Actionscript 3.0 :: Importing Or Is It Exporting The Document Class

Nov 14, 2009

I have a main.swf with a loader that loads an external.swf file. That file is an xml photogallery. The gallery has two other folders lets call them folder1 (contains xml file, image files) folder2 (which has sub folders that files for the tweens) I need to import these files to the main.swf or is it export these files from the gallery to the main.swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Document Class Vs Importing .as File?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Classes Without Using Document Class

Feb 2, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Document Class On Stage - Importing Buttons?

Jun 13, 2009

I have drawn buttons on my stage. They all set to export for as3. I then made a class for buttons

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.system.fscommand;
public class Buttons extends MovieClip{
public function Buttons(){
[Code] .....

And then I put in my document class ; import Buttons; nothing happens and no errors...

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How do I remove the link from the documnet class and the place an import on the timeline to do the same thing ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Dispatching An Event From One Document Class And Listening For It Via Another Document Class?

Dec 14, 2010

I am dispatching an event from one document class and listening for it via another document class.My code in class A.

this.dispatchEvent(new MYEvent(MyEvent.APERTURE_DONE));
trace("Dispatching APERTURE_DONE");

my code in class B.

addEventListener(MyEvent.APERTURE_DONE, onDoorsOpen,true);
trace("Lisetning for APERTURE_DONE");


My listener is registering before the event is dispatched, based on my output window, however I never get the "Open Doors" trace statement to fire.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Main Document Class From Document Class Of Loaded Swf

May 7, 2011

I have a FLA (say Main.FLA) document class with a child MovieClip on the stage: into the child MovieClip I load other swf files: each of the files contains its own Document Class (every swf is a somewhat independent application, say quizzes and so on).For some reason I must use the Main document class to store data (scores or so) from the child swfs loaded into the Main swf. HOW do I reference the Main class? I can't find a way.[code]and dispatch an Event this way from the loaded swf document class to the Main class:[code]Now, first of all I don't know if this could even work. Secondly, I tried to make it work by adding an event listener to my Main class but id did not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Document Class .fla Cannot Find The Document Class - WTF?

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Flash :: Importing An XML Document

Aug 25, 2009

What I'm working on is a navigation bar populated by an XML document. I'm working from an existing navigation bar while I learn, and the existing bar has a menu, and when clicked each button has a sub menu. I'm trying to remove the submenu so that when you click the navigation bar button, you go to the address defined in the XML. So far I've got everything working so that there is no sub menu drop down, and when you click a button, you are taken to a URL defined in the actual flash AS file.

I can't seem to get the AS file to call on the XML file to the get a URL from it though. How do I tell the AS file to call a variable from the XML document? I know I have the correct Node path because it works in a second AS file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Importing Class Into Custom Class?

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import XMLParser //not allowed to do this I know!
var parser:XMLParser = new XMLParser();[code]....

As I say I realise I am not allowed to import the parsing class into my Game class (or any class for that matter) but I don't know how to pass data directly between these two classes without referencing them in the main FLA.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Reference A Display Object From A Class Other Than The Document Class

Jul 28, 2011

Using Flash CS5 Professional I have created a symbol, dragged it onto the stage, and given it an instance name of GreenLight1. If I want to make this visible from the document class, I can simply do the GreenLight1.visible=true; and poof it's good to go when I test the file. As long as I stay in the document class I am good to go, but now I'm trying to move to another class and hitting ALL kinds of trouble just trying to get Flash to allow me to access this simple object. All I am looking to do is have this GreenLight1 go invisible (visible=false) when a certain condition occurs in this new class and Flash just won't let me access GreenLight1 at all. Things I've tried thus far:

stage is passed to the class and is referenced by _stage and is working just fine when I do _stage.addchild or anything like that. So I have tried "_stage.GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property GreenLight1 not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value." My document class extends Sprite, so I figured I'd try the root function. So I tried "Sprite(root).GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "1119: Access of possibly undefined property GreenLight1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite." I tried to create the Resource class as described therein. To which I came across the same problem that I started with in that it doesn't know what GreenLight1 is to begin with so I got "1120: Access of undefined property GreenLight1." Here is my code for (am I supposed to pass something to this class from the document class?)


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Actionscript 3 :: Can A Document Class Extend Another Custom Class That Extends MovieClip?

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For example,

fla1.fla has a document class of MyMainClass:
public class MyMainClass extends MovieClip
fla2.fla has a document class of MySubClass:
public class MySubClass extends MyMainClass

I've tried, but now I'm getting errors that all of my variables that reference stage instances aren't being found.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Textfield Inside A Movieclip Class From Document Class

Feb 3, 2009

Ok, this is one of those walls that I know once I can jump over it, I will be a much happier developer again.

I've done tons of reading, and think I have a firm understanding that the general consensus is that if you want to reference something, it needs to be added to the display list, using addChild().

I hate to be defiant, but what if I don't want to?

Or at the very least, what if I want to add a movieclip class to the stage using addChild, and then reference objects inside it?

It is much easier this way than what most people recommend - adding 15 objects via addChild, then setting the x and y for the, etc.

That said, I'm all about using classes and using as3 the way it was meant to be used. So what this is, is a best practices question I guess.


- Create new flash document

- Draw graphic symbol bg, with text field over it, select them, convert to movieclip symbol, and export class name "box", then delete it from stage

- Add document class .as file, which simply adds that class "box" from the library, to the display list using a simple addChild()

- Set a name for that box using = "test" let's say

- Do a simple trace like the following - "getChildByName('test').textFieldName" - it shows up great

- So then, I'll now try to set the text by doing this - getChildByName('test').textFieldName.text = "yo";

That last line above, is what doesn't work. I know I'm referencing wrong, but how would a pro as3 developer, reference something on the stage within a movieclip class, from the document class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variable From Document Class To Movie Clip Class?

Oct 12, 2010

i have a movie clip which is exported for ActionScript , i want to get a variable from the document class into the movie clip class i tried this but there was an error !!

ActionScript Code:
var main:Main=new Main();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Data From Custom Class Back To Document Class?

Apr 20, 2011

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How can I sent the instruction from custom class back to the document class?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip On Stage From Custom Class Of Document Class

Dec 7, 2009

Is there a way I can reference a Movie clip I have on the main stage from a custom class of a document class?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Is Loading The File But When Return It To A New Xml Object In The Document Class It Doesnt Load It?

Aug 18, 2009

I found myself loading a new XML file every day and so decided to create a small class that will load the xml file and return it.The class is loading the file but when i try to return it to a new xml object in the document class it doesnt load it.I think that it's something to with the return being in a nested function but i tried a few ways and non seems to work.
loadXML:LoadXML = new LoadXML();
myXML:XML = new XML(loadXML.loadXMLFile("gallery.xml"));[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Data From Document Class To Base Class?

Mar 1, 2011

I created a movieclip with a star. Then, I creates a document class and I named it as

In that document class I wrote:
import flash.display.*;
public class Main extends MovieClip


I´m not posting here all the code, but you can easily see that I´m using x_origin and y_origin variables to keep the original position of the movie clip. I will use them to move the star back to the original position.
The problem is that instead of being 20 and 30 respectively, tracing them I see that they are both ZERO. So when I drop the star, instead of going to x=20,y=30 it moves back to x=0 and y=0. I´ve to get the star position relative to stage, but I can´t find anyway!

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Flash :: Loader Class Problem Tracing The Swf (document Class)

Oct 12, 2010

I am using the Loader class to load 3 external swfs: sharedTopics.swf (does not have a document class) fonts.swf (document class is FontManager) main.swf (document class is Main) The same loader is used to load all 3 assets.


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Actionscript 3 :: Stage Properties In Custom Class, Not Document Class?

Oct 14, 2011

I need to use stage.width/height in my CustomClass so I found some topics about it.

if (stage)


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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Displayobject On Stage In A Class That Is Not A Document Class?

Mar 7, 2012

How to access a display object on the stage in a class which is not a document class?

I am looking for a solution that doesn't involve passing the stage as a parameter to the class.

One solution i always come across is using "". Is it a good method because as far as I have heard using global variables is not recommended because it might cause some problems while working on big projects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Function Of Document Class From MovieClip Class

Aug 8, 2008

How can I run function of the main document class from a class of a MovieClip? I usually just used MovieClip(parent).function(), but now my MovieClip has another parent. Or what do I have to pass to the MovieClip class when creating the MovieClip to acess the main document class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Vars Between Document Class And An Imported Class?

Jan 27, 2009

I've been sorting through the XML docs and i've bumped my head into a bit of a question. So, to preface, I have been able to load the XML successfully, but I want to be able to use my own XML loader class to load the XML and then be able to reference it from the document class. Also, I'd like to be able to send a file path to the loader class when I call it.

The document class:

ActionScript Code:
package rg.sites{
// flash classes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link To A Class File From The Timeline Rather Than Using The Document Class?

Aug 21, 2009

Is there a way to link to a class file from the timeline rather than using the Document Class? (I tried using the document class but it messed up because of the nested movie clips and stuff like that... so I need another way)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip On The Stage From A Class Of The Document Class?

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a way to refer to a Movieclip on the stage from a class file of the document class

Lets say I have 3 MovieClips on the stage(a Circle, a Square and a Triangle)

I have the document class which calls another class that controls the MC on the stage


ActionScript Code:
package {
public class Example extends Sprite {
//Create the instance of the class being called


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