AS3 :: Android - Displaying Data Between Frames?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a Android Air project written in AS3, when the project starts I am loading the music and loading the XML file to be parsed. In the first frame I call my classes to parse the XML and set the nodes at strings, and to play the audio, these both work fine. Also in my first frame I am declaring some textfields to input the data from the XML file so that when the user enters frame 3 the user is able to see this data from the XML file. This also works fine. The problem I am having is going between frame 4 and back to frame 3, the data in the textfields disapears? I trace the strings from the XML class that are holding the data and these values appear everytime, but going from frame 3 to frame 4 and back to frame 3 wipes out the textfield display?

Ok here is some code from frame one where I am declaring the textfields

var name1TextField:TextField = new TextField();
var name2TextField:TextField = new TextField();
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


Previously above I had stated that I am calling the audio class and the xml class from the first frame, declaring the text fields and moving on from there. Now I have decided that since this XML file is a list of scores and coded be always changing, I thought it would be good to load and parse this file everytime I enter frame 3. The same thing is still happening, I have my scores display and then when I go to frame 4 and back to frame three, the scores do not display, but when I trace the data from the class, it displays properly.

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{value: "425341*"},
{value: "425341*"},


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var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();


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my Code looks like this:
function onCheck2(evnt:MouseEvent):void {
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();  var xmlurl:String =


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It works, in the output it tells me the tweets. but i need it to be displyed on the app, i need to no how to do this, someone pointed me in the direction of using a item renderer extended from sprite? But really all i need to do is display it in a text field, all i want to do is display the data.

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
_dt = ProductList.GetProductssForAdmin(10);


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<result month="Jan-04">
<employee id="1">


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