Flex SQLite Optimization: Adding Database Name In Front Of Tables?

Sep 18, 2011

This article on Livedocs says you should add the database name in front of tables.[URL]..My question is, should I do that everywhere where a table name appears or only once?In this query: select T1.col,T2.col from T1 left join T2 on T1.id=T2.id order by T2.order;

Should I add main.T1 and main.T2 everywhere or just after for, the first time: select T1.col,T2.col from main.T1 left join main.T2 on T1.id=T2.id order by T2.order;

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Flex :: Get Local SQLite Database In Sync With Live Server Database?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to create a Flex 3 application running in Adobe Air that accesses an SQLite database and I need to keep this database in sync with an SQL server 2005 database running a website.Is this something that Flex supports or is it going to be a custom script? Also, has anybody done anything like this?

Edit: The synchronisation can be done on a daily basis rather than real time. The data will be read only from a front end perspective with a CMS to do updates on the website.

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Database :: Flex - Creating Multiple Tables In Adobe Air

Nov 30, 2011

I want to create 2 tables in a single adobe air database. I am using Adobe flash builder with the import flash.data.*;
I tried initializing the statement below. it give me the error on creating the second table. Do I have to use other API so that

private function db_opened(e:SQLEvent):void {
sqls.sqlConnection = sqlc;
sqls.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT);";
[Code] .....

Error: Error #3106: Property cannot be changed while SQLStatement.executing is true.
at Error$/throwError()
at flash.data::SQLStatement/set text()

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Flex :: Web App Access A Sqlite Database?

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So in the root directory, there will be all required swf, html files, etc and a .db file. Can i access that database thro the flex web application ?

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Flex :: Querying SQLite Database With AIR App

Dec 13, 2010

I have been struggling with trying to interface with SQLite and Adobe AIR. I am using the Flex 4 SDK with AIR 2.0. I modified code from a tutorial by David Tucker on InsideRIA ([URL]). I am writing in FlashDevelop (which I suppose could be my problem), and I can compile and run the app. The issue is that when I go to search the db file, I always get some error which results in the 'BREAKER' trace (ie - the 'queryError' function is called). I have tried simply running the SQL command on the db and it works fine, so there is an issue somewhere in the way Flex or AIR is handling my query (or obviously I could have made a mistake in coding).


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Database :: Sqlite And Flex - Insert Into If Not Exists?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm using flex to develop my first desktop app and I'm working with sqlite for the first time as well. I'm creating my database and all the tables and I would also like to add a few rows of data into a couple of the tables so that the users have some data to work with on first install.

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Flex 4 :: Create An Encrypted SQLite Database

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How can I create and use an encrypted SQLite database for an AIR application, please?

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Flex :: Improve The Performance Of The SQLite Database?

Apr 26, 2011

Background: I am using SQLite database in my flex application. Size of the database is 4 MB and have 5 tables which are

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table 2 have 8700 records
table 3 have 3000 records
table 4 have 5000 records
table 5 have 2000 records.

Problem: Whenever I run a select query on any table, it takes around (approx 50 seconds) to fetch data from database tables. This has made the application quite slow and unresponsive while it fetches the data from the table.

How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database so that the time taken to fetch the data from the tables is reduced?

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Flex :: Getting Next Record In SQLite Database For Mobile Application?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a mobile application that uses an sqlite database. I cannot seem to figure out how to access the next record when the user presses the 'next' button. My database is using 'id' as primary key with autoincrement as integer.

private function nextMoveRPart(event:EffectEvent):void
var cardNumber:int = parseInt(cardNumberLabel.text);


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Database :: Get All Data From The Server As Raw Tables As XML

Oct 26, 2011

I have a flash project that connect with a server. I get all data from the server as raw tables as XML. So I have to do the server logics client side. (Don't ask why!)

I have looked for a framework or some code base that have solved this. A framework that can do mapping of keys asf. Basically a frame work that stores the data and handles retrieving of the data like SQL.

Ie. I can get user with the userid without iterating through all the instances. This gets more complex when you have more id in the same table.

So is there a data framework for flash out there?

(the HTML 5 sqlLight would be great if more browsers supported it)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Sqlite Database?

Nov 9, 2010

I am wanting to try to use a sqlite database in my project.I have downloaded several sqlite managers from the internet and they all save the database with a sqlite extension.However I see in flash we use the db extension (is this correct?);How can I use the databases I create if they all save with a sqlite extension?

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Aug 30, 2010

I'm developing a desktop application in Flash, but I can't seem to find any tutorials that aren't based on FLEX to connect my application to a database file.

Do I have to write my application in FLEX to use SQLite or can I create an AIR app in Flash and still use it?

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Local Internal Database In Flash And SQLite

Jan 12, 2011

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Jan 14, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Insert A Variable Into SQLite Database?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a function that inserts data into a SQLite database. I can manually add data using

sqlStatement.text = "INSERT INTO users (First_Name, Last_Name) VALUES ('John', 'Doe')";

This works perfectly. Now I am trying to insert the data from a variable instead. I can trace my variable from this function- trace(Main._firstName); //returns John, but when I insert it using this:

sqlStatement.text = "INSERT INTO users (First_Name, Last_Name) VALUES (" + Main._firstName + ", 'Doe')";

it inserts it as "null Doe".

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Flash :: Mysql Application With Local Database (not Sqlite - Not Air)

Jan 10, 2012

I would like to have a Flash Application (not air) to connect to a local database. Air is not only getting unsupported by Adobe in LINUX but besides, it has serious problems and miss implementation with SQLite. So we want to connect to a local MySQL database. This application should be simple, so we do not want to also have an unnecessary web server (also local) to make a middle communication between the flash app and the MySQL server. There is this driver that allow to communicate Flash with MySQL [URL] Question is: Would it be any problem using this approach when installing the whole application to each client? (because we also in the installation should install a MySQL server).

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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent Air For Android SQLite Database From Being Overwritten?

Feb 14, 2012

Im creating an sqlite db in my air for android app inside the following function:[code]i can successfully create tables, insert and select, but each time i re-publish the app from flash cs5.5 the database is overwritten and all data is lost. Totally stumped, any ideas welcome!i'm publishing a debug release directly from flash pro via usb. When the app is initialised it calls the method above, on receiving the OPEN event it creates a table using the following SQL statement.[code]I can then run some operations, insert, select etc and everything is as expected. If i exit and re-luanch the app, the previous data sets are intact, but when i re-publish from flash any data stored from the previous release has disappeared.According to the documentation SQLConnection.open() will open a connection to the file supplied in the parameters and if it doesn't exist, it will create one...

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Apr 2, 2012

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var dbFile:File = new File("");

Error #3125: Unable to open the database file.', details:'Connection closed.', operation:'open', detailID:'1001'

My situation calls for several apps compiled for various devices to share this file, which is served locally via wamp.

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Flash :: #3115 Error When Retrieving Data From SQLite Database

Oct 4, 2011

I have this little piece of code to retrieve data from a local SQLite database (to an AIR app):

import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;


It is only a "proof of concept" piece of code and it "lives" in the first frame of the timeline of the Flash IDE. What happens? When I compile my SWF (AIR for iPhone), I get this error:

SQLError: 'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: 'background'', operation:'execute', detailID:'2013'

I created a basic db with a Firefox extension (SQLiteManager). What can cause this error? The table exists!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save The Path Of The Chosen File In Sqlite Database?

Jun 24, 2010

I m trying a make a database on sqlite using actionscript3 and flex.I can browse through file and select a file using browseForOpen().I can get the url by Filename.url and storing it into a string type variable fileUrl:String.I m creating table like:


i made a text input form for entering user_name and password like:

<mx:TextInput x="50" y="10" width="117" id="user_name"/>
<mx:TextInput x="50" y="10" width="117" id="password"/>

Now i want to insert values into the table like:

sqls.text = "INSERT INTO testt_table (user_name, password,fileurl) VALUES('"+user_name.text+"','"+password.text+"',fi leUrl);";

but its giving errors.How can I enter the url or path of the file chosen into the table.

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Data Integration :: Flash Front End For Database?

Dec 23, 2008

im trying to figure out if there is a way to use flash as a front end for a database. i need flash to be able to search the database for part numbers and match the part number with an excel file and be able to open the excel file from flash.

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Java :: Adding Two Num Flex 3.0 As Front End And Java As Back End?

May 24, 2010

i hava two text boxs in flex.have to add two txt boxs values in back end java and have to return back to third text box in flex.

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Silverlight :: Access 2010 Database - Front Ends That Do Not Require Web Server?

Jan 14, 2011

I need to be able to display charts that can capture what the user has clicked on. So for a pie chart, if a user clicks on a pie piece, I should be able to capture which piece he selected. Scatter plot should capture what plot, etc. Access-UI can't capture these things, only that a user clicked on the graph. So I need a different solution.

We do not have access to a web server. The front end needs to connect directly with the access database. So what front end solutions can I use that will give me the UI flexibility

Is there anything that allows me to use HTML/JS or flash? HTML/JS would be the best solution, followed by flash just due to its wide support. I was researching Web Browser Control but I am not completely clear on whether it is opening local HTML files or browsing through http. I also wasn't clear if it supports JS or can load Flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Text In Front Of Loaded .txt File?

Aug 15, 2009

I want to load a txt/dat file into flash - the file looks like this:


Now, loading this text by loadText i need it to begin with "n=". Is it possible to add for example "n=" in front of the text outside the text ediotr? I can get the data loaded without the "n=" mark by a code like this:

var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.onData = function(content) {
textarea.text = content;
textarea.html = true;

If I do so the html tags are not working.

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Php :: FLEX Database Will Not Refresh After Updating Database Unless Browser Is Restarted?

Jun 7, 2010

I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything. So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.Here is my licenseTracker.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Php :: FLEX Database Will Not Refresh After Updating Database Unless Browser Is Restarted

Aug 31, 2011

I have updated the mxml code to only show the needed code for the program to run the update.

I am new to Flex and have an issue I hope you all can help me out with.

I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything.

So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted on 000webhost.com, I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.

Here is my licenseTracker.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Database :: Approach Local Database Management Via Flex/Air App?

Jan 17, 2011

I am planning on using Flash Builder 4/Flex to write an AIR application which is primarily based around recording, storing and analyzing data.I'll be creating charts etc that need to update in almost real time.It's essential to me that the application be able to function without an internet connection so I need a local database of some variety,but I would also eventually like to build in online synchronization of the data where either database can be update each other based on newer information. Moreover, some type of encryption would definitely be welcome, and speed is a large concern

Synchronization: Primarily updates/additions/deletions will be done on the offline database, but ideally I want to have a web interface that will allow the same updates/additions/deletions and will be synced (beyond that I'm not sure exactly how to do it as I can model that based on what is most achievable).I'm wondering if there's any prebuilt engine that could handle the synchronization of 2 databases. I may end up having the web interface only be for additions, which would be significantly easier to sync.. and I may start that way, but i want to build with technologies that will best allow me to implement full online crud at some point.

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Database :: Adobe Flex With Accessing Database For Mobile Web?

Sep 26, 2011

Here is the issue: a client wants his entire equipment inventory accessible by persons navigating to his jquery mobile site. The inventory that exists on the desktop site was, as I understood, built with Flex. Is it possible to access this database for the jquery mobile site? I believe it is. I was then given this information from someone in the know:

login: mxxx


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Performance :: Optimization Techniques For Flex Applications?

Oct 9, 2011

We are starting to build a Flex 4.5 application (with LCDS) and a Spring/Hibernate based backend.In this context, is there a well-known list of overall performance optimization techniques that one could follow to ensure optimal performance on the client (flex) side? - especially, given that we anticipate users with poor bandwidths

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