Php :: Ajax - Flash Base64 Encode/decode?

May 31, 2010

I'm using AS3 to base64 encode a JPG and pass it to Javascript. I'm attempting to use AJAX to pass that base64 encoded string to PHP and have PHP decode it. (I know I could send it back to Flash and Flash could decode it and send it to PHP, but I'm trying to eliminate the need for Flash on the decoding end).It appears that AS3's encodeToBase64String() function and and PHP's base64_decode() function do not use the same algorithm, as PHP evaluates it as a base64 encoded object, but does not seem to output it properly

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private var _productID:String;


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Mar 25, 2010

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and then can continue. now what happens in page changes, then you need to return to the page and wait for flash swf file to load again ...

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Nov 11, 2010

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