Flex :: Displaying Huge, Scrollable Images In Image?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm trying to show image files (jpg, png, gif) that can be larger than the available display area. I've embedded an Image inside a cCanvas (to get scrolling), but the large images are not completely displayed.

Very large images (e.g. 2480 x 3507) have the top or the top and bottom of the image clipped withing the scrolling Image.

What is the largest graphic one can display using the mx.controls.Image ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Displaying Huge - Scrollable Graphics In Flex - Part 2: BitmapData Into An Image?

Aug 6, 2009

I have the code to copy parts of a huge loaded BitmapData to a target BitmapData that is just the size that I can display. I think I have set the scroll bars of an enclosing Canvas to show the size of the larger image and allow the user to scroll. Now I need to put the selected pixels on the screen. When I try to add a Bitmap component as a child of the Canvas, it get an error because Bitmap is not a UIComponent. What's the best way to put the target BitmapData into an Image component?

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Flex :: Displaying Images/icons Besides Y-axis In Flex Bar Charts?

Jul 28, 2011

I am trying to place an image besides the label in y-axis. So I have created a custom label renderer(A HBox containing and ). The source for the image has to be set based on a property present in the data provider. The problem is, I am not able to access the BarSeriesItem in the fnSetSource() method.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="1280" height="750">


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Flex :: Embedding Images And Then Displaying Them

Oct 27, 2011

I have 2 images that are used hundreds of times throughout my application. Although they are only ~2.5 kilobytes each, they're multitude is causing the browser to load nearly 7 megs of data if reference them like this[code]...

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Flex :: Flash - App Not Displaying Images Sometimes Loaded From A URL?

Jan 17, 2011

I have the following Actionscript code in my Flex 4 app to display images on a Sprite. Works perfect in the local flash player while developing this:

private function initializePhoto():void {
var photoLoader:Loader = new Loader();
photoLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onPhotoReady);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - How Is The HD Support - And HUGE Image Resolution ?

Feb 28, 2011

I would love to get some information from some of the old pros on here as to best practices using flash for large scale environmental displays:

1. Flash supports High Definition correct? I did a google search, and see that it does - but unsure whether I need a plug-in or it's just a setting? My question is more along the lines of - can the flash animation be highDef, or only the videos it displays?

2. I am working on a very large (like 40ft tall) environmental graphic, and curious .how you deal with images at that size? I remember vaugely, that they don't need to be 300dpi, but do i still need to maintain a certain resolution?

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Actionscript :: Flex Image Isn't Displaying

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to extend the Image class but hit a problem that I can't get past. I have a private image (img) that loads an image and a function that takes that image and copies it onto the parent. The debug function "copyit2" displays the image fine (so I know it's loaded OK). But the function "copyit" doesn't work - it just displays a white rectangle. I can't see how to make copyit work so that the original image is copied to the BitmapData and then subsequenty copied onto the parent?

(The idea is to do some processing on the Bitmap data before it is displayed, although this isn't shown here to keep the example simple.) I suspect it is something to do with the security of loading images, but I'm loading it from the same server as the application is run from - so this shouldn't be a problem?


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Flash :: Displaying An Image In Flex

Mar 25, 2012

I worked with HaXe and actionscript programming, but I'm new to flex. Here's my question. If I want to get image from server (blazeds) in AS3 I'll load it to Loader a loader and then add it to some e.g. MovieClip. Should I do the same to load an image in flex? Or there some common for flex schema for doing that? Another question is. If I have an Image on blazeds server what will a better way to get it: to pass it through java (i.e. read it, and then pass to client) or directcly with Loader?

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Flex :: DataGrid Itemrenderer Image Not Displaying?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a Datagrid with an ItemRenderer assigned to a column which is a Currency column(String). The renderer is mean to display the Flag of the currency eg; for USD it should display a USD flag image etc. At the moment the column is appearing Blank without an image. I have the following renderer (which extends UIComponent). I am dynamically loading the images in the commitProperties() method. At the moment I have hard-coded it to the USD image to get it to work

public class CenteredEmbedImage extends UIComponent implements IListItemRenderer,IDropInListItemRenderer
private var _loader:Loader;


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Image Working As A Scrollable Map (all 4 Directions)?

Dec 31, 2011

Ok, so I got this huge image of a map. I put a Mask over it so it will fit on a small screen. But....I want users to be able to view the whole map but click on arrow buttons that will transfer them in all 4 directions. I know I can do this with keyframes, showing different parts of them map each stage....But isn't there a simplier way? Some sort of actionscript code that will tell flash to scroll how many pixels left or right or up or down? And that it will know that the image will stop here so don't scroll more than that?

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Flex :: Displaying Spinning AJAX Loader Image

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to display a spinning image, when my application is not connected to the socket server and is in an "offline" state.

So I've tried using an ajax-loader.gif, courtesy of http://www.ajaxload.info/
<s:Image source="@Embed(source='assets/ajax-loader.gif')"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" includeIn="offline" />

but unfortunately the bitmap is not animated (does not spin).

Is there a way to do that, how do you approach displaying a "loading indicator" in your Flex 4.5 programs?

Or do I have to fallback to mx.controls.ProgressBar?

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Flex - Can't Find Huge Memory Leak In A Flex 4.6 Web Application?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a Flex 4.6 web game which displays 2 Lists with virtual layouts with 2 custom item renderers. The renderers consist mainly of BitmapImages displaying user avatars + few Labels.

The Lists are being updated often over TCP socket with gzipped JSON data. I merge that data into 2 ArrayCollections serving as dataProviders for the Lists. This seems to work well, the Lists do not flicker and are updated correctly (I've monitored debug traces a lot to get it right).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollable Menu Where Multiple Image Of Png Will Load Into

Apr 4, 2007

a) scrollable menu where my multiple image of png will load into
b) multiple (could also be one image) of png images that will gradually appear into the same folder where my .fla file is.
c) a layer of frame (more of a window, it's scrollable upwards & downwards) - the place for my original sized png image to appear
d) dropdown menu - that will contain form1, form2, form3 [form1, form2, form 3 will represent which part of the png image willl be shown in (b): form1 = top, form2 = middle, form3 = bottom]

1) a png image (possible that the png image will come in multiple) will load into my flash movie automatically, specifically all of them will load on a scrollable menu one after another, side by side with the png image size reduced to fit into the menu.

2) once i click one of the png image on the menu, the image will appear beneath its [like what i've explained in (c)]. this image is scrollable only upwards & downwards within the windowframe, and it should be the original size (not the reduced one to be fit into the menu)

3)below, there's a dropdown menu [i've explained in (d)] that will be chosen from, let's say form1 is chosen. the window where the scrollable png image is, will show the part where i set form1 is for.

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Flex :: How To Print Huge Reports

Jan 13, 2010

I have a web app that prints reports, most are just one page, or two, so I just create a component that shows the data and print it.

But I have this one report that can have thousands of lines, with a custom format, Flash will slow down with this.

Is it posible to print it without showing the actual data on screen? or is there a component to print reports with custom format?

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Flex :: Printing - Printed Data Grid Makes Huge Files?

Oct 29, 2010

I've an AIR app which prints a couple of DataGrids with approximately 3 pages worth of data each. I get great-looking printouts, but the printing is slow - I noticed that printing these 6 pages + a title page and a page of lightweight images was sent to the printer in a file of almost 50 MB (on Windows). Is this a normal size for a printed DataGrid? Is there anything I can do to make it smaller and faster?

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Flex :: Find Out If Component (tree) Is Scrollable?

Jan 25, 2010

How can you find out if a Flex Component (in my case the tree) is scrollable? I tried it like this

if (_listOwner.height < _listOwner.measuredHeight) {
// so stuff

from within the tree's item renderer but didn't succeed. Access to the tree's scrollbar is private so that I can't get the info that way.

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Flex :: Vertical, Scrollable List Of Panels?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm using Adobe Flex Builder 4.5, and I'd like to create a vertical, scrollable list of panels for an AIR application. How do I do that?

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Image :: Flex Working With Images (converting From And To Bytearray)?

Jan 28, 2012

I'm having a task in which I have to read and save images in the database.I'm using C#.net Webservice and SQlserver2008 database and I'm saving image as varbinary format.How I can read images from local system and convert it into byte array in Flex ?How to show images in Flex that are recieved in type Bytearray?

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ActionScript :: Displaying Images From A Certain URL

Aug 14, 2011

I'm having difficulty displaying an image with a given URL. does anyone have an idea on how to display an image on actionscript?

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3D Carousel Displaying FLV Instead Of Images?

Jan 20, 2009

how to make the 3D carousel display different playing .flv files instead of images but have not been able to work it out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preload Images Before Displaying?

Nov 24, 2009

I have 2 .swf files - home.swf and gallery.swf. Home.swf acts as a preloader and loads gallery.swf. This file contains links that when clicked, will change the thumbnails shown in the galleryswf file. Gallery.swf is basically an image wall that uses various XML files to populate itself.

So, the idea is this: When a user clicks on a link in the home.swf, I would like the current gallery to tween off the stage while the new gallery tweens on the stage from the other side. This all works so far.

What I don't know how to do is make sure that all of the thumbnails in the new gallery are loaded BEFORE tweening it onto the stage. I have event listeners in the gallery.xml file that listen for when the XML has completed loading and I have listeners in the home.swf file to listen for when the gallery has loaded. However, when the home.swf loads the gallery.swf, it is doing just that an not waiting for the images in the gallery to load first. So, I am getting a blank gallery to slide onto the page and the user watches the thumbnails show up as they load.

My goal is to get home.swf to load the gallery.swf and not show it or start tweening it until all of the thumbnails have been loaded.

So, my question is, when home.swf is loading the new gallery.swf, how do I get it to fire the complete event after all of the thumbnails have been loaded by the gallery.swf file?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Displaying Incorrectly?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm trying to load some jpeg's into my movieclips. They are loading, but my height is displaying wrong. The image is 64x100px. I'm changing my movieclip to show the same size, but the display of the image is stretched.Doing a Debug of the movie, the movieclips show the correct dimensions, but the images are still stretched vertically somehow. My _xscale and _yscale are both at 100.

This is in actionscript 2.0. I've ran this file on both MX2004 and CS3, with the same result. The images aren't progressive,

numImages = 30;
spacing = 10;
x_pos = 0;
y_pos = 0;[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Slideshow Displaying Random Images

Jul 28, 2009

I have an XML slideshow displaying random images.

It works but sometimes duplicates the same images or displys the same image way more than the others...

Is there an action I can call so ALL my images play once in random order, before they get to be displayed for a 2nd time?[code]...

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Flash :: Gallery Displaying Low Quality Images?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a flash swf gallery that links to my flickr images via the flickr api. If I click on the index.html page on my local desktop then the main images (jpgs) are displayed high quality via IE8, however when I upload the swf and html page to my server when I access it via http the images are highly pixellated and low quality anyone know why on my desktop via the browser its fine, but when viewing through the server the images are low quality pixellated etc  [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Manipulating And Displaying Remote Images?

Oct 22, 2009

I've been handed a few Flash files written in CS4, but in ActionScript 2. I know enough ActionScript to be dangerous, but I am far from a Flash developer.

At the high level, the Flash file loads an image, rotates a portion of the center of the image, and allows the user to drag the rotated piece into the proper position (solving a puzzle, basically).

This worked GREAT when the images were loading from the local server. We've changed to remote cloud hosting for the images, though, and now are experiencing issues.

The images still load (we have all of the security and cross-domain policy files in place), but any time we try to rotate the center portion of the image we get a plain gray box instead of the rotated portion of the image.

What's weirder is that the rotated image portions show up fine in the IDE Flash player. But when viewed through a web browser the static portion of the image will load, but the rotated portion will not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload ALL External Images Before Displaying Them?

Feb 18, 2010

I was trying to make a dynamic slideshow but i kinda dont want the pictures to load on the spot. Is there a way to preload the images before displaying them? I found it annoying and difficult to roll through the pictures automatically and have them load on the spot.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Images From Remote Server

Nov 15, 2011

I've built a simple webcam snapshot application - a user uses webcam to take a picture which is saved in a folder. All pictures are saved in same folder and now i have to display three latest images on a flash banner that is located in another server. With PHP, i managed to sort the pictures in an array from latest to oldest and dislay them on the a website. Now i have to dipslay three of the latest images on the banner and not sure how to pass this information to the Flash banner? All i have to do is to pass the path of the three latest images and load them into movieclips. Any tips where to start?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: XML Slideshow Loads All Images Before Displaying?

Mar 26, 2009

I have this problem with some stock code I've modified. Everything was working great until I tested it online, and found it was slow as all heck. It turns out that instead of loading and adding all the images one at a time, it loads all the files from the XML, and then adds them all to children, which in my case is 45 large images/swfs. would very much prefer to use this code over starting with a new XML Slideshow, as I've customized this one with tweener and a button which loads another version of the current image when hovered over (this is working fine at the moment as wellI am only going to post the code that is necessary otherwise this page will be huge.

Code: Select all//==================================================================================================================


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simultaneous Displaying Of Three Images In Photogallery?

Dec 28, 2006

Basing on the following script


I would like to have a photogallery which instead of one picture at a time will display three pictures. take a look at the attached image to get a better idea about what I need.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Images In A List Component?

Jan 19, 2007

I am trying to create a thumbnail viewer using a list component. I used list.cellRenderer to display a test image and it displays that image about 50 times vertically down the list component. how to use this component with images?

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