Flex :: Displaying Spinning AJAX Loader Image

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to display a spinning image, when my application is not connected to the socket server and is in an "offline" state.

So I've tried using an ajax-loader.gif, courtesy of http://www.ajaxload.info/
<s:Image source="@Embed(source='assets/ajax-loader.gif')"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" includeIn="offline" />

but unfortunately the bitmap is not animated (does not spin).

Is there a way to do that, how do you approach displaying a "loading indicator" in your Flex 4.5 programs?

Or do I have to fallback to mx.controls.ProgressBar?

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* @variable image_name to store the name of the selected item
private function showimage(evt:Event):void


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Oct 26, 2011

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//call function that starts loading my image
function callButtons():void {


the error I am getting when I click the spanish.png on the stage is: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on MyVideoPlayer_CS4_fla::MainTimeline/playSpanish(). Expected 0, got 1.I NEEDED TO ADDED evt:MouseEvent

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Loader Gallery - Put A Timer - Divert To The Next Image Automatically

Apr 30, 2010

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Flash CS4 Loader Class: Image Loads Initially But Error Returned When Loading New Image

Mar 22, 2011

[code]This script is for a loader image gallery in flash, as part of a class assignment. What happens is that in flash, when I open the swf file, the initial image (images/nair_evanescentautumn.png) will load fine. However, clicking on any thumbnail image (including the exact same images/nair_evanescentautumn.png), will result in an error saying the file cannot be found.I cannot figure out why it is doing this... I've tested it over. Clicking each thumbnail does go to the correct position in the two separate functions. All said full-size image links are in the folder images/, and replacing the initial loader image will load the other images in place of the default one. However, clicking on any thumbnail still results in URL not found, even though everything works correctly.[code]Before anyone asks why I'm putting this kind of content into a flash site, I'm not--this is only for a class assignment. I'm just trying to figure out why my images aren't loading right when I'm only doing the exact same thing in the functions as I am on the other pages.Of note, commissions.swf has the exact same feature, just with swf files loaded instead, and it works perfectly fine. home, traditional, digital, and photography all have the image gallery, and all have the same issue (I only referenced one page because if I can fix one page I should be able to fix all of them).As for the artworks, they are all my fiance's. The website design was built for her, and I used the website design for this project because I didn't want to have to build an entirely new interface design. Since the project also required a gallery, I felt that this interface would work just fine.

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In the above call safari throws an error # 1063, (i.e. Argument count mismatch) in the safari javascript console, and points to line 561 in FaBridge.js. It thinks I didn't pass in the requied parameters. Now the above issue exists only on Safari. Both of the above approaches work on IE, Firefox and Chrome browsers. Note: I am NOT using swfObject for embedding my swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reflection Image Should Appear Under The Image / Loader

Mar 6, 2010

I've looked through a couple threads here about reflecting images... but I don't quite understand it. I will include a link to my project thus far: Final Project First of all, ignore the music/mp3 items at the bottom of the stage. Those aren't wired up yet. When you click on a bike image on the right, the reflection image should appear under the image... but it's not quite working out that way, and I've tried a few things. Here's the segment of AS3 code that is giving me trouble:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Not Displaying?

Aug 23, 2010

Made this class that loads pictures for me. You pass on the picture URL, the object that the picture needs to be added to and a function to do after the image is loaded.Here is the class:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Text Instead Of An Image?

Jan 13, 2011

I have the following AS:

function clicButton(e:MouseEvent) {
//if (MovieClip(root).gallery_category_num !== numButton && _root.gallery_flag_animation==true) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying An Image To A TextField With The 'img' Tag?

Oct 28, 2008

it is possible to display an image in a TextField by using html and the img-tag. The image is identified by an URI:

textField.htmlText = 'An image: <img

Now here's my question: Is it possible to refer an image which is in the same .swf-file as the code?

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