Php :: FLEX Database Will Not Refresh After Updating Database Unless Browser Is Restarted
Aug 31, 2011
I have updated the mxml code to only show the needed code for the program to run the update.
I am new to Flex and have an issue I hope you all can help me out with.
I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything.
So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted on, I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.
I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything. So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.Here is my licenseTracker.mxml
I want to create a Flex 3 application running in Adobe Air that accesses an SQLite database and I need to keep this database in sync with an SQL server 2005 database running a website.Is this something that Flex supports or is it going to be a custom script? Also, has anybody done anything like this?
Edit: The synchronisation can be done on a daily basis rather than real time. The data will be read only from a front end perspective with a CMS to do updates on the website.
I am planning on using Flash Builder 4/Flex to write an AIR application which is primarily based around recording, storing and analyzing data.I'll be creating charts etc that need to update in almost real time.It's essential to me that the application be able to function without an internet connection so I need a local database of some variety,but I would also eventually like to build in online synchronization of the data where either database can be update each other based on newer information. Moreover, some type of encryption would definitely be welcome, and speed is a large concern
Synchronization: Primarily updates/additions/deletions will be done on the offline database, but ideally I want to have a web interface that will allow the same updates/additions/deletions and will be synced (beyond that I'm not sure exactly how to do it as I can model that based on what is most achievable).I'm wondering if there's any prebuilt engine that could handle the synchronization of 2 databases. I may end up having the web interface only be for additions, which would be significantly easier to sync.. and I may start that way, but i want to build with technologies that will best allow me to implement full online crud at some point.
Here is the issue: a client wants his entire equipment inventory accessible by persons navigating to his jquery mobile site. The inventory that exists on the desktop site was, as I understood, built with Flex. Is it possible to access this database for the jquery mobile site? I believe it is. I was then given this information from someone in the know:
I am planning to develop a standalone application, which infact will be used for personal purposes. So only single user access may be there. I want to develop it in Flex. Just want some opinions from the gurus over here : Whether i should use Flex or AIR (I know only Flex, AIR i need to start learning)Which database i should use? SQLLite or HSQLDB or some other.
I am writing a large flex app that has to connect to a database many times. I currently am using asp pages to connect, but I would like to use the most efficient option. What do you think is the best way to connect to a database from a flex app?
Is there any way to update a database in the background. I just followed the tutorial for using flash, asp and Access together but it involves opening an external update page.Is there some way you can insert record into a database from Flash only?If one has to use an ASP page, can that one be closed automatically, without any user involvement?
i want to intertwine php, MySql and flash. so i can make a flash movie display text that is in the sql database and a php script to change the database, php > sql = i can do but sql > flash = i can't do..i want it so the sql data show's in a text box in the flash movie...
I am working on a function to generate a form at runtime in Flex based on a call to the DB. The call to the DB returns the field types, id, tooltips etc as an arraycollection, the arraycollection is then parsed in order to ascertain what control to display based on the type field in the array - this bit works fine.However, i am stuck on trying to save the form fields back to the database using a form rendering code is as follows but how do i save values entered back to the database? rendering code..
[Bindable] public var getglobalprofileb:ArrayCollection; public function init(event:ResultEvent):void {[code].......
Is it possible to create a database driven website using these alone? Or do i need to learn any other technology? If i do then what should i learn? I know j2se for the desktop and oracle SQL/MySQL i finally got the feeling that i need to learn PHP anyway along with css and javascript. So it is fine. Also another query. Which CMS should i consider? Wordpress or Joomla?
Trying to detect a browser close event and send some data to the database when the user closes the browser window...but can't seem to get it to work.[code]
I have a database on a server and I transfer the data from it to a web site. So I need to build a flash grid on this site and to load the data on it. But the problem is that I do not know how to do it. So my question is how to build a dynamic flash grid wich is fill with data from a database? Is there a way to do it with action script only or I must do it another way?
I need to find a way to develop a program which can run local and server side. I don't know silverlight/flash or something else can do it.Is there any framework/language/platform which can work over internet when internet connection exists and can work when internet went off?
I've started with Flex recently, I've noticed that some plugin for Visual Studio exist, instead of buying a licence for another program (Flex Builder).I was wondering how I could manage to remotely connect to my database with a Flash/Flex application with the help of C#/Asp.Net.
If I've correctly understood what I've read in the last few days, there is basically no way to 'query' to a database with Flex 3. So I suppose there is another way by using a webservice in C# on the database server that would respond to the Http query from Flex.
I have a combo box that is currently getting its information from a database this seems to be working fine.Now I would like to have content from two fields displaying in the combo box at once. Say First Name & Last NameI've added the information to the query fine but the data displayed in the combo box seems to be controlled by the labelField property and it seems to only allow one variable at a time. So it will either display First Name or Last Name but not both at's bit of my code
private function NameData():void { //NAME DATA var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement(); stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
I use flex and php to retrieve information from my sql database. What i have been doing is formatting the result from the database query into xml and then putting the result into an arraycollection. It all works fine except one of my database fields contains a lot of text that website users enter and as xml doesn't like tags like <> so I leave it un formatted but I would like to format it. Would I be better using flashvars or text than xml? Or is there another way?
I'm making an application (web based) using flex and i have a requirment to access the SQLite database on the local system. There is no server running and i've decided to give them the link to the html file and see how that works out.
So in the root directory, there will be all required swf, html files, etc and a .db file. Can i access that database thro the flex web application ?
I have been struggling with trying to interface with SQLite and Adobe AIR. I am using the Flex 4 SDK with AIR 2.0. I modified code from a tutorial by David Tucker on InsideRIA ([URL]). I am writing in FlashDevelop (which I suppose could be my problem), and I can compile and run the app. The issue is that when I go to search the db file, I always get some error which results in the 'BREAKER' trace (ie - the 'queryError' function is called). I have tried simply running the SQL command on the db and it works fine, so there is an issue somewhere in the way Flex or AIR is handling my query (or obviously I could have made a mistake in coding).
I know this question is vague, but I have a school project, which works with HttpServices that call to PHP-files to insert and retrieve data from a database. Now the teacher told me I have to work with valueObjects to work with the database, but I haven't received any further information.
I have recently been using Charles the debugging app. And noticed a very chatty app named skyrocket (a very very cool slide presentation app) sending a lot of data across the wire. It is built in flex by the looks and I was wondering why they had chosen to send their data using base64 and not amf. Is it because they don't want to be locked into the flash platform? Or could there be another reason. Is it to store it as XML in the database as they don't want to be dealing with amf when handing data to other services/clients (iPhone etc).
getting data from a database and displaying it in a Flex (Flash) swf. Currently I have some C# code that gets the data from the DB and saves it to an XML file on my site. Then the .swf reads that xml file.
I'm using flex to develop my first desktop app and I'm working with sqlite for the first time as well. I'm creating my database and all the tables and I would also like to add a few rows of data into a couple of the tables so that the users have some data to work with on first install.
The only problem I'm having is every time I run the program it keeps inserting the same data over and over again. I'm just wondering if its possible to do a - INSERT INTO IF NOT EXISTS. or some other kind of work around.
I'm developing a Adobe AIR application using Flash Builder 4. This app needs to access a remote PHP service which is being hosted on a remote web server. I am having troubles figuring out how to add a PHP data service which uses a remote service. I can add the PHP data service in Flash Builder as a service hosted on localhost, but given that this will not be feasible when the application is deployed, will not work. How to connect a Flash Builder (Flex) project to a remote PHP data service?
I have a small flex datagrid. The dataProvider is an xmlList. I have two columns, userList and user permissions. The user permissions column as checkboxes. The values for the checkbox are stored as 0 and 1 in mySQL. While returning it from PHP, I am converting them to true or false. Its returning the values correctly to the frontend.
But inside the itemrenderer, the checkbox is not being set to true or false. Either everything is true or everything is false.
How can I correctly set the value of the checkboxes from the DB values?
I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc.
so am planning to develop on flex app, and put it in a shared drive. now the main problem is how can i store data. i have an idea like using excel files as database. I want opinion about this option, as well as, if anyone has tried reading and writing excel files from Flex application I want the suggestions also.