Actionscript 2.0 :: Get A Horizontal Gallery Scroller?

Jun 27, 2009

I've got a horizontal gallery scroller that works great.The scroll bar snaps the animation to the closest image. You can view an example here:[URL]I've added the blue buttons to try and scroll directly to individual images which works fine. But once i have arrived at the image the Left & Right buttons don't function correctly to scroll to the next and previous image.[URL]Below is the AS.

// Scaling Mode
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
// Total width and height of this movieclip


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IDE :: Horizontal Gallery Scroller?

Jun 26, 2009

I've got a horizontal gallery scroller that works great.The scroll bar snaps the animation to the closest image. You can view an example here:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Simple Horizontal Image Gallery Scroller

Jul 23, 2008

I'm trying to make a simple horizontal image gallery scroller. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've gotten the slider tab to work properly, but the masked image gallery is not moving at all when the slider is pulled. I included the Flash 8 FLA for the scroller in the post below.

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//code by Billy T
//set a variable
//set the x position of the dragger
dragger._x = 370;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Scroller To Horizontal Scroller?

Oct 24, 2009

I would like to use it as a horizontal scroller for an image gallery. Just to clarify a horizontal dragger and a horizontal stage motion for image viewing.

fscommand("allowscale", "false");
bar.useHandCursor = dragger.useHandCursor=false;
space = 20;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build A Vertical Slide Scroller Based On A Tutorial For A Horizontal Slide Scroller?

Feb 21, 2004

I am trying to build a vertical slide scroller based on a tutorial for a horizontal slide scroller and am having difficulties undertanding what values I need to change in the code for the slider mc in order to make it work. The horizontal slider is quite smart and there is additonal functionality attached to it to affect it's movement which I'm not too worried about although it would be nice)

// set up content_mc info
contentRight = _root.content_mc._x;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Scroller With Showroom?

Dec 4, 2006

first of all would i thx kirupa for a great forum

heres my problem: i really like too make this scroller: [URL]

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IDE :: Horizontal Dynamic Text Scroller?

May 8, 2009

I've created a horizontal dynamic text scroller (like latest news ones found on some websites) in flash 8 with as2, and this swf file reads data from a .txt file. the problem is that when change the txt in the file, it doesnt show in my browser until i clear its cache. But if a client doesnt clear cache he will get the old text...I would like to know how to prevent the browser from caching that swf content, any code or script will be most welcomed. I've tried to add <meta> tags in my html but of no use.

my embed code is like this:
<embed width="980" height="34" align="left" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""


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IDE :: Horizontal Drag Scroller With Zoom

Jun 19, 2009

I've been putting this together and ran into a wall. I'd like to have this drag scroller drag left and right. I'd also like to have it zoom in/out according to where the mouse has been clicked. i.e. zoom to the mouse when clicked. I would also like to be able to scroll left/right while it's zoomed in or out. As a bonus, it would be nice to get the original blur working as well, but thats just an extra

The code is below...It's based on blur scrollbar
#include ""
hand.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Horizontal Dynamic Image Scroller?

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Jul 2, 2010

I'm a beginner at actionscript, as well, but I'm humble and more than willing to be schooled..I have what I hope is an easy question to answer.It is a pretty basic image scroller that has a series of images scrolling across the screen in an infinite loop. Direction is controlled by mouse position (extreme left or right), and it will stop when the mouse is positioned over an image in the center area.Here's the code:

var myVar:Boolean;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
function onEnterFrame(e:Event) :void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Horizontal Image Scroller?

Oct 15, 2009

How can I make a horizontal image scroller that when u click and hold would allow me to scroll through a pan with hotspots(buttons)? I have this script which does the basic functions I am wanting but it if I drag right enough I can drage the MC right out of the frame. I would like to be able to scroll right and then when it meets the very right edge of the movie clicp and the actual movie frame it won't go further. Same with the left edge.

var mouseStartX:int;
var mouseStartY:int;
var bgStartX:int;[code].......

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Horizontal Image Scroller Easing?

Jan 28, 2010

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Code: Select allfunction moveScrollerThumbsLeft(e:Event):void {
race("Left Clicked");
scroller.x -= 640;


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how i can create a fullscreen horizontal scroller - [URL]

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Aug 3, 2009

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I got the movie clip to movie from left to right, but it doesn't seem to recognize how long the movie clip is now, because it stops before the whole movie clip is scrolled....see attached...

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns:local="*">
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal News Scroller With Links To Full Story

Nov 23, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical And Horizontal Parallax Type Scroller [renamed]

Mar 22, 2007

I know that this has almost certainly been asked before, I know because every quarter at least one of my students brings in this site.[URL] My question is how I would go about making a parallax type scroller like this that works vertically and horizontally from the mouse position, and works with many more levels than this (like 20+ levels).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting A Vertical And Horizontal Thumbnail Scroller To Work At The Same Time?

Sep 6, 2007

getting a vertical and horizontal thumbnail scroller to work at the same time, based off of the xml photo gallery tutorial here on kirupa. I'm using FMX04 and I can get one or the other to work but not at the same time. Once I can get them both to work at the same time I would like to make the vertical set load a different set up thumbnails,I know it will involve editting the xml and hence adding to the xml loading into flash but I'm unclear on that also... on another note, is there an easy way to make the image holder resize to the image, so as to accommodate both vertical and horizontal images without skewing them?

Here's my code (as) so far...

// start of horizontal code
function loadXMLh(loaded) {
if (loaded) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamic Horizontal Infinite Image Scroller?

Jun 4, 2010

Image scrollers seem to be a popular topic on the net and not least of all here at Kirupa. anyway i have been searching for a tutorial that can give me all this:

infinite- scrolling using -dynamically loaded images in AS3 i seem to be able to find each of these qualities but they are all in different tutorials or coding lanuages, php, xml, as2, as3 .


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Thumb Scroller Decrease Auto-scroll Speed?

Aug 13, 2009

I am using a horizontal thumb scroller which i ahd acuired from the internet. the scroller works fine but the issue is, the scroll speed is directly related to teh thumbnails present.When i am having 10-20 thumbs the auto scroll is smooth. but when the thumbs increase to say 50+ even the slightest mouse movement cause the the thumb to scroll at rapid pace rendering the thumbnail scroller useless. Can anyone help me to modify the script so that i can reduces or control teh scroll speed. Or if tahts not possible how do i add a next prev button so taht i can take away the auto scroll and fwd/rewind the thumbs one by one or a batch at each click. I am attching the fla file for reference

// Developed by
var photo_filename:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame + MovieClips - Scroll Across The Screen As An Infinite Horizontal Scroller

May 29, 2008

A quick rundown of the code is I am creating movie clips that I then am trying to scroll across the screen as an infinite horizontal scroller. Here is the problem. I am able to create the effect I want using text fields, but when using movie clips and the EXACT code, it doesn't do anything. Here is the code: (sorry kinda long)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Horizontal Scroller, That Pulls Images From An XML Document, And Scrolls Them Infinitely?

May 9, 2008

Im trying to make a horizontal scroller, that pulls images from an XML document, and scrolls them infinitely.I have 2 problems with this and I have been looking everywhere for a tutorial, or example that shows how to do this and I always find something that is close to what I want but not quite.Here is what I have so far:

var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mcListener:Object = new Object();[code]....

What I'm wanting to do is instead of using 490 (underlined), I want to be able to get the width of each loaded image so that I can line up the next image right up against it regardless of its width (490 just happens to be the width of all of them right now).I'm trying to use the onLoadInit() function, but I know I'm doing something wrong. When I try and trace my mainLoader variable, it traces the right amount of times, but they are all the last object in the group.What do I need to do to be able to get the widths of each image as it loads, then use that variable to position the next image right after it?

also (a semi unrelated help request), what I'm doing right now is loading them ALL in creating one giant line of images, then loading in another giant line of images and just alternating between the 2 each time one is almost to the end of its length. Is there a better way to do this so that only the right amount will load, and scroll, at the beginning adding the one right before it enters stage, and as they move off stage they are removed, then when it's near the end it just adds the first one back to the end?

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IDE :: Scroller For Photo Gallery?

Jul 18, 2009

tutorial of photo gallery, the problem is that the scroller for the thumbnails doesnt work, i mean it doesnt appear, theres nothing on the screen, i dont know what the problem is, the pictures above appear correctly but the problem is the scroller, i have tried a lot of thing but i cant get it to work, maybe the problem is that i used flash cs3, and the tutorial was made for flash mx 2004

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