Ajax :: In Terms Of HTTP Request Performance Pick AJAX Or Flash?

Jul 19, 2011

In terms of HTTP request performance should I pick AJAX or Flash? To be more specific, I'm more into Flash than AJAX and I'm currently working on a wide scale web project. I wanted to try AJAX out for once and now it's getting too messy for me. Before it gets more complicated I thought may be I can run Flash on the background for HTTP Requests and use it with javascript. I couldn't find any benchmark on the Internet, but I think AJAX is faster than Flash. So what's your personal experience? Is there too much difference between Flash and AJAX?

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function openPermissions(){
Facebook.showPermissionDialog(/*permissions string*/, permissionOnDone);[code]......

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(isset($_POST['gdata']) && !empty($_POST['gdata'])) ? $gamedata = $_POST['gdata'] : returnError("game data not specified");

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Mar 25, 2010

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and then can continue. now what happens in page changes, then you need to return to the page and wait for flash swf file to load again ...

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Web Development / Flash Making AJAX Requests?

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<li><a href="xxx.cfm?param=#xxx#">XXX</a></li>

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how can i fix this error to let the flash cfchart display inIE?

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Actionscript 3 :: Trigger Ajax With Flash Buttons?

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The Ajax:

$(document).ready(function() {


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Flash :: Library That Uses Ajax For File Uploading?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm trying to create a sleek and styled button that when clicked allows the user to select a file. When the file has been selected, an event should fire, allowing me to reconstruct the form. Also the file should be uploaded without reloading the page. Preferably events should also be fired for upload progress and completion.

Obviously neither pure HTML or JavaScript can do all this by themselves. I need to let Flash do the uploading. I've been searching around for a nice clean JavaScript library that implements Flash for file uploads and makes the aforementioned events available to the programmer. All I've managed to find are "all-or-nothing" type libraries that does everything for me, giving me little or no freedom. Often the upload interface is also static and in flash.

Are there are professional, clean JavaScript libraries out there that does what I'm after? To reiterate, I'm looking for a JavaScript library that uses Flash only to upload one or more files asynchronously and offer events to keep track of the upload.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Ajax And Flash To Open Url On The Same Page?

Aug 23, 2007

how do i make a flash button to change the content of a page using Ajax?

the menu have to remaing the same and not load again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Image Before Uplaod In Flash Using AJAX

Sep 19, 2011

I want make a image up-loader in flash.i will call to Ajax to upload image, AJAX check for flash re sizer and it re size image using flash re sizer and upload on sever.please any body can help me how i can re size image in flash before upload on server.

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Javascript :: AJAX Call That Returns Flash Video?

Mar 2, 2010

I have an AJAX web service call that returns a chunk of HTML that I then apply to a DIV element on my page.This works fine for any html element except a flash video which comes up with 'Movie not loaded'.I've double-checked the html that is being returned and it's all fine, and it works if I don't use AJAX, but when I use AJAX and then add it using JS it doesn't seem to attempt to load the playlist.

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Jquery :: Can't Load Flash Code Into Page With Ajax

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to load some flash banner code (from database) into a webpage using jquery ajax.It is all working when adding the flash code in code-behind but when I am trying to load it with ajax some flash banners make the complete website disappear and only shows the banner.I am using jQuery Ajax and the response is in html like:[code]I am using .html() to add it to the page.

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Php :: Avoiding CSRF When Serving AJAX Or Flash Requests?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a Flash based game for the browser which sends users' scores to a php backend script which stores the score and the user id in the database.

Now I have a url like www.example.com/update.php?score=200&uid=234

The problem is that this is very much exposed to an intelligent user, and he can use this url to store whatever score he wants in the DB. Also there's no real user authentication, and I don't intend to have one either, because it's really a tiny game.

How can I stop someone from calling the above url and updating his score on his own.

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Ajax :: Dynamic HTML5 Audio Flash Player

Feb 9, 2011

Does there exist a library / program that can play mp3 files using flash as html5 fallback dynamically? By dynamically, I mean that the player can switch the current mp3 thats playing, even after dom has loaded. The problem I run into with most flash audio players is that they depend on the song being loaded when the dom loads, but my website loads songs through ajax.

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Actionscript 3 :: Resize Image Before Uplaod In Flash Using AJAX?

Sep 19, 2011

I want make a image up-loader in flash.i will call to Ajax to upload image, AJAX check for flash re sizer and it re size image using flash re sizer and upload on sever. how i can re size image in flash before upload on server.

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Flash :: Php - Ajax Calls Queued While Connected To Socket

Sep 19, 2011

I'm running into a problem while running both a Flash socket and using Ajax to load pages. Both work fine separately. I am able to browse my site using the Ajax calls, or I am able to send/receive messages through the socket. However, when the socket is connected for some reason the Ajax calls start to seemingly be put into a queue and never actually finish until I stop the socket.

If I disconnect from the socket, or close the socket on the server side, then the Ajax call immediately finishes and loads the page. The Ajax call never times out, it just waits forever, right up until I close the socket connection. In JavaScript, I'm using jQuery's $.getJSON() function to load the pages (which I thought were asynchronous calls). In Flash I'm using the basic ActionScript 3 Socket class:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons To Control Dynamic Ajax?

Nov 2, 2009

i have some simple html links wrapped in a div id called 'contentOpen', some javascript listens out for when links wrapped within the contentOpen div are clicked and then calls a function called 'click' (which is within jquery.js)

i want to be able to use a flash button to do the same thing - how would i modify my flash and/or javascript to be able to do this ?

here is my javascript:

$('#contentOpen a').livequery('click',function(){
// capture the url to load from the href
var urlLoad = $(this).attr("href") +' #content';
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href') .length-4);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Causing Ajax Drop Menu To Lag

Jan 19, 2010

I have an AJAX.net drop menu and a flash intro with 4 swf files that's being called externally using Bulkloader. The drop menu works fine by itself and the flash works fine by itself. But when the two are put together, the animation on the .swf files are causing the drop menu to lag A LOT. The 2nd child item from the drop menu doesn't smoothly drop until the animation is completely done.

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