the actions panel (F9) - Attach the following code and test my_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHandler);

function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); } "In Flash File Actionscript 3.0I get:1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. What i need to do now to make it work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1087: Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program

Jul 2, 2009

I have always just used action script 2, for this one project i am working on i have to use 3 and all i need to do is to add a function onto one of my buttons which in AS2 would have been "ON(relese)(goto and play) (25)" or something similar but i cant get AS3 to do the same. When i do try it comes up with "1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program."

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XML Parse Error 4157: The Name Attribute Was Not Found On The String Element On Opening Program

Nov 16, 2009

Recently, whenever I open up the program I get an XML parse error in the output window that reads: *** XML Parsing Errors ***Line 4157: The name attribute was not found on the string element  <string playername="" tiptext="Specifies that the gradient use the reflect sprea... Line 4164: The tipText attribute was not found on the string element  <string playername="" ti`text="Lets the user drag the specified sprite." This is not specific to any .fla file, but seems to be related to Flash itself. The program seems to work fine otherwise. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: IfFameLoaded - 1087: Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program

Jun 6, 2010

Having problem with simple preloader. I created a couple frames using lables and action script. My content starts on frame five which is labled start. My content ends on 10 which is labled end.

ifFrameLoaded ("end") {
1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program.

Is this AS2 code not working in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add An Exit Button Onto Program So When Its Clicked It Exits The Program Completely

Nov 4, 2008

Im trying to add an exit button onto my program so when its clicked it exits the program completely.. I've tried some of the suggestions on the forums but they arnt working. what I have been using and its not working..

// CLICK to Exit
exit_Btn.addEventListener("mouseUp", goExit);
function goExit(evt:MouseEvent) {

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I need to program a timer for a typing tutorial program. It needs to go to 5 minutes. When the timer gets to 5 minutes the movie has to go to frame 13 which displays the results of the typing test.

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Professional :: Postings About Upgrading To 5.5?

Jul 28, 2011

will be converting some web page forms developed with macromedia flash mx 6.0 to flash pro cs5.5
searched a lot for 'upgrade macromedia to adobe' , 'convert macromedia....' etc etc and found basically nothing called adobe tech support and they say 6.0 will not convert, oldest to convert would be 8.0 and didn't offer any help beyond that, downloaded the cs5.5 trial, opened up the 6.0 source ok, made a couple quick edits like changing label names etc, recompiled and ran on website using  the existing codebase load and... pages loaded ok, drop down boxes worked, etc but  some strange things like input  text boxes for numerics only would only accept 0,9, and alphabet characters. so am not sure what to expect, theres a fair amt of action script, 8k lines, creating xml list to pass to succeeding web pages, etc etc so there's a bit going on.

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Flash8 : Run A Flash Program From Another Flash Program?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created a flash program and I would like to run a second flash program from inside the first. To explain, say I am running a program that draws a circle and fills it with a color. Then, I have designed a second program that will divide a circle into sectors by entering percentages, to turn that circle into a pie chart. Is there a way to be running the "draw a circle" program and have a button that opens the "divide the circle into sectors" program in a new window and then passes information from that program to the first program. I am sure I will have to send the information from the second program to an XML file and then have the first program recieve it from the XML file (which I can do), but I don't know if I can run the second program from inside the first program.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Falling Snow To FALL - 1087: Syntax Error: Extra Characters Found After End Of Program. OnClipEvent (load)

Nov 18, 2011

I have tried this tutorial at: [URL]. I'm using Flash CS4 on the MAC. But when I run it, nothing happens, When I run the test movie I get an error: 1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. OnClipEvent (load) {

Also, it doesn't say in the tutorial, so I created a new layer first and then dragged the snowflake symbol onto the stage and then added the script to it. (now there are 2 layers on my timeline). Although it doesn't say to make a new (2nd) layer. Surely you can't do everything on the same layer, because you need to add 2 different scripts which you can't do to one layer.

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Media Server :: Upgrading From FMS To FMIS?

May 6, 2009

Were in the process of upgrading the FMS server licence to a FMIS licence. My question is that when we upgrade will we lose any of the functionality of FMS3.0 that is not present in FMIS. The FMS is currently used for direct streaming.

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