Javascript :: Determine Ajax (XHR) Request Sender?

Jul 8, 2010

Is there a way in any browser to find out who (which piece of code) actually sent an Ajax request? What I mean: in firebug one can monitor network activity (in the Net tab) but there is no way of guessing where the request was initiated from.

Does anybody know firefox/firebug extensions or maybe other browser's extensions to show request source (whether it is javascript code in particular file at particular line or browser plugin Flash/Silverlight/etc)?

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Javascript :: Intercept The Response Of An Ajax Http Request Made By A Flash Object ?

Feb 24, 2012

I want want to intercept the response for an ajax request made inside a flash object via javascript.

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Ajax :: In Terms Of HTTP Request Performance Pick AJAX Or Flash?

Jul 19, 2011

In terms of HTTP request performance should I pick AJAX or Flash? To be more specific, I'm more into Flash than AJAX and I'm currently working on a wide scale web project. I wanted to try AJAX out for once and now it's getting too messy for me. Before it gets more complicated I thought may be I can run Flash on the background for HTTP Requests and use it with javascript. I couldn't find any benchmark on the Internet, but I think AJAX is faster than Flash. So what's your personal experience? Is there too much difference between Flash and AJAX?

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Ajax :: Detect If HTTP Request Is From Browser / Flex Asynchronous Request?

Jun 1, 2010

When Flex application make an asynchronus HTTP request, does it add a special header to the request, like some JavaScript framework does? Something that indicates whether this request is an AJAX call/not.I just want my server side code to return different response format, depending on whether the request is made from browser/flex.

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Php :: Json_decode - Malformed JSON From AJAX Request?

Oct 3, 2011

I am building a request in Flash that contains a JSON encoded Array of Objects. This is encoded using as3corelib. The request is then passed to JavaScript via ExternalInterface and a jquery ajax call sends the request off to the server.In PHP, the incoming data is parsed, but the json_decode returns null, giving a Malformed JSON error. var_dump results in comments:

(isset($_POST['gdata']) && !empty($_POST['gdata'])) ? $gamedata = $_POST['gdata'] : returnError("game data not specified");

What I don't understand is that attempting to decode the variable returns null, but the same text decoded from a literal string works fine. What can I do to clean up the incoming data and make it readable for json_decode?

Edit: php_info() says that magic_quotes_gpc is enabled. Could that be the issue?

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Send AJAX Get Request With Reserved Symbols In URL?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there any client-side technology to send get request with unencoded query string?I want to send some reserved symbols to server in URL without url encoding (eg. '>' or ']'). (I want to test server's behavior).

An XMLHttpRequest encodes these symbols automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash In Ruby On Rails Making A AJAX Request

Aug 17, 2009

I'm trying to solve a problem where I have a nice Flash button and when a user presses that button I need an Ajax request to be sent to the server in order to process some RJS code. I am using ActionScript3 to do URL handling logic of my Flash button. Has anyone done anything similar?

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Javascript :: AJAX And Playing A Sound Once

Nov 25, 2011

We have a website which displays status updates throughout our various facilities (they all have LCDs with a fullscreen IE page I point it to). Right now I go to my management page with a WYSIWYG-editor, type in the messages/updates, which saves it to a .txt file (alert.txt) and it updates the page on the screens via AJAX. The page on the screens checks for updates at a set interval of 5 seconds. What I want to do now is play a sound to alert when an update is given (the screen only displays critical network errors and such)[code]I've tried adding the sound clip via an embed HTML code (created a Flash object that plays it once upon loading the Flash object) to the text file, but this causes it to play once every iteration. Even if there are no changes.

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Javascript :: AJAX Or Something Else For A Web-based Demo Interface?

Dec 3, 2009

My company has some software which we use to acquire data and interact with some hardware. If we wanted to put a mockup on a website which allows the user to get a feel for the UI (gather some data, change some settings etc.), what are some good methods to do so?I'm thinking either some clever javascript or flash. I've done some JS before but only to style elements of a page. I did some stuff with flash about 8 years ago and found it really fiddly.

So my questions; Are javascript/flash reasonable solutions for this or is there something better. What is likely to be the simpler/quicker route? Is there a better way to achieve the end result?] The demo doesn't need real data, just some fake/dummy example stuff is fine.

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Javascript :: Use Adobe's Blaze DS Via ColdFusion Through Ajax?

Dec 7, 2009

I want to use Adobe's Blaze DS via ColdFusion through Ajax. I know enough ColdFusion and JavaScript to do what I want to do, but I want to add long poling into the application and it looks like the only way to do that is through Blaze DS...but I don't know enough about Flash/Flex to finish the job.

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Javascript :: Executing SWFObject With Ajax Reloads

Jan 12, 2010

For my current project I am working on a home page that has a series of tabs above a content box that each execute an ajax script to load new content into the content box. However, some of these pages contain a flash object called with SWFObject and when the ajax script calls the page, the SWFObject javascript is not executed and I am left with the no flash support error message.

I have tried defining a function for each video call (short of just designing a single function and passing variables to it) and having the function be called as part of the ajax function but I am left with the same results. I am not opposed to using something other than SWFObject though I have been lead to believe it is the best solution currently.

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Javascript :: Handle Ajax Preloader For SWF Files?

Jul 29, 2010

I am looking for a javascript based preloader that can handle .SWF (flash) files. I'm very much aware that it is possible to preload a flash file by using another flash file, but I was wondering if anyone knows about an AJAX preloader that can load swfs (also, a progressEvent would be a nice extra) and then add the flash file to the HTML document. I did quite some googling but it seems that there is no such thing out there. Is it überhaupt possible?

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Javascript :: Swfobject Variable From Ajax Response

Mar 27, 2012

I have several variables which i use to call flash movie, but i dont want to include that on document.ready because first i need one variable from jquery ajax response.

var flashvars = {
"background": "#000",
"uploadUrl": "UploadImage.ashx?id=" + var_from_ajax}

I have defined var_from_ajax outside document.ready.

My Ajax success function is

success: function(data) { var_from_ajax =; swfobject.embedSWF("movie.swf", "divID", "600", "400", "10.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);}

But looks like i cannon embed my movie with variable from ajax request..

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Javascript :: AJAX Call That Returns Flash Video?

Mar 2, 2010

I have an AJAX web service call that returns a chunk of HTML that I then apply to a DIV element on my page.This works fine for any html element except a flash video which comes up with 'Movie not loaded'.I've double-checked the html that is being returned and it's all fine, and it works if I don't use AJAX, but when I use AJAX and then add it using JS it doesn't seem to attempt to load the playlist.

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Javascript :: Flex Ajax Bridge, Or Any Other Push Method With ColdFusion?

Jul 5, 2011

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Javascript :: Looking For Html/flash/ajax Uploader Component With Specific Requirements

Oct 27, 2009

There is a number of Flash and AJAX based uploaders around. I need a file upload component for an existing form in an existinc application, so I have very specific requirements for it. Maybe somebody knows one off the top of their head and saves me a lot of research.

I need a file upload component that has a progress bar and "upload" button next to it (= standalone functionality, no connection to the submit event of a surrounding form).

It should be either Flash or Prototype based. No JQuery or Moo, as the app runs with prototype.

If server-side scripting is needed, it must be PHP. No Perl, no ASP.

On successful upload, I need a custom Javascript function triggered. (I need to update a file list that is displayed on the same page.)

The possibility of filtering file names before upload (no Umlauts, spaces..) would be a plus.

I will try to give this question a bounty in a minute if I'm allowed to.

Edit: I can't seem to open a bounty. Do I have to wait first?

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Use A SWF As A Web Request Proxy Between Javascript And Server?

May 23, 2009

I know I can call my server directly from javascript. However, I want to do this through a non-GUI SWF file. I'm fairly new to Flash but have gotten all the CS3 tools from work. Does anyone know of any examples on:

1. how to make a web request from within flash provided the URL, post content, and timeout

2. how to call a Flash API from javascript asynchronously

3. how to detect whether the browser being used can support my SWF (I don't want it to prompt to install Flash if they don't have it yet)

I'm actually hoping someone has already done this and has a sample already built.

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Flash :: Send A Request To Javascript In AS2?

Feb 5, 2010

How can I pass a variable to javascript in actionscript 2?

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Ajax :: FBJS Is Not Working After Permissions Dialog?

Feb 21, 2011

I have problems with facebook application based on flash which communicate with PHP using FBJS-bridge.When someone use the application for the first time, he/she is asked for various permissions. After that, flash contact PHP with ajax but request is never sent. When you refresh page, everything is working without any problems.If you remove the application on privacy settings, refresh the page and try again -same bug happens.If you allow application, refresh page, in other tab remove application and start application in previous tab - user is asked for permissions but everything is working after allowing application.This is FBJS code

function openPermissions(){
Facebook.showPermissionDialog(/*permissions string*/, permissionOnDone);[code]......

openPermissions is called to display permission dialog, and on allow flash function allow() is called. In flash, allow() calls JS function ajaxCall(), which should make ajax request. But, never sends request. I know that for sure, because flash function parseAjax was never called and also debugging tools in browsers are not showing any ajax requests. URL and parameters are same as when it is working. No flash or JS errors are detected...

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Javascript :: Determine IP# Of Domain From Client Browser?

Mar 26, 2010

I would very much like to determine the IP# of a domain from client script. It's for use in a testing application to determine whether or not a certain domain is set to a QA address as opposed to the address live on the . The testing machine will have it's host file set to resolve a domain to the QA address.Pinging from the server won't help since the server is getting the public DNS address.

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Javascript :: Determine If Adobe AIR App Is Running From Browser?

May 11, 2010

Is it possible to determine if Adobe AIR app is running from browser?

So I want to check if app is on, how to do such thing?

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Javascript :: Determine Which Movie An Came From?

Sep 15, 2011

On my page, I'm going to embed multiple Flash files that use ExternalInterface to communicate back to the page. When the page receives the ExternalInterface calls, is there any built-in way to determine which swf the call came from?

I don't mind giving each movie a guid FlashVar and attaching that to each ExternalInterface call, but I don't want to duplicate more tested functionality.

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Javascript :: Determine If A SWF (Flash) Object Loaded Completely?

Feb 2, 2011

Is it possible to use JavaScript to detect whether a .swf file has loaded completely within a web page?Assume that the .swf file is pulled from a 3rd-party website and we don't have access to its source code.

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Javascript :: Seeking Implementation Of Friend-selector Type Capability Without Invite / Request

May 19, 2011

I may be mistaken, but it appears that Facebook only supports friend-selector dialogs within a request/invite form. I take that to mean that since our app is just allowing the user to arrange a subset of friends for display within the app (no message to the friend), we must use something that isn't available from Facebook. It would be nice to know if I'm wrong, but important to have some clear pointers on how to get a friend ID back from the dialog without an invite or request getting sent to the friend.

I've searched for solutions and the closest I've come is a description of something that implements what I want offered for license by Mike Knoop. I've tried making contact, but still don't know whether the code (or license terms) will work. It would be really nice to have a solution that was more open, but any pointers to widgets/libraries that include this capability

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Javascript :: Simulate MiddleClick Behaviour With NavigateToURL(request, "_blank")?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm trying to make a custom button in flash, which when clicked, will open a URL in a new tab/window, WITHOUT stealing focus from the current Flash tab/window.

The classic navigateToURL(request, "_blank"); will open the new tab, but also bring it up. I want it to stay away minding it's own business, just as if I had middle-clicked on a link on a HTML page.

I would at least want the user to be able to see a short tween of the currently clicked thumbnail moving and fading to the upper-right corner of the gallery, to symbolize the fact that it's opening in a new tab. This isn't possible because as soon as you click, the new tab steals focus, and leaves my flash thumbnail stuck in the onhover state and the tween over. Delaying the click action, will trigger the popup blocker.

Could it perhaps be possibru to load the target page somehow in the background and display the tab when the loading is complete? (so you won't have to stay and look at it while the images download) How about a background worker from HTML5? - haven't looked much into those yet. Would probably still trigger the popup blocker.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "Ignoring Cross-frame Javascript Url Load Request By Plugin"?

Mar 14, 2011

I have this code in my html

function open(direccion, pantallacompleta, herramientas, direcciones, estado, barramenu, barrascroll, cambiatamano, ancho, alto, izquierda, arriba, sustituir){
var opciones = "fullscreen=" + pantallacompleta + [code].....

And I call it from as3 like this:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascriptpen('+ +',0,1,1,1,1,1,1,800,500,0,0,1);");


But when I click to open the new url.. chrome brings me this log error "Ignoring cross-frame javascript url load request by plugin"

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Php :: Send POST Request With X-amf (Flash) Request Header?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm trying to reproduce a POST request that was captured from WireShark using PHP. This POST request was sent by a Flash (.swf) object, so it's a little bit complicated in configuring the header.It does not print out anything in the end, so there must be something wrong with PHP code that I could not see.Here is what WireShark captured:

POST /engine/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8[code]....

The result is a blank page instead of response from server.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Ajax From Flash?

Mar 25, 2010

is ajax/ javascript functions accessible from flash? in games like those at mindjolt it is irritatitng to wait for the flash file to load and initizalize  and then have the page change to the scores page again
i was windering if its possible to use ajax from flash? so the flash game sendds the score/ result to the page and only parts of it change, (developers can even choose to force pause the game for 5 seconds so the user registers/ submits score etc)
and then can continue. now what happens in page changes, then you need to return to the page and wait for flash swf file to load again ...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ExternalInterface And Ajax, Old Xml Loads Not New?

Mar 23, 2010

I've used for an onclick flash event to load some xml with XMLHttpRequest. the xml loads. but if i change the xml file on the server, the old xml file loads for the client, not the new one. i believe the problem is that the browsers are caching the results. i heard that this could usually be fixed by returning false from ur JavaScript onclick handler. but i dont have a JavaScript onclick handler, i have a flash onclick handler.

View 6 Replies :: Flex - How To User Frames With 2.0 OR AJAX

Jan 7, 2010

How do I keep the menu static so the animations do not refresh with page clicks? Example would be like a 'frames' but within ASP.NET 2.0... Do I use the old HTML Iframes approach?? Or can I use something more contemporary using AJAX or something like that? This one stumps me... Should I user custom controls or AJAX ??Among other things, I'd like to change the menu swf based on security role of user in 2.0, so I would need to pass variables to Flex / Flash application.

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