Actionscript 3.0 :: Trace Not Displaying Data From Loader
Feb 25, 2011
I am having a bit of an issue with my traces not working. Basically I have 4 loaders that loads up XML data and displays it for it to be checked. My issue is that the first two traces work for the first two loaders but the last two traces do not work. Usually I get a 1009 error if I try to dig into the data.[code]...
just working on an exercise and I cant figure out the code to display the trace value in a dynamic text box.Heres the code that generates exactly where I'm at right now.
My data grid is displaying stale data, rather than the real time data available in it's data provider (array collection). I've tried refeshing the data in the collection, but that has no effect. Below is my code, does anyone see what could be the problem?
I would like to display a spinning image, when my application is not connected to the socket server and is in an "offline" state.
So I've tried using an ajax-loader.gif, courtesy of <s:Image source="@Embed(source='assets/ajax-loader.gif')" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" includeIn="offline" />
but unfortunately the bitmap is not animated (does not spin).
Is there a way to do that, how do you approach displaying a "loading indicator" in your Flex 4.5 programs?
Or do I have to fallback to mx.controls.ProgressBar?
below code is array for my combo box's data. Now I would like to trace this array. I could not trace of any data of "zone" Object. How we can trace any value of this type of array ?
var zone:Array=[ {label:"Nepal", data:"1:00"}, {label:"China", data:"2:00"}, {label:"Bhutan", data:"3:00"} ];
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var xmlData:XML = new XML(); xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
This loads the xml, assigns it to bookInput and traces it, but when I try and trace bookInput.project, or bookInput.button, or anything besides bookInput, no data is returned,
I cant seem to work out to trace the content of a data grid i have populated with info;Once I can work out how to trace it or each row i would push it into a new array for exporting.
so for example: i have a datagrid instanceNamed(info) //populated from a CVS file; text file//
containing 150 rows and 15 columns. I would simply like to trace this in the output window .From then i will work out how to write to disk. i have been searching around but cant seem to find a solution to this problem.
create a function that enables flash to:1. trace the path of a text file stated on an xml file2. extract data from the text file and display on a TextFieldHere are the current scripts I'm working on and they work on separate I can combine these codes & carry out the functions indicated.
//trace the path of a text file stated on an xml file var myXML:XML; var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
The problem is that a cannot acces the nodes in the tree using AS3 syntax. My guess is that the problem is nhe namespacing that is making it impossible. I have been sitting for hours trying to set namespaces or removing them, but i just cant get this to work. I can load the XML, but as soon as i try to walk down the tree i get no data output. Here is my actionscript so far:
var myNamespace:Namespace = new Namespace( "" ); default xml namespace = myNamespace; var xmlLoaderAvdelningar:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
there is no way for me to acces one of the nodes in the tree and trace the data. To me the namespacing in the XML is very confusing, and i have no experience working with this kind of XML
I have grabbed out the namedpair from php and the output from php is as follows:[code]But when i run, the output windows shows undefined for all my variables. I can display out my variables if I just use this.MuscleDesc0, this.Name0, this.ExID0 and output window will show the first set of variable which is Bicep, Bench Press, 2 respectively.But when I used the for loop, its all undefined. Is it something wrong with my for loop declaration? Can someone tell me how i can amend my for loop to display it?
Is there a way to show data in flash rather than using the components? Something like name and date of birth in a table format somewhat. I'm trying to get something like the datagrid, but somehow I can't style it the way I want to. So, I'm kinda looking at other methods.
I'm trying to get data from a webservice placed on an other server, parse the data and display it in a datagrid.I'm using the WebServiceConnector component.I placed a crossdomain.xml on the remote server, allowing my domain
Everything works fine within Flash.(Ctrl+Enter)Data is recovered, parsed and diplayed propoerly.But when i try somewhere else,it doesn't work at all.(local swf, local html, nor in http on mydomain)I placed dynamic txt fields to trace the status of the webserviceconnector, throught a listener on "status" event.I have of course an other listener for "result" event, which launches parsing and display.
Within Flash, i see the "status" changing from "StatusChange" {callsInProgress:1} to "StatusChange" {callsInProgress:0} and then, the "result" event is triggered.[code]......
i did a function the captures the stage and save it to bitmap datai want to display that bitmap data on a different frame what code should i do (the bitmap changes becuse the capture function triggerd alot);
I have a custom dataGrid that acts more like a 2D list (if that makes sense at all). I am dynamically creating the columns and recreating the dataProvider to suit my needs. While debugging I can see that I am creating the columns and setting them to the dataGrid and creating and setting the dataProvider, but for some reason I am able to see the dataGrid and the columns but not the data.
[Bindable] private var mockData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {value: "425341*"}, {value: "425341*"},
I have a Android Air project written in AS3, when the project starts I am loading the music and loading the XML file to be parsed. In the first frame I call my classes to parse the XML and set the nodes at strings, and to play the audio, these both work fine. Also in my first frame I am declaring some textfields to input the data from the XML file so that when the user enters frame 3 the user is able to see this data from the XML file. This also works fine. The problem I am having is going between frame 4 and back to frame 3, the data in the textfields disapears? I trace the strings from the XML class that are holding the data and these values appear everytime, but going from frame 3 to frame 4 and back to frame 3 wipes out the textfield display?
Ok here is some code from frame one where I am declaring the textfields
var name1TextField:TextField = new TextField(); var name2TextField:TextField = new TextField(); var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
Previously above I had stated that I am calling the audio class and the xml class from the first frame, declaring the text fields and moving on from there. Now I have decided that since this XML file is a list of scores and coded be always changing, I thought it would be good to load and parse this file everytime I enter frame 3. The same thing is still happening, I have my scores display and then when I go to frame 4 and back to frame three, the scores do not display, but when I trace the data from the class, it displays properly.
how to get data from xml -file to flash. Now I have ran into a problem with it. I dont know how to get multiple news from a xml file. Ok ok..This might be easy for a pro but fer me its a killer
And changing the node properties/values (All this in one frame) I get just one news and its the last one specified in the code *sigh*..So lost with this... I know there SHOULD be easier and better way to do this..
i have been following the tut "displaying XML data in flash" and i understand what is going on, I have created my XML file that i want to display in flash.I am now slightly confused as to what to do next as i want to create a movie clip which runs through in a loop displaying the different lines of text in the XML file.
Actually my requirement is my application consists a button(submit_Btn) when we click on the button(submit_Btn), each time it must to database(through servlet) and brings the data from database and places it on the flash swf file.Here my problem is for the first time when we click on the button it goes to database and place the data(which was returned from database) on the swf file.Next when we click on the button for the second time(or anytime) it is not going and bringing the new data from database(if some data is modified in database or not),Infact it is showing the old data(the data that was collected from previous ClickListener) only on the swf file and it is also not showing any complile time or run time error.
my Code looks like this:
submit_Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onCheck2); function onCheck2(evnt:MouseEvent):void { var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var xmlurl:String =
I'm attempting to display external XML data in a dynamic text box. When I test preview my code, the information that I want to display shows up in the Output window, so I know that its linked and works. My trouble is creating the code that will link to my (txtBox) and displaying when previewed.
It works, in the output it tells me the tweets. but i need it to be displyed on the app, i need to no how to do this, someone pointed me in the direction of using a item renderer extended from sprite? But really all i need to do is display it in a text field, all i want to do is display the data.
I am trying to display few data from a PHP (which communicates with a second php that uses a database) into flash.I have created the code needed, but when tracing the php I get "Array" as a result of the trace. How can I display the data that is inside that php array into flash?
getting data from a database and displaying it in a Flex (Flash) swf. Currently I have some C# code that gets the data from the DB and saves it to an XML file on my site. Then the .swf reads that xml file.
I'm working on a flash cards application and am using an ArrayCollection of Objects to store each cards individual data. When the user click the 'save' button, the text from the two textAreas and the 'title' textinput are stored in the AC as one object with .title, .side1 and .side2 properties that contain the text from the flash card. I have made a List in a separate class I want to have display the title of each card the user has created, but after days of researching and looking around, I still cannot get the display to list the titles.
Part of my NewCard.mxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fx:Script><![CDATA[ import; import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; import spark.effects.SlideViewTransition; [Code] .....