ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clips Just Copy Paste The Animation But Replace The Picture?
Mar 1, 2010
I am busy making a banner where in it certain items will pop up. Now these items are supposed to all come up the same way, with the same animation. But i dont want to make all these items over and over again to get the desired effect. Is it possible to simply replace a movie clip so that i could just copy paste the animation but replace the picture?
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Nov 3, 2006
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May 21, 2010
Well, just as the subject line implies, I need to duplicate frames within one of my movie clips, at runtime. Nothin' fancy, just take the frame that's already in the movie clip, and make a second frame identical to the first one, also within the movie clip. I'm using AS2.0, Flash 9. Here's what I'm currently trying (this code is on the main timeline, which also contains the movie clip in question):
with (this.scoreCardPage) {
"scoreCardPage" is the name of the movie clip, "curPage" is the variable indicating the point on the movie clip's timeline where the copied frame should be pasted. I haven't done runtime timeline manipulation before. Anyway, the code, she no a-work. When I run, my movie clip maintains only the frame that I built it with, and does not gain any more. Internet searches pertaining to the inner workings of runtime copying and pasting of frames have been gloriously unproductive.
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Feb 16, 2012
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Mar 31, 2011
I'd like to add copy and paste functionality to context menu in my Flex application. After creating a separate dummy project for testing, I realize that such options (cut, copy, paste, and delete) are already available in this dummy project without any coding. Both projects are compiled using Flex 4 SDK, run in the same brower (IE) and have the same version of Flash Player ( However, different context menu are displayed. Here are the difference:
Orig Project: Print, Show Redraw Regions, Debugger, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...
Dummy Porject: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...
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Nov 3, 2009
I am a flash games developer, and I am currently working on a game that is truly massive. The main file size is over 250MB. It's been a work in progress for about 4 months of solid work. Due to the size of the file, I prefer to create things like characters and objects in another file. I then need to import it over, replacing old movieclips.
When copying and pasting now, it always crashes, or tells me that its run out of virtual memory. It appears to be impossible to get it all over, even bit by bit. I've saved and compacted, I've saved as, I've moved it onto another disk drive. I don't think the file is corrupted in anyway. I've had no problems with any other component of flash. Just the copying. I just don't understand what's so intensive about moving over an object of about 10-20 mb. My computer is quite high performance, 5.6ghz, 4gb of ram.
I've tried using a runtime shared library, but unfortunately it doesn't allow attachmovie to get it from the library. It seems the identifier is only being used to connect the 2 libraries when you set up a runtime shared library. attachmovie is very important to the code and it can't be done any other way.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have just finished a movie, and want to duplicate it to some other frames.Its a movieclip on frame 1 and it contains a kind of work-calender for 2011 with a lot of different movieclips inside - I want to place a combobox in it where the user can choose what year he wants to see.Is there a easy way to copy frame 1 and just altering the different textfields and data to fit the new year or do I have to duplicate every movieclip and rename functions and variables in AS for the entire movie?
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Aug 13, 2011
But again, a little more descriptive. I have a editable text section set up like
Artist - (Editable text section)
Your email - (editable text section)
Link - (Editable text section)
(send) - Sends to my email
And I want to make it so people can copy a paste a link from lets say you tube on to it.
I have the text in TLF format to allow it so I can change the color of the input box where the text is located. (Because I do not know how to do it on classic) how to make the box color of the editable text section a different color other then white? (If its a problem.)
Whenever I try to copy and paste as is it shows up but its in a different text style, and its hidden. (That may just be because my text box is black as well.) but i'd still like it to have the same text style when you do paste.)
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May 18, 2009
I have a really complex shape made in Illustrator cs4 that I need to import in flash cs4. When I import my shape in flash , my shape doesn't keep the exactly, precisely same shape. I try to reduce the amount of point with illustrator with Object->path->simplify ... It's help but not enough. My shape is to complex to re-draw one by one every single points as the original. I did some test as in Flash cs3 and this problem dosen't exist. In cs4 you can test it do a circle , the smallest you can and zoom , you will see that the circle is not a circle anymore. (cs3 does't do it)
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Mar 1, 2002
I put a .wav sound file in a movie (movieA). The total frame, say 100 frames. I now selected frame 10 to 30, right click the selected frames and click "Copy Frames". I then open a new movie (movie B), right click the first frame and click "Paste Frames". But I found that the movieB copied the whole frames as those in the movieA. May be there is an aternative way to copy and paste partion of a .wav file.
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