Flex4 - Funny Behaviour From Adobe Transitions?

Oct 23, 2011

No matter what I do, my transitions won't work as expected. I'll explain the issues and then place the code at the bottom. There are 4 States in my application.

goButton is present only in "State1" and "State2". State1 and State2 are nearly the same, but the y property of the goButton is diffrent in each. So I've made a little transition that moves the Button back and forth. Good so far.

However, both "State1" and "State2" can also be Transitioned to "State3". But there's no goButton in "State3", so I've used the <s:Fade> and the <s:RemoveAction> effects to get rid of it.


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a.onRollOver = function (){
gotoAndPlay ("that");

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I'm getting nuts on a really weird problem using colorTransform.See hereThere is an parent_mc that contains several child_mcs. I use colorTransform to change the color of either one or more child_mcs or the complete parent_mc.When you change the color for the parent_mc like this:

trans = new Transform( parent_mc )
colorTrans.rgb = colorOut;


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myBtn_mc.onRelease = function(){loadMovieNum("swf/movie.swf", 99);}

explain why this behaviour on my movie clip button won't work if an action such as this is placed on it ? (no tween just the up state colour)

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Sep 15, 2011

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