ActionScript 3.0 :: What Would Choose For Development - Flash Cs* And Flashdevelop - Flex

Mar 7, 2011

im kinda confuse why people use flash cs5 and some are using flex, flashdevelopl and etc..

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Is there a lack of browser support? Or is this functionality determined by the browser's Flash plugin?

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Jan 12, 2011

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Is this browser limit accurate, and is it generally the same across browsers? Does flash share the requests of the browser? If not, does flash have a limit and what is that limit?
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Feb 20, 2010

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Feb 7, 2010

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Flex :: Use Example From Adobe Reference In FlashDevelop IDE

Aug 19, 2011

I try to use the example from Adobe help reference as following address:


I open FlashDevelop IDE, creat a new Flex 3 project, then copy the code of example to the main.mxml, save it, then run builder.

It failed with "...TreeExampleTreeExamplesrcMain.mxml(5): Error: Could not resolve <s:Application> to a component implementation." error message.

There is a "How to use this example" link beside this example, but I didn't find any useful information I want.

How can I run this example in FlashDevelop IDE?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [Flex] Workflow - Dynamically Choose Swfs / Swcs

Apr 16, 2010

I'm in the process of planning a banner project, where I want to being able to output all banner formats (about 10+ of them) from the same flex project. They will all contain pretty much the same content but with some variation, and because of the size limit I want to load only the necessary assets for each format.

I wonder if there's a way to dynamically load different assets (in form of swf or swc) depending on some setting? I can of course load different swf:s into the main swf but I want only one swf per format. How about launch configurations, is there a way to choose different swc:s there?

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Actionscript 3 :: Implement Macros In Flex/FlashDevelop?

Jul 17, 2009

Currently, i have been compiling my applications with FD/CS3 and want to make the switch to the flex compiler. One of the main things i want to experiment with the flex compiler is using Macros in AS3. For instance, say i have some extremely expensive operation that i wish to carry out:

private function Main():void

but i want to avoid the cost of a function lookup. So instead of using a function lookup I do something like

private function Main():void
<macro expandExtremelyExpensiveOperationHere(params)/>

obviously the syntax doesn't have to look exactly like that, but the macro gets expanded before compilation thus avoiding function lookup.

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AS3 :: FlashDevelop (Flex) And Localized Compiler Messages

Oct 20, 2009

I am completely new to the whole FlashDevelop/Flash/etc toolchain, but wanted to do some experimenting. I installed FlashDevelop and Flex SDK on my laptop, and thinks worked out just fine, except for one thing: the compiler messages are localized! Messages like "gebruik van een niet-gedefinieerde eigenschap" (Dutch.. sort of) are limiting my productivity. I don't recognize them because they look nothing like what I'm used to in any other programming environment, as a proper sentence they make even less sense than English error messages, and I certainly can't google them properly. Now I've already seen there are a couple of xml files and java/mxmlc/fcsh/etc configs I can tweak, but nothing so far helped.


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Flex :: Cannot Access MovieClip Properties In FlashDevelop

Feb 12, 2010

In my controls I have keydown events that control my hero. As of right now, I am trying to rotate my hero but he refuses to turn . Below is my Hero Class, my control class, and gameobject class. pretty much all the classes associate with the controls class.

package com.Objects
import com.Objects.GameObject;


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