ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Images From Remote Server

Nov 15, 2011

I've built a simple webcam snapshot application - a user uses webcam to take a picture which is saved in a folder. All pictures are saved in same folder and now i have to display three latest images on a flash banner that is located in another server. With PHP, i managed to sort the pictures in an array from latest to oldest and dislay them on the a website. Now i have to dipslay three of the latest images on the banner and not sure how to pass this information to the Flash banner? All i have to do is to pass the path of the three latest images and load them into movieclips. Any tips where to start?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Manipulating And Displaying Remote Images?

Oct 22, 2009

I've been handed a few Flash files written in CS4, but in ActionScript 2. I know enough ActionScript to be dangerous, but I am far from a Flash developer.

At the high level, the Flash file loads an image, rotates a portion of the center of the image, and allows the user to drag the rotated piece into the proper position (solving a puzzle, basically).

This worked GREAT when the images were loading from the local server. We've changed to remote cloud hosting for the images, though, and now are experiencing issues.

The images still load (we have all of the security and cross-domain policy files in place), but any time we try to rotate the center portion of the image we get a plain gray box instead of the rotated portion of the image.

What's weirder is that the rotated image portions show up fine in the IDE Flash player. But when viewed through a web browser the static portion of the image will load, but the rotated portion will not.

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Flash Remote Images Loaded From Server On Other Sites

Nov 12, 2011

I want to understand something if it is possible to do it in flash movie. I want to make flash animation with let say 4 pics. The animation will be used as an advertisement on other sites. But I want the images in the flash movie to be changed from time to time. Thus I want the images to be loaded from my server while the movie is been shown on other sites. I want to know if this is possible in flash.

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Media Server :: Development Server Be Installed On A Remote Server?

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The instructions for installation only cover installation on "localhost".  I'm wondering if I could use the development server for a small scale website depolyment with restricted traffic, from a commercial server, such as goDaddy?And if so, what''s the method?  Do I download the package from Adobe to my local hard drive and install over the network, or copy the package to the server and install it online?

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

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The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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PlayerA ---> Server : "Position X + Position Y+
Server ---> PlayerB: "Position X + Position Y+

and it works both ways of course.the problem here is that on my computer where i use "localhost" everything is fine and the data is exchanged seamlessly .. when I loaded the server on a remote host the message received strangely turns into something like "Position X + NaN" (i.e. the y position is wrongly parsed by the server), what is weird even more, is that sometimes, the message gets parsed correctly..the server is wrote in java and it is exactly the same source code that works on my machine that fails over the internet

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of a complex question to me, but it's coming from an absolute beginner and it might be considered a stupid one, that's why I posted here...I've kind of been dropped in the deep end with this task and I can't get it right... I have a company's organisational chart in flash where it loads in each person's name dynamically for their department and when you click on it it brings up their CV information such as name, qualifications etc. This is loaded into a dynamic text box. I can test it locally with an xml file and then switch back to the online version.The local version I check by switching to "strXMLpath = "organisation.xml";" where things are laid out as follows:



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Slideshow Not Showing Images From Remote Browser?

Dec 8, 2009

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import flash.display.*;
function loadBitmapSmoothed(url:String, target:MovieClip) {


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Actionscript 2.0 :: BitmapData And Local Vs Remote Images

Feb 27, 2012

I am creating an interactive post-it for an upcoming event that allows for us to tap into a sql database and post tweets, survey answers and images. We've already tapped into the Twitter API and the survey, so those are A-OK.The problem lies within loading the images from a location other than the local interactive board's server.If the image itself is locally hosted, it loads just fine.If the image is hosted elsewhere, the image will not load, even though I have a trace on the URL of said image.I'm loading all tweets, surveys and images through an XML load and all the data is loading properly.I AM loading the image through a smoothing filter so that when the "post-its" are slightly rotated, they are not jagged. Here is THAT code:[code]

This is a two part script where the bulk loads in the image and places it into an empty movieclip, then adds the smoothing filter. The second part is a resizer that automatically resizes the image and keeps the aspect ratio.When I test the flash piece (not embedded in HTML) the thing works 100%.As soon as I put the swf into an html and view it on a web page, the remote images will not load.I'm a bit stumped on why this is, could this be a firewall or security issue? Because I work in a high security firewall environment.

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Nov 17, 2009

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Feb 9, 2009

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MovieClip.prototype.addProperty("onLoad", function () {


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The images don't seem to be affected, but I don't like having errors displayed that I don't understand. Here's a sample app that exemplifies the problem:


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Mar 19, 2012

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Feb 16, 2009

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My code follows:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcSoundHolder", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var sndAudio:Sound = new Sound(mcSoundHolder);
sndAudio.loadSound("[URL]", false);
sndAudio.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void {
if(bSuccess) {

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Mar 11, 2010

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Anyone know whats causing this???

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Apr 17, 2010

I have created an application where on button click it has to load an image to a movieclip.

It worked fine in my local system, but when I uploaded it to the server, the image loads late and thus the animation is missing and is causing problems.

how to load image from the library attached to the movie.

I know it can be done with attachMovie, but its not working for me.

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Media Server :: VOD Using File At Remote Location

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying for making out application for vod.I want to know how a user can make his file readable by the AMS for vod when file is at different PC and AMS( includes swf and HTMl files) is at different PC.

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Professional :: Flash On Remote Server Will Not Play?

Mar 27, 2010

I have inserted services.flv into [URL]. I am using Dreamweaver CS4, and all dependent files, including the  flash video are present:

I am able to successfully use the "Live  View" function within CS4.  I am also able to successfully preview  within IE and Firefox.  I've put all files in the appropriate location  on the remote server.  All files are in my /wwwroot/, except the two  files that are in the Script folder, which is in my root.  My domain  host claims flv files are supported, and Adobe technical support  eperiences the same behavior as I, they can play locally, but not  remotely.  Adobe technical support claims the cause of the problem is  the remote server.

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Media Server :: FMS Looks Dead To Other Lan/remote Machines?

Mar 31, 2010

i set FMS running fine. I have even enabled TCP port forward, not that i need it localy.the thing is, from other machines the FMS wont answer. FME is going

FMS is in (same machine)

if i go from another lan machine, it simply wont connect.. nor does Access.log relates to anything trying to connect to it. (from other machine, from same machine everything goes smooth)

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Professional :: Playing Flash On Remote Server?

May 29, 2010

I have been using flash for years deploying video for the web.For the life of me I cannot get my .FLV file to import into Flash from my URL.It's already on the server here is the address.I've always used this method.The only thing that is different is I'm now using GoDaddy to host my site instead of 1and1. http:[url]...........I do have the .F4V locally on my machine but I've never been able to get that to play from the remote server... meaning-

I import .F4V file locally into flash.I create a .swf file and place that in the same folder as the.f4v.I use GoLive to make my webpages.I create my webpage and import my .swf and .flv into the html webpage. It plays great locally on my machine.When I upload everything uploads. When I check it all out online, I get no video.

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Professional :: Flash Not Showing On Remote Server?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a 30 sec flash file that  was converted from a .flv to .swf in flash CS5.I place the .swf file in Dreamweaver CS5.The file is only 57k the .flv was 3,560k. The flash plays perfect locally.When uploaded thru the "put" function with Dreamweaver the .swf file uploads along with the java and expessistall.swf. The flash will not display on the website.

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Media Server :: FMS Remote SharedObject Not Always Updated?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm somewhat new to FMS. We're creating a chat application and using s remote SharedObject to keep everyone in sync about who is in the room. But despite the fact that I use the following:

_sharedObject.setProperty("groupList", groupList);_sharedObject.setDirty("groupList"); to force the shared object to update the list of who's in the room, for some reason it does not always update correctly when someone enters the room and adds themselves to the shared object. The problem seems to be that the SyncEvent.SYNC event does not always get sent all the time.

More troubling it that if the user closes the browser window or navigates to another page, NetStatusEvent NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect and NetGroup.MulticastStream.UnpublishNotify are not reliable to use to remove user's from the list. My assumption is that remote shared objects are just not that reliable in some cases. Should I use server side scripts to keep track of users and what groups they are in?

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Media Server :: Publishing Stream To Remote FMS?

Oct 23, 2011

I have followed this link to republish my local stream to other local application instance : [URL]
i have used this script code into main.asc and it is working  :
// Called when the client publishes
application.onPublish = function(client, myStream) {
trace( + " is publishing into application " +;  


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Media Server :: Remote Access For Streaming From FMS?

Oct 24, 2011

Ive been able to setup FMS 4.5 and stream RTMP videos locally from a webcam stream but if i try to access it remotely i cant get a connection. Ive forwarded port 1935 through to my local IP from my router but still no connection, what do i need to configure on the servers end to tell it that its behind an NAT etc. Do i just add the public ip to the hostname line in the fms.ini, or is there more i need to do too? Do i log into the admin panel and change the server name from localhost to my public IP

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Flex :: Load Css File From Remote Server?

Feb 1, 2011

In Flex 4 i want to load css file from remote server at runtime it's possible?

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