Flex - Security Behaviour In Adobe Air?
Apr 15, 2010
I am trying to load external SWFs in my Adobe AIR App. The loaded SWF is trying to access an URL to retrieve some informations via XML. When starting the SWF by itself it works fine. When loading the SWF from the File.applicationStorageDirectory i will get an Security-Error because the loaded App is executed in a local-with-filesystem Sandbox appareantly. First Question: Is there a way to change this? That the loaded SWF is running in a network Sandbox?
Since that first attempt didn't worked i've moved the SWF to the app:// directory.Now i'll get a Security-Error because there is no policy file on the Server available where the XML data should be retrieved. Second Question: Why is the policy file not necessary when running the SWF by itself, but is necessary when trying to load the data from the application Sandbox? What am i doing wrong?
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Jun 22, 2011
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I push Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockware Player, and Adobe Reader when I install Windows 7, and autoupdates are disabled as part of the installation process.I'd rather handle the patching myself so I have a better feel for what is going on across my network.This user was upgraded from Adobe Acrobat 9.x to 10.x.That upgrade was performed manually be someone else.I wonder if THAT is why my uses is receiving this email?
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i just wanted to say that there is a security lack with the HTML Protection.If you have a domain e.g.and you protect your rtmp streams with html protection, you can steal streams like this if you know the swf path:Then you can steal easily streams.Asolution is to not allow all subdomains automatically when you enter a domain in the allowedHTML~.txt file. Then you could create a subdomain for the player,
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public var reqData:XML = <root>
<Requirement ID="REQ-GEN-0.1" title="exigence gen 1" description="blabla 01" testable="true"/>
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Apr 30, 2009
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button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCli ck);
function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://...");
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Dec 20, 2009
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies ="all"/>[code].....
Loading the swf file and testing it on my machine works just fine... I think that may have something to do with me having the debugger version of Flash Player. When I push it up to App Engine to make it public, other clients access it and get a Client.Error.MessageSend Channel.Security.Error error Error #2048 url: http:[url].......I am using Flex 4 beta, and the App Engine Python runtime. I have tried full wildcard in the crossdomain, and even accessing the data endpoint at a relative URL so as to avoid this error.
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Feb 22, 2011
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[trace] *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
[trace] SecurityDomain 'file:///path/to/local/loaded.swf' tried to access incompatible context 'app:/loadingApp-debug.swf'
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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May 19, 2009
I am getting a strange problem while I am making my release build swf.The swf is supposed to make some internal server calls and then display the data and also play it.When I make a release build swf and excute it, while making server calls it throws exceptions likeSecurityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=falsecancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2170: Security sandbox violation:file:///Path to the swf/WebPlayer.swf cannot send HTTP headers to **Method Name to bring data from the server***]And after this nothing can be done as everything depends on the data from the server..I have updated my cross-domain.xml on the server to support the master-only policy file but that also didnt ..My cross-domain.xml is
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>
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Apr 17, 2009
I haven't fully grasped how the flash security model works, and now I've ran into a problem. I have a base SWF that loads a game loader swf, which in turn loads the actual game.What I'm trying to do is taking a current bitmap snapshot of the running game. This works fine before the loader swf has loaded the game. When the game is loaded, I get a security violation because the game has images pulled from facebook. Is this something that can be solved on my end, or restricted by security in the game swf?
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Apr 7, 2011
How can i settings crossdomain.xml my flex project.* this is my crossdomain.xml.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
I've tried lots of different methods but my project send error message "Security error accessing url Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL [URL]"
put the file in different places
(my swf url : http://localhost/bin-debug/test.html checked http://localhost/bin-debug/crossdomain.xml its ok)
I added the load line of the project
protected function application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
if flex server type select none everythings ok. but server type select PHP need crossdomain.xml how can i fix.
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Jul 6, 2010
Apply the security patch found here:http:[url]............For more information see the followingresource:CVE: 2009-1365
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm using a Amf channel , How to add security to My channel..
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Jun 23, 2011
I have a flash component written in flex which reads a xml file and shows up its data. This works fine in IE and Chrome, but not in Firefox.When i used fiddler to check for the problem, it started working fine.And now i have come to the conclusion that when fillder is running in the background and i access the flash component it works fine (reads all the xml data and shows it up), but when i close fiddler and do the same....i get the following error, "Error reading {myfilename} file."
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May 31, 2010
I made a swf that interacts with other site on the internet (which has a crossdomainfile for me).in the main.mxml there is a definition of webservice (mx:WebService)(which is not in my domain). Therefore when loading the swf, there is a first call to crossdomainfile.xml.I put this swf on my server so that my clients can get it.
When i connect to my server to download the swf, i expect to be asked if i want to allow the swf connect to foreign webservice domain.Do i always need to define exception in Global Security Settings panel?I don't want my client do define special things..Is there a best practice for that? Why when i surfing the net other swf can do this? I read about the FlashPlayerTrust, can i define there a website i trust my swf will connect to?
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Feb 15, 2011
I am very new to flex, i have created a simple login page in flex and created a webproject in Eclipse having a jsp page. i have put that jsp page in tomcat webapps. Now when i run an application of login from FlashBuilder it runs fine as i have given the ip e.g [url]... and passing it as a url in HttpService and it worked fine. but when i put my login.swf file in webapps same in that folder where that jsp resides and un e.g [url]... it displays the page but when i click on the login button it gives me with this error "Security error accessing url"
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Sep 10, 2009
import fl.events.DataGridEvent;
function endEditHandler(evtObj){ trace(DataGrid_Main.getItemAt(evtObj.rowIndex)
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Jun 19, 2009
I am making a input field for keywords, and while the users writing I'm displaying suggestions for keyword on a list underneath the caret position.The input field is single line, so I am using the arrow up/down key to select a suggestion and Enter to insert it.And it's mostly working, with the big exception that the up/down key also changes the caret position to the begining/ending of the TextField.
I've tried using preventDefault() and stopImmediatePropagation() in the KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event listener that I also use to change the selected suggestion, but that does not change anything.I checked the carret has not yet moved when KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event is fired, bu visually I can see that it is being move before key is released (key up).
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Sep 30, 2010
I have several two-sided ecards made with Papervision and TweenLite to flip them over.A couple of days ago the "flip" animation changed behaviour. This is in ecards I made several months ago. The ecards work OK but the PPV object is not positioned correctly.On the server, in IE the object is displaced to right and down by about 20 px. In FF it is displaced to up and left by about 10 px.In Chrome and Safari the display is OK.(Just to confuse you further, the display in FF is OK on my localhost).This effect seems to be local to my PC.
I have scanned for malware etc twice but nothing. I have the latest Flash player and browsers.
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Jul 31, 2009
I have a project which loads different info from xml files. everything were working good until something happened one hour ago... Flex started to refuse to load any kind of information from outer files... no matter where they are store, on server or in a same directory. When i say flex I mean when inside flex i press Run or Debug. He just stops working... I mean throwing error about security sandbox violation. It's also appeared that this is not for one Flex Project, but for all Flex Projects what i have.
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Nov 22, 2009
How can Nginx serve crossdomain.xml file to a flash/flex program. Basically I need to make nginx to respond to:
perl -e 'printf "<policy-file-request/>%c",0' | nc 80
<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" to-ports="*"/>
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" />
As we can see, the request is not a valid http request (amazing what adobe engineers have done!). I tried to use $request_method inside the nginx configuration file but no success yet,
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Jan 15, 2010
I have a Flex frontend connecting via RemoteObject to Zend Framework's Zend Amf. This is my only means to transport data between client layer (Flex) and the application and persistence layers (LAMP with Zend Framework).Some ways I can address security are as follows:
I can address TLS by using mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel in my services-config.xml file and ensuring Flash player is loaded into a HTTPS wrapper and is in fact using HTTPS since the AMF protocol is layered on top of HTTP RemoteObject has a setCredentials method with which I can pass AMF authentication headers to protect user related data. Assuming TLS was actually secure I can expose methods on the endpoint after authenticating the User.I can protect against cross-site scripting and other FLASH vulnerabilities with a properly set up crossdomain.xml how to I protect my endpoint against another AMF consumer? For instance, if there were another AMF consumer (not Flash so not bound by crossdomain.xml and Flash sandbox security) other than my Flex client that knew my endpoint, what would stop it from using methods that the endpoint exposes?
As far as I know I essentially need a way to authenticate my Flex application against my Zend Amf endpoint. After AMF consumer authentication, I have some of the security mechanisms I mentioned above to protect certain pieces of data (like User authentication). I can not embed some sort of authentication mechanism into my Flex swf because the swf is vulnerable to decompilation (the swf can not be trusted). While sensitive data is protected via User authentication the unprotected data is hardly public but as far as I can tell is totally open for public consumption.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am creating a TextField in my flash application, but when i am starting to write something the following error in written to trace:
* Security Sandbox Violation * SecurityDomain xxx tried to access incompatible context yyy
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