ActionScript 3.0 :: Save The Path Of The Chosen File In Sqlite Database?

Jun 24, 2010

I m trying a make a database on sqlite using actionscript3 and flex.I can browse through file and select a file using browseForOpen().I can get the url by Filename.url and storing it into a string type variable fileUrl:String.I m creating table like:


i made a text input form for entering user_name and password like:

<mx:TextInput x="50" y="10" width="117" id="user_name"/>
<mx:TextInput x="50" y="10" width="117" id="password"/>

Now i want to insert values into the table like:

sqls.text = "INSERT INTO testt_table (user_name, password,fileurl) VALUES('"+user_name.text+"','"+password.text+"',fi leUrl);";

but its giving errors.How can I enter the url or path of the file chosen into the table.

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var dbFile:File = new File("");;

Error #3125: Unable to open the database file.', details:'Connection closed.', operation:'open', detailID:'1001'

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Oct 4, 2011

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import flash.filesystem.File;


It is only a "proof of concept" piece of code and it "lives" in the first frame of the timeline of the Flash IDE. What happens? When I compile my SWF (AIR for iPhone), I get this error:

SQLError: 'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: 'background'', operation:'execute', detailID:'2013'

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Take Picture And Save In BlobField In Database

Jan 19, 2012

I am making an application where the user needs to register himself. During the registration he needs to take a picture with the phones camera. All of this workds great. But if he completes the registration, the image taken by the users needs to be saved in the database(BLOB field). I searched a long time and the id behind it was to get the bitmapdata, get a bytestream and then encode with b64 to send it to the php service. So here is what I've done now:

ActionScript Code:
var as BitmapData;
var encoder:JPEGEncoder=new JPEGEncoder(85);
var stream:ByteArray=encoder.encode(bitmapdata);
var b64:Base64Encoder=new Base64Encoder();


But he won't insert it. I think it's something with the encoding but I don't find where the problem is exactly.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Capture Video And Save To Database?

Feb 9, 2009

capture video and save to database,, i am trying to build an online aplication in flash to capture video (from the users camera ) and pass it to mysql or a folder in site root.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Custom Class To Database?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a complex custom class which contains custom subclasses and so on. I want to save the state of an instance of this class to a database.Currently I'm using a ByteArray.writeObject which seems to work well as I am using registerClassAlias, so all custom classes are being picked up and serialised correctly.writeObject uses the AMF standard to "flatten" classes, but is AMF the best way to go to store the entire state of a class into a database?

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Jul 19, 2010

uploading a byte array to my database.

this is my codes.

var ba:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(bmd);
var _request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://localhost/image/readimage.php");


i am able to upload some data, but its not the image of data. is more like some junk data.

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var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath( "Text.txt" ); 

so how do I save multiple snapshots .jpg to my local network/C drive?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Over Swf Movie And Save The Drawing To The Database

Jul 21, 2009

im new to this forum and kinda new to flash and php together...i have this project that would load a swf movie on a drawing board and user could draw something over then swf movie. It should be able to save the drawings to the database, so that the user could just load it for later use. for example if the user draws a zigzag line at frame 5 of swf movie and on frame 10 of the swf movie deletes the zigzag line and draw a circle and then saves it. then loads it later, from frame 1 to 4 of the swf movie the zigzag line should not show but on frame 5 to frame 9 it would show and on frame 10 shows only the circle. or just on the specific frame number of the swf movie it will show. like when user draw on frame 6 then on before or after frame 6 it wont show..the second one might be a bit easier to implement.

how do i save the user drawings over the swf movie? and how do i load it? do i have to save everthing (like x and y coordinates, movieclip names) in a textfile? and use that textfile to recreate the swf file drawn? what ways could i implemnt this? hopefully someone to could point me in the right direction.

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