ActionScript 3.0 :: Face Book API - Error 200 When Posting In Wall?

Nov 3, 2009

HI'm using the "PublishPost" method form the "AS3/Facebook API" to publish in the current user wall, but Facebook returns me a code:200 "Permissions Error", I'm just using the simple following code:
1. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------session = new FacebookSessionUtil( this.API_KEY, this.SECRET_KEY, this.scope.loaderInfo );fbook = session.facebook;session.verifySession();
2.PostTool.postInWall( fbook );
3. (inside a PostTool class)
static public function postInWall( fbook:Facebook, message:String = "... Testing..." ):void {
var post:PublishPost = new PublishPost( message );   var call:FacebookCall = post );   call.addEventListener( FacebookEvent.COMPLETE, completeHandler );    }[code].....

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function submit()


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oil.f4v (the movie file)

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SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf (the skin file that is linked to from the Test.swf file??)
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UrlParam = UrlParam + '&name='+ name.text + '&business=' + buisness.text; navigateToURL(new URLRequest(UrlParams),'_self');
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Nov 8, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Each Face Into It's Own ViewportLayer

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I tried to use QuadrantRenderEngine, it does correct z-sorting, but is CPU killer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating To Face Something

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