ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Nodes In Xml From A InputTextField?

Dec 25, 2011

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;


This is my xml-fil:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tale>Det var en g�ng en {DJUR}, som kom fr�n {STAD}.


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Actionscript 3 :: Replace Nodes In Xml, From A InputTextField?

Dec 25, 2011

I have a inputTextField, and in my inputTextField in my GamePage class i want to be able to take the text that you should be able to write in the inputTextField, and replace the text from the inputTextField with my nodes in my xml-fil. In my Xml class above I want to have that code that converts the text from the inputTextField, ex. If i write "monkey" in my inputTextField, I want to replace {ANIMAL} node in my xml-fil with monkey.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;


There was once a {ANIMAL} who came from {CITY}. {ANIMAL} lived in a small little red julhus, just like Santa does. {CITY} also had her Santa Claus, and his name {NAME}. {ANIMAL} and {NAME} was in fact best friends for ages ago, and they lived in the same little red house.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree Structures - Replace Pointers To Nodes With Nodes Themselves

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For those unfamiliar with tree structures, tree structures are usually dynamic lists where every node has a pointer to two other nodes. They are arranged so it makes for faster searching and stuff and are very useful in programming languages that offer direct access to heap memory. Although I don't know if there would be benefits of making tree structures in AS would be of any help but I decided to have a go at it anyway. Since there are no pointers in flash I tried to just replace pointers to nodes with nodes themselves. Such things usually work in java I think because the language just automatically makes pointers for variables.


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How would I go about check to see whether or not anything has been entered into an InputTextField.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Kill A Function If A InputTextField Is Empty?

Feb 21, 2010

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Input Text Field 1: partL_txt
Input Text Field 2: partW_txt
Button Name: enterBtn

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Each Of The Nodes Highlighted In Green To Return The Child Nodes?

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I develop a piece of code that brings me to an xml, all Nodes i use this code:
for(var i=0; i< menu_xml.childNodes.length; i++){
corrent_node = menu_xml.childNodes[i].length;corrent_item.action = corrent_node.attributes.action;corrent_item.variables = corrent_node.attributes.variables; =;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .replace Won't Replace - Array With A String As Each Entry

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I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.

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I've got a strange situation where I'm replacing the text in a string that I've taken from an XML, but the .replace function for the string keeps failing. I've tried running the example given on the Adobe site, so I know the value I'm trying to replace ("%20") isn't at fault - it's something about the string I have! I've included the code below, but it seems correct. Is there a particular tip I should know when taking XML values into AS3? I'm putting them in strings for this project.


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district1_BTN.onRelease = function() {
descText.text = Quotations.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild;
for(i=0; i<Quotations.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes.length; i++)


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var testXML:XML = <myxml>


Is there a way to add xml containing multiple nodes.

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I'm trying to work with XML in flash here and ran into an issue. I need to collect all the nodes in an XMLList that contains a certain childnode with a certain value. For example, from the XML below I just want to get the ''product'' nodes that have 1 as a value for ''amount'', i.e product 3 and 5.

And it's not a typo for product 3... ;(

<title>Product 1</title>


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<link name="HOME" ref="index.cfm"/>
<link name="HOW IT WORKS" ref="hiw.html"/>


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Jan 15, 2010

I have 30 values coming from an xml file, and I need to programatically find out which of them is the lowest, then I need also to find out exactly where it is located, so I can get the value that is located next. What I mean is:
Let's suppose that on the following xml, Cat2 is the lowest value, I need not only to print Cat2, but also Dog1. So, I will need to find out how to get Dog1 knowing that Cat2 is the lowest value.


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Dec 4, 2011

i m able to read xml node's attribute but i required to save whole node value to my movieclip object here my xml


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Date Nodes In XML?

Apr 5, 2012

I'm working with XML in AS3. I'm loading in some xml that has dates in a format like: 2011-1-12-10-00-a

I am converting those to actual Flash Date so I can compare them and use the methods of the Date class, etc. I would prefer to convert them once and then store them back in the XML node they came from.Is it possible to store complex values like date or what have you in an XML?

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Flex - Reading Nodes In XML?

Jul 17, 2009

> <root>
> <module c_name="Executive Library">
> <node cd_title="Document One"
> cd_link="http://localhost/userMana/upload/feature.xml"/>


I am able to read the module name, but how can i read the cd_title, when the label field is different.

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XML :: How To Access Nodes In Flex

Sep 2, 2009

A web service return to my flex3 client this custom exception:
<SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:ro="urn:Gov2gLibrary" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="[URL]" xmlns:xsd="[URL]" xmlns:xsi="[URL]" xmlns:HNS="[URL]" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="[URL]" xmlns:v1="[URL]">
[Code] .....

This is obviously a part of the FaultEvent object I get when the remote call fail, so I'm trying to access "T2gMsg" subnode values like this:
protected function onFaultEvent(e:FaultEvent):void {
var obj:Object = e.fault;
var err:XMLList = obj.element.detail.children()[0].children();
// now I have in err the "Messages" list, subnode of ROException,
// so I should cycle to read one message at time:
for each (var x:XML in err.children()) {

How to read ID, Severity etc values. I think something like "x.ID" should work but it's not, while x.child("ID") or x.elements("ID") return null. What can I do?

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Flex :: Multiply All The Nodes With 3?

Feb 18, 2010

I write a code which is return the following XML which contain in a string type variable.


Now i want to multiply all the nodes with 3 and again store in that string type variable. how can i do this?

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Xml :: Flash - Get All Nodes Attribute Value?

Feb 19, 2010

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<alphabet id="A">
<term heading= "Anchor" definition="A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from


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AS3 :: Xml - How To Access XMLList Nodes

Jul 5, 2010

I am working with an XML list at the moment, which looks like this:

<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="3"/>
<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="4"/>
<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="5"/>


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XML :: Flex - How To Get Nodes By Attributes

Oct 22, 2010

I have XML below
<node id="id1"/><node id="id2"/>...
<edge id="eid1" fromId="id1" toId="id2"/>
<edge id="eid2" fromId="id3" toId="id1"/>
<edge id="eid3" fromId="id2" toId="id4"/>

Now I need get all edge base on nodeId,
nodeId = id1 -> eid1, eid2
nodeId = id2 -> eid1, eid3
nodeId = id3 -> eid2
nodeId = id5 -> Null

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Xml :: Arraycollection With Repeated Nodes?

Jan 27, 2011

In the resultHandler of an HTTPService call, I have assigned a repeating node to an arrayCollection. Inside that repeating node are other nodes that sometimes repeat and sometimes do not. For instance, here the option node repeats inside options.

<option> <var1> part1 </var1> <var2> part2 </var2> </option>


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Flash :: Xml - Filter XML In As3 By Nodes

Dec 12, 2011

in Flash using as3 how can i filter an xml by node suppose that the xml has group node like below and i want the items where group=category1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grouping Nodes In XML?

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to group the nodes in actionscript, which have same parent nodes but different child nodes.For example, if we have two records,


<CHILD1 value="1">
<CHILD2 value="2">[code].............

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