I'm trying to get an object to increase in size the lower it goes down the stage, and decrease in size the high it moves up the stage.
It only needs to increase or decrease by a small amount. Basically, it's for a game character. To ad realism to his movements, it would be nice to have this feature.
I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.I have found this solution [URL].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip.
I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.
I have found this solution [url].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip...
I need it to stay exactly at the same position whatever the size of the movie-clip. [code]...
Im looking to make the flash file dynamic so that when someone changes the window size the flash file expands with it and some of the items contained move also.
i have a list of pics, inside the swf file, what i want is when i press the button of any pic, to open new window "JavaScript" i think, but i want the window size the same size of the pic when viewed.
When I create a little .swf file with actionscript it will run correctly in whatever stage size I choose for the document. However, I want the display to update when I change the window size that the .swf is running in as it is running. It does some resizing as I drag the corner of the .swf window, but not correctly. I actually put the statement: graphics.drawRect(0,0,stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);into the code, and it is not drawing the origin at the corner of the window (among other problems). Is this a bug in Flash, and/or is there some way around this When I put the window back to its original size, it displays correctly, and this is happening for all stage sizes and aspect ratio
how to access the size of an swf window as opposed to the stage within the swf.
I am creating an swf that is a projector file (so I'm publishing it as an exe). It won't be launched in a browser. I need to know what the size of the window displaying the swf is when it is opened.
I have set the exe to open in full screen automatically, but as far as I know, the stage height and width are equivalent to whatever is on the stage. But I am loading images from local folders so there is no initial size set.
So in short, how do you access the window size as opposed to stage size?
I'm working on a slideshow where I'm calling in photos from an xml file. How do I tell AS to resize the stage according to photo dimensions? Would I need to list the dimensions in the xml file? If so, how would I pull that into the fla file with AS?
i've made a flash movie in res 600 * 300, now i want to keep this res don't want the user to be able to expand the browser window or change the res or anything how do i do this?
i mean..i dont want my user to maximize or minimize the file..like u ppl must have seen the softwares setups..their window file size cannot be changed.
I want my SWF file to fill the window. I set the height and width to 100% and the scale param to "noscale". It looks great except that when I resize the window vertically, the contents of the SWF file center vertically so theres a gap between the content and the top of the window.
I want to put a movieclip with tools at the bottom of the window in the center with tools icons, it should have fixed posiiton so that user can scroll the main window having it always on prompt. I think I need the browser window size properties to do somenthing as this. Is there a way to get them?
I currently have a website that has a photo gallery. The home page has a link to the actual photo gallery. I'm using the (getURL) to open the photo gallery in a new window, however the new window opens up to the same size as the home page. I would like to shrink down the window size of the photo gallery so the user can still see some of the home page behind the new window.
I know javascript can take care of this problem, but I was wondering if there is a way to do it with Flash? I just need to specify the size of the new window when it opens.
I have a button which when clicked opens a new window. The code is a frame action in the timeline. Short of putting some javaScript in the page that opens, I am unable to set the width and height of the new window. Here's my code
I want to make a pop-up window which pop up when a button is pushed. And I need to set the size of the pop up window to 900 x 700... I found a tutorial on the net on how to do it but it dosen't work,
function jspopupWindow(event:MouseEvent):void { var desiredURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:NewWindow=window.open('page.html','newWin','wi
Can I get the obtain the size of the browser window in AS3?The best method I've found is to get the size with Javascript and send it to Flash as a FlashVar. One limitation of this method is that it doesn't give the current size if the window is resized.Is there a pure Flash way to do this?
Can I get the obtain the size of the browser window in AS3?
The best method I've found is to get the size with Javascript and send it to Flash as a FlashVar. One limitation of this method is that it doesn't give the current size if the window is resized.
I have an image inside a MC called "hPic" and i want this MC to scale with the window when it's resized vertically, but it has to keep the same dimensions/aspect of the MC when it's scaled, not just stretch it vertically or the image will be distorted - so the proportions have to be constrained.
looking to lock the window size, of the htm pages that hold the swfs. i know there is a way to do it an i have it at home. only thing is im not at home. does anyone have the script that locks the browser window size. or know where i can get this.
I am working on an infinitely scrolling image field that reacts to the user's mouse similar to the one in this tutorial:[URL].. The only difference is that my content is much wider than the flash window whereas the one in this tutorial is exactly the size of the Flash window.
(searching this forum doesn't seem to work for me any more I get no result)how do I lock the window size with AS? the obvious thing is html, but its suppose to be a hand out.I have an exe, which loads in swfs as a cheap cover for those without the plugin.
I want to open a new window with let's say height 500 and width 600 could i use this in flash so i can open such an window with an html -file in it, i have made a javascript to do this, but could i use this in my actionscript or do I have to work with getURL somehow.
So ive been asked to build a page for a real state company and the guy told me it should be similar to these [URL] Ive been trying a couple of weeks so far, but i dont seem to find a way to do somthing similar, i mean, i want to have the welcome screen as those two:
- the gradient background - flash occupies whole screen no matter what size it is - gradient expands sideways infinately - no matter what height my explorer window is, gradient is always in the same position relative to top, and if i keep expanding downwards the background keeps last colour of the gradient. - the brand logo looks as if it had top, left and right anchors, and it also limitates the minimum width of the explorer window
i though of addind a 3000 x 3000px square with the gradient and centering it, but i know there has to be a professional way of achieving that.