Javascript :: Simulate MiddleClick Behaviour With NavigateToURL(request, "_blank")?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm trying to make a custom button in flash, which when clicked, will open a URL in a new tab/window, WITHOUT stealing focus from the current Flash tab/window.

The classic navigateToURL(request, "_blank"); will open the new tab, but also bring it up. I want it to stay away minding it's own business, just as if I had middle-clicked on a link on a HTML page.

I would at least want the user to be able to see a short tween of the currently clicked thumbnail moving and fading to the upper-right corner of the gallery, to symbolize the fact that it's opening in a new tab. This isn't possible because as soon as you click, the new tab steals focus, and leaves my flash thumbnail stuck in the onhover state and the tween over. Delaying the click action, will trigger the popup blocker.

Could it perhaps be possibru to load the target page somehow in the background and display the tab when the loading is complete? (so you won't have to stay and look at it while the images download) How about a background worker from HTML5? - haven't looked much into those yet. Would probably still trigger the popup blocker.

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2. how to call a Flash API from javascript asynchronously

3. how to detect whether the browser being used can support my SWF (I don't want it to prompt to install Flash if they don't have it yet)

I'm actually hoping someone has already done this and has a sample already built.

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Mar 14, 2011

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function open(direccion, pantallacompleta, herramientas, direcciones, estado, barramenu, barrascroll, cambiatamano, ancho, alto, izquierda, arriba, sustituir){
var opciones = "fullscreen=" + pantallacompleta + [code].....

And I call it from as3 like this:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascriptpen('+ +',0,1,1,1,1,1,1,800,500,0,0,1);");


But when I click to open the new url.. chrome brings me this log error "Ignoring cross-frame javascript url load request by plugin"

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POST /engine/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bypassing Pop-up Filters With _blank?

Jan 28, 2008

I figured out why my external, embedded player wouldn't link back to my site: I was using _self rather than _blank, which I'm sure many of you knew.

However, my next stumbling block is that any subsequent link now needs to be authorized if you are using a browser with a pop-up blocker (IE7, Firefox, etc.). What I've noticed is that YouTube has somehow completely bypassed this, and I need to figure out how.

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Note in the lower-right the YouTube clip. Click that first. Notice how the pop-up blocker doesn't ask for permission? Then, beneath that is my "Comic Wonder" player. If you click on any links, it'll work, but only if you allow your pop-up blocker to allow it.

how YouTube has bypassed that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Link To A _self Page And Only _blank

Sep 4, 2009

How would I make this open in the same window instead of a blank popup window?

//Navigate to some URL
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

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getURL("...my_link...", "_blank");

I tryied also with some javascript to open popup but Firefox e IE7 doesnt open nothing if you dont authorize it

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Nov 17, 2004

I'm encountering a problem with the getURL function. When I have a button with the following AS

on(release) {
getURL("", "_blank");

and test it within Firefox (0.9.2) then it loads within the same tab which isn't what I want obviously. In IE it loads a new window without problems. This used to work but I after reinstalling winXP with SP2 it doesn't work anymore

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i'm trying to construct a flash menu with simple getURL functions. However, i need to specify the dimensions of the new URL. how do i do this?

example :

on (release) {
http://www.adobe.html", "_blank");

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Jul 18, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make TextField Clickable Links To _blank Instead Of _self?

Feb 7, 2007

When a user clicks on a URL, I want the new page to open up in a new window (or tab),instead of always in _self, which of course replaces the movie. I've trace'd the htmlText contents, and see TARGET="" where it's building the clickable links, which I assume the browsers interpret as the same thing as _self. Is there some better way to change the target for any URLs, short of doing a search and replace of the htmlText field

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping Movie At Its _currentFrame When Using OnPress GetURL _blank?

Jun 12, 2006

I am trying to stop/pause my MC when I click on an image.

on (press){
getURL("image1.jpg", "_blank");

But when my image loads into the new window and I go back to the main content window on where I clicked the movie has already started playing!


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Xml :: Xml - Different FireFox Flash Behaviour?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a flash component written in flex which reads a xml file and shows up its data. This works fine in IE and Chrome, but not in Firefox.When i used fiddler to check for the problem, it started working fine.And now i have come to the conclusion that when fillder is running in the background and i access the flash component it works fine (reads all the xml data and shows it up), but when i close fiddler and do the same....i get the following error, "Error reading {myfilename} file."

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DataGrid Data And Behaviour Modification?

Sep 10, 2009

function endEditHandler(evtObj){ trace(DataGrid_Main.getItemAt(evtObj.rowIndex)


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Arrow Up / Down Default Behaviour In A TextField

Jun 19, 2009

I am making a input field for keywords, and while the users writing I'm displaying suggestions for keyword on a list underneath the caret position.The input field is single line, so I am using the arrow up/down key to select a suggestion and Enter to insert it.And it's mostly working, with the big exception that the up/down key also changes the caret position to the begining/ending of the TextField.

I've tried using preventDefault() and stopImmediatePropagation() in the KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event listener that I also use to change the selected suggestion, but that does not change anything.I checked the carret has not yet moved when KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event is fired, bu visually I can see that it is being move before key is released (key up).

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Flex - Security Behaviour In Adobe Air?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to load external SWFs in my Adobe AIR App. The loaded SWF is trying to access an URL to retrieve some informations via XML. When starting the SWF by itself it works fine. When loading the SWF from the File.applicationStorageDirectory i will get an Security-Error because the loaded App is executed in a local-with-filesystem Sandbox appareantly. First Question: Is there a way to change this? That the loaded SWF is running in a network Sandbox?

Since that first attempt didn't worked i've moved the SWF to the app:// directory.Now i'll get a Security-Error because there is no policy file on the Server available where the XML data should be retrieved. Second Question: Why is the policy file not necessary when running the SWF by itself, but is necessary when trying to load the data from the application Sandbox? What am i doing wrong?

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Flex :: Alternative Behaviour Of && Operator

Mar 9, 2011

I've faced such situation. I've used to program in C#, and such code:


was asking both, condition1 and condition2 to be true (the case when they both are giving false and the end-result is true, could be achieved in other way). In Flex, same code would perform "some actions" if the both conditions are false. I just was wondering if is there any chance to make it break after finding first false in a queue, or I have no choice and should write nested if's?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Behaviour Changes For No Apparent Reason

Sep 30, 2010

I have several two-sided ecards made with Papervision and TweenLite to flip them over.A couple of days ago the "flip" animation changed behaviour. This is in ecards I made several months ago. The ecards work OK but the PPV object is not positioned correctly.On the server, in IE the object is displaced to right and down by about 20 px. In FF it is displaced to up and left by about 10 px.In Chrome and Safari the display is OK.(Just to confuse you further, the display in FF is OK on my localhost).This effect seems to be local to my PC.

I have scanned for malware etc twice but nothing. I have the latest Flash player and browsers.

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