I am trying to "gotoAndStop" on a frame in a nested timeline from the main timeline, but can't seem to figure out the correct way to write it with it's 'parents' etc... this is how I have tried which makes sense to me (have tried other ways too) but no success.
When the playhead is sent from the main timeline (Scene 1) to play a movieClip timeline, what code is used to send the playhead back to the main timeline (Scene 1) after the movieClip has played?
I have been fighting with Flash for the past week attempting to change my code so that when you click on the movieclip photo_mc, the playhead will advance on the main timeline. I have tried everything:
eg: (code on mc) on (release){ _root.gotoAndPlay("options");
Is there a way to dynamically tell if the main timeline's (or a MovieClip's) playhead is moving or has stopped? I know I can manually set a boolean variable and then toggle it between true and false:
I created a menu of invisible movieclips (from a library item with the class name Invis) with buttonmode set to true so that I can have them send the playhead to different labels on the main timeline. I could use some help with determining which button is clicked and then placing code that executes depending on which button is clicked.
Here is what I have so far on frame 1 of my timeline:
This works - I get [object Invis]0,or [object Invis]1...etc in my output //window depending on which one I clicked. Just not sure what to do next
I have been approached to design a configurator for a new television product. The Application will let users specify the colours of certain parts of the product and also attach addons, which then updates a cost total.
In the main interface i have a looping animation of the product slowly rotating around 360 degrees that i rendered in 3ds max. When a user clicks a button on the interface i need to load an external movieclip on top of the main animation so it looks as though a certain part has changed colour, this i have acheived. The problem is that when i load the external clip over the original, the loaded clip starts playing from frame 1 and i need it to inherit the playhead position of the main animation so the two layered pieces look as though they are rotating as one. I'm sure this must be possible, unless i need to approach the problem in a different way?
I have 3 functions in my main document class that I want to execute when the main timeline reaches a particular frame number. how do I do that? see the code and comments
Either the search function isn't working or no one has asked this but in all of my googling and section, I cannot find an answer to what seems to be an easy question. I have a nested movie clip. In the last frame of this movie clip I have a button that I want to gotoAndStop(21); to the main timeline but cannot figure it out. I have read this question asked several times while googling and not one answer surprisingly.
I have tried xxxx.gotoAndStop(21); with xxxx being parent, _parent, _main etc but there must be some way to do this I would think. If not via button then even just an action at the last frame that says to mainTimeline.gotoAndStop(21); Obviously mainTimeline is not correct but to give another example.
How do I link a button thats embedded in frame 2 (music page timeline) to a frame in the main timeline ( frame 3= biography page)? Both pages are on the same scene with link buttons embedded in each page independent timeline.
I have a menu btn that is created via an external class. I want to move the main timeline of my flash file to a frame label but I'm having a hard time referencing the main timeline via my external class code.
How do I control the timeline via this external class.
I want to make the timeline go to the next frame (ie gotoAndStop) only if two button instances are invisible. For the buttons I have scripted an on(release) to make them invisible, but I don't know how to use the if function to make my animation progress when they are both invisible.
I simply want to assign a variable to the current frame of the main timeline (not movieclip timeline) I already know about _currentframe and it doesn't help in this case.
I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3. if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.
I would like to store the value from combobox or text area-MovieClip in MyClass and then I'd like to read this from another frame in *.fla file only this :) have you another code? what can I write in frame 2 Miclass and frame 3
I have a main timeline with a button. I need the action for this button to gotoAndStop to a frame within a movieclip, within another movieclip. I have tried on the main timeline setting the actions of the button to:
on (release){ clip1.clip2.gotoAndStop("frame1"); }
and tried:
on (release){ _root.clip1.clip2.gotoAndStop("frame1"); }
on (release){ _parent.clip1.clip2.gotoAndStop("frame1"); }
If I double-click on the movie clip (clip1) and then double-click on the movie clip (clip2), I have several frames labeled "frame1", "frame2", etc.The button doesn't work.
I have a movie clip on the stage and have given it the instance name "team1". inside this movie clip there are two states. at frame1 it says one thing, then at frame 10 has an image. team1 stops at frame 1 and what i want to do is when the main time line reaches say frame 50, i want the team1 movie clip to gotoAndStop at frame 10, thus showing the image and not the text. i tried doing it by putting this on the main timeline at frame 50: team1.gotoAndStop("team");
I just added a motion tween on the main timeline only to realize it doesn't run. Only frame 1 is executed, including its AS3 code. No I could not locate any stop() command within the AS3 code.
I made an RPG, and I'm trying to make the movie itself go to the second/next frame. But whenever I try to do that, nothing happens at all. I tried _level0.gotoAndStop(2) and _root.gotoAndStop(2), both on a frame and on a movie clip.
It's suppose to initiate this function once a certain variable (_root.numbers) reaches 20, and I've tested if the variable does reach 20 by doing other things.
What would be the best way to move onto the next frame (frame 2), when an animation has finished playing on the first frame in the main timeline, with no user input? The animation is on the first frame in the form of a nested movie clip.
I have an internal swf file play within a main swf file. At the end of the internal swf file timeline I want the timeline of the main swf to go to a certain frame and stop.
Just wondering if theres a quick way to check if there's another frame on the main timeline after the one you are currently on.. or just a command to tell me how many frames total in movie(and if therres a command for # of current frame, or ill just have to make a counter), rest i can do myself