ActionScript 3.0 :: EventListener On Lines Of Text?

Mar 15, 2009

I have a function which cycles through an array and adds lines of text to a textField.


Is it possible to add an event listener to each line of text? Or is there a better way of doing this?

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Text is placed on stage dynamically with a MouseEvent. This is functioning correctly. I want to create a tween for the text once it displayed using the same MouseEvent but can't get it to

Here's a sample of what I have (Bold is what is not functioning) :
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buttonsEffect);
function buttonsEffect(evt:MouseEvent):void {;
if( == D) {;
[Code] .....

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var ce:Number=100;
ce0left_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bisectdown);


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function loop():void{; var a:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot1_mc.x, kite_mc.dot1_mc.y); var b:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot2_mc.x, kite_mc.dot2_mc.y); var c:Point = new


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tileList.addItem({label:item.attribute("title").toXMLString() + "
" + item.attribute("desc").toXMLString(),


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..I am using...

on (release) {
dir_box.text="From South";

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What I would like to do is animate a TriggerMC along the lines of text, and whenever it rollsOver a BlackerMC it triggers the Blacker to fade away. I know how to set up BlackerMC to look at its distance to TriggerMC, but then there will be like 500 BlackerMCs enterframing away. Is there a way I can make TriggerMC just look at 'whatever?' MC is under it, and then trigger whatever?MC to play? How to do this the smart way, entirely with action script and Dynamic Text?

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Business Owner

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I am using a TextArea. I set its htmlText as follows:

txtArea.htmlText = '<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="14" COLOR="#FFFF00" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P>';

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Information was removed based on the request of the users of this account.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Several Lines Of Text From An XML File?

Jun 4, 2008

I have a text field that i have set to load several lines of text from an XML file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uft-8"?>
<text1>text for image one <br> line 1 <br> line 2 <br> line 3</text1>

it loads into flash fine but when i try make it a global variable it only takes the "text for image one" because it thinks the <br>'s are tags. flash the turns the above code into:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="uft-8"?><imageText><text><text1>text for image one <br> line 1 <br> line 2 <br> line 3</br></br></br></text1></text></imageText>

i need this tag to be in there to show that its a new line.

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I'm setting up this animation of photo transitions. Each "set" consists of a photo and two lines of text on top of it, and so forth...I based it on this tutorial [URL], and most of it works, but stumbling on how to show the two separate lines of text...I'm guessing I need another array for the 2nd line of text after "description[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[i].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;" (see below) ?

function loadXML(loaded) {if (loaded) {xmlNode = this.firstChild; image = []; description = []; total = xmlNode.childNodes.length; for (i=0; i<total; i++) { image[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting Certain Lines Of Text To Be Hyperlink

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Apr 8, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Text Input After Max Lines Reached?

Mar 16, 2009

im trying to make a simple text input field, where a user can input a fixed number of chars (this bit isnt the problem). And can only make a certain amount of new lines. This bit is the problem. Currently a user can keep pressing return and make the text field as large as they wish, and i need to basically stop any input say it reaches 8 lines.

Ive looked at numLines which states is readOnly but does something odd if u set it to a number. What its doing is not allowing my text field to change size at all. I have some code that repositons my text field and a clip underneath as it grows. Defining numLines stops this working which confuses me further:)

Im know i can check against numLines so when its goign to go greater then to stop inout. But im not sure on how to actually stop the input if that makes sense.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Imported Text Strings Have New Lines Where They Shouldn't?

Nov 28, 2009

Using AS3 in flash CS4Hi i have some imported text from a tab delimited/seperated text file (.txt).I have split the values into an array using  .split('') .split(' ')I have stored the imported data into an array where each column has a new index and the properties of each row can be gained from array[n].property. For example array[4].name would give the 'name' of the 4th entity in the original text file.This all works fine however some of the separated strings are formatted incorrectly as they take up 2 lines instead of one.The first string in each line in the original text file is imported into flash with a new line above it. I.e: "Property1" in the original tab delimited/seperated text file is stored in flash as "Property1" with a new line above it. I need to get rid of this new line in order to appropriately display the text in text fields.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Defining Number Of Lines On A Text Field?

May 30, 2011

I'm working with an input text field that has to contain a max number of characters (90... I set this on the properties panel) and a max number of lines: 6 but i don't know how to set this property.... I've searched, and all I could find was the numLines property, but it doesn't allow to specify the number of lines iI need my text to have...

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Flex :: Multiline - Linkbutton Text To Span 2 Lines

Feb 23, 2010

is there a way to span the text of a link button to 2 lines? so instead of "Save Page" to be in one line only, I want it to be in 2 lines.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Displaying Extra Lines?

Sep 3, 2009

I have a project I am trying to put together that includes closed captioning with a scrollbar (standard flash component). In my navigation file I have a text box with a dynamic text box with _level10.ccText as the Var

I have a series of pages that get called into a level below the navigation file. On each of them I have code in an actions frame _level10.ccText = "text text text text";

The text displays fine in the text box but when I scroll down the scrollbar scrolls down too far. The text gets to the end and the scrollbar is only about halfway down the bar. If I keep pushing the down button or drag the slider it will go all the way down but my text doesn't move. Its almost like there are extra lines somewhere that it is trying to scroll to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Banner With One Background And Four Lines Of Text?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to create a banner with one background and four lines of text.I need to make a 4 line animation where one line of text is displayed, then it fades out, then the other line of text fades in, and out again,then the 3 rd one and finally the last one and then it loops. The first 2 lines are working fine but not the rest.I am new to flash and trying to learn it thru tutorials.. I am stuck here.. Do we want to write any script for this or any other way to do it..? I couldnot find any tutorial for this.

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