ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Embed Xml File.
Jun 7, 2011
I would like to embed an xml file into my flash builder project. I know I can load this externally, but was wondering how I would embed it.
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Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal
var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
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Warning: This is an adult site. I can provide the URL if requested.
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Aug 8, 2002
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on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay ("1text");
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Jan 28, 2009
I'm writing the following code to embed an swf file into php file.
[AS] var so = new SWFObject("test.swf", "mymovie", "1152", "700", "8", "#FFFFFF");
so.addVariable("varurl", "");
but I don't know how to access the variable "varurl" that i've added in the second line above. In flash 8 with AS2, I would just use _root.varurl. But it doesn't seem to work in AS3.
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Aug 12, 2009
And i've stumbled on a problem i cannot solve. I have this swf file, i don't have the .fla file for it. I need it to be able to play in my current .fla file when called upon. I also really need it to be embedded. Don't ask me why, but the client wants only one swf file, and if i load the swf in as an external file the program they use, will not be able to display this loaded swf file. My flash file works perfectly when i load it in as external and put it into a movieclip, but that's just not what my client wants.
So i was thinking of embedding it, i don't know if i'm thinking of this in the wrong way, and maybe you all have some suggestions for me. I don't know how to embed it. i'm using flash cs3 and ActionScript 3. I tried importing it straight to my library and to my stage, but i end up with just a couple of graphic images that don't work at all. I've tried everything i know of, read all threats i could find about it, but it seems embedding is impossible or just not done. what could i do to fix this?
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** edit the game reads from an xml file and also read and writes to mysql if that makes any difference?
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Apr 28, 2010
I am trying to embed a swf file, that came with images in folders, on a website. I don't have the original flash file. It works when I upload the file: [URL]
When I embed this code in our website, I get error message about the images.
<object width="448" height="480">
<embed src="" width="448" height="480" allowFullScreen="true">
Is there a way to do something without the original flash file?
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Nov 23, 2010
I am trying to embed a swf file, that came with images in folders, on a website. I don't have the original flash file.It works when I upload the file: [URL]When I embed this code in our website, I get error message about the images.
<object width="448" height="480">
<embed src="" width="448" height="480" allowFullScreen="true">
The error messages are:
ERROR: download of "mullin_combo_lowresdata/graphics/btn_home.png" failed
ERROR: download of "mullin_combo)lowresdata/graphics/btn_openfs.png" failed ...
Is there a way to do something without the original flash file?
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Nov 12, 2009
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Firefox and Chrome play it beautifully, and IE8 is jittery, jerky and stuttery. It's not horrendous, but it looks like it's running at 12-18 fps instead of 25, and it's noticeable, and it doesn't look natural. Once it's embedded in the HTML it plays the same whether I'm previewing it through Dreamweaver with the .flv on my PC, or I'm getting it off the internet (look for yourself at my 'test' video at [URL] make it play as smoothly in IE8 as it does in the other browsers?
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Sep 9, 2009
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Flash wont let me embed a f4v file. I can embed flv files, but not f4v.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm creating a new site in flash and was wondering if you can import twitter updates to work with the swf? will this be php based? or what?
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Dec 30, 2009
my problem is related to website resolution problem i develop a drop down menu from a software "flash menu lab". Then i embed it on a web page, it correctly show in 1024*768. but when i go to high resolution it does not move width automatically it show menu similar to 1024*768 i hope you got my problem...! remember i fixed width to 100% but it is not working...! this is my code
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Jun 8, 2011
Is there anyway we can embed a .pls file in flash? I just trying to play a playlist from a shoutcast from an online radio station in a flash application!
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Sep 7, 2006
Is it possible to embed and play a file.flv in a web page ..without having the flv in a file.swf.
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Aug 27, 2010
Is it possible to embed the flv file in to the flash like other files(images, swf), so that i can handle this in as3 as programmaticaly in the same way as FLVPlayback component? I know the way to add flv file by creating FLVPlayback component. But in this case we always need to depend on the source path of corresponding file. I am not able to find any kind of solution for this. As second way I have imported flv file to the library and created the instance of this but there is some problem with the synchronization of audio with video.Also in this case I am not able to handle this flv in as3 as programmatically
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Mar 22, 2011
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Apr 22, 2011
I have 3 button horizontally like...when i click on 1 it will go left and open corresponding pdf in left side like [code]...
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Mar 11, 2011
I'm having a problem in adding my swf file to my jframe.. they say that i should try the JFlashplayer but it is only a trial one.
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Apr 28, 2011
Why Embeded html file doesnt run on ubuntu system
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Jul 20, 2011
How would I go about embedding a 3d object onto my website that allows drag to rotate (preferably all directions not just horizontally)
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Oct 8, 2009
I've come across a stumbling block. Basically, I need to embed an external swf file into my current fla file.
The swf file relies on a bit of javascript and runs OK separately.
However, I want the swf to be embedded in my final fla file.
I don't have access to the code for the swf because it is a purchased item.
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Aug 27, 2010
Is it possible to embed the flv file in to the flash like other files(images, swf), so that i can handle this in as3 as programmaticaly in the same way as FLVPlayback component? I know the way to add flv file by creating FLVPlayback component. But in this case we always need to depend on the source path of corresponding file. I am not able to find any kind of solution for this. As second way I have imported flv file to the library and created the instance of this but there is some problem with the synchronization of audio with video. Also in this case I am not able to handle this flv in as3 as programmatically.
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Jul 10, 2011
If you embed a flv file in a flash file(fla), then you publish it and get a swf file.
You send it to your friend the swf file.
When your friend opens the swf file, if he clicks on the part where there is a embedded video, There should be an error if you did not send him the embedded video.
But for my case, I have both fla file(source) and the swf file. When I run the swf file in flash, it runs smoothly. When I open the fla file and see, there is an embedded video but I dont have the embedded video source.
if I do not have the embedded video source, when i run the swf, there shoudl be an error where there is an embedded flv file but it seems to run that part as well.
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