Actionscript :: Flex - Access The "WindowedApplication" Class?

Dec 15, 2010

How do I access the "WindowedApplication" class in Actionscript?

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Flex :: Access WindowedApplication From Package Class?

May 20, 2010

I'm developing an AIR application, where i need to access WindowedApplication's function from the package class. This is the Main application (Partial code)

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApplication()">

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Flex :: Reference WindowedApplication From Inside A Class?

Nov 12, 2011

I'm using Flex 4.5, and I have imported a custom class I wrote into the main MXML file.

Inside the class file, I want to be able to create a TitleWindow using the PopUpManager like this:

package classes {
import components.*; // My custom components
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;


This is because this isn't pointing at WindowedApplication. How do I make the first parameter in .createPopUp() point to the WindowedApplication?

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Flex :: Setting Bounds For WindowedApplication

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for some reason this flex 4 code gives me an error but I can't figure out why. In my WindowedApplication I have:[code]That seems like a bogus error since I can assign pref.bounds to rect without an error. I don't know why this isn't working. It works under flex 3 compatibility mode but that also breaks a lot of my spark components so I can't use it.

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Flex :: Skin For WindowedApplication Drawing Over Components?

Jan 14, 2011

In order to set a background image for my Desktop Flex application, I created a custom skin class, setting the skinClass property to my custom MXML skin. The host component is SkinnableContainer. I use a bitmap image for the custom MXML skin. Everything works fine, except that it's drawing over all my components. How do I get the skin to draw in the background? Should I move the Bitmap markup to somewhere else in my skin file?

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Flex :: Remove TitleBar From Spark WindowedApplication?

Mar 25, 2011

How do I remove TitleBar from Spark WindowedApplication?

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Flex :: Move Chromeless Windowedapplication On Drag?

Sep 1, 2011

I have implemented a chromeless windowedapplication in flex 4. But doing so i noticed that all the maximize, minimize and even the ability to drag the window around is gone. I need the ability to drag the window around. I have done a lot of googling and have been unable to come up with anything.

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Flex :: Maximizing AIR WindowedApplication And Resizing Containing Component

Sep 3, 2011

I am trying to create an AIR app that you can maximize and when you maximize all the components contained in the windowedApplication are scaled with the containing windowedApplication.

At the moment when you maximize the window all the components just stay the same size.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:ATE=""


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Flex :: Make The Rounded Corners Of The Client App In WindowedApplication?

Apr 2, 2010

In my application,showFlexChrome is set as true in WindowedApplication,and the *-app.xml is setted as follows


I know how to make the top border rounded corners with follow codes:

borderStyle="solid" cornerRadius="8"

But I cannot find a method to make the bottom border of my app window rounded-corner.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex/AIR: Resize All Components Inside A WindowedApplication?

May 14, 2011

It's interesting. If you set stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT; all components are resized when you resize the window, BUT there is a grey stripe at the bottom of the window that is not.By the way, is it possible to take that grey line/stripe off from the window?Try to resize this window and you'll see what happens:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:local="*"


There is also a timer just for checking if the Stage's size is the same as the application window's one.

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Flex :: S:WindowedApplication Is Empty And Does Not Initialize / Show Child Components

Jul 5, 2011

I have quite some experience with Flex and I am just starting to write my first AIR application and would like to use as much Spark as possible here. So I started withe a simple Hello World application:


Unfortunately this simple example shows no child components and even none of the initialize handlers is triggered. However as soon as I change the root tag to mx:WindowedApplication everything behaves as expected: The label and the button are shown and the console shows the output of the two trace statements.

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Flex :: Access A Component Within <fx:Declarations> In A MXML Class?

Dec 20, 2011

Is it possible to access a declared component as an IFactory within an MXML class? I've used this style of declaring factories many times for Skin Parts, but I've never figured out how to access those factories from within the MXML.

Here's an example of what I would expect to work:

<fx:Component id="labelDisplay">
<s:Label fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold"/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex 3.0 Stage Access From Within Component Class Code?

Nov 25, 2009

how to access the stage from within component code. (I am very new to ActionScript)

Here is the cut down code of the main application entry point:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Main extends Sprite {


I need to access the main stage to add a mouse up event listener.

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Flex :: Access An Object In A Mxml File In The Constructor Of A Class That Extends It?

May 12, 2010

I have extended an mxml component with an actionscript class. I'm trying to access a component in the mxml file using the id (in order to add an event listener) but I cant seem to do it.

I get:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Flex :: Access A Remote Java Class (on Spring/BlazeDS) From The Cairngorm Application?

Nov 5, 2009

I seem to be getting the following error when I try to access a Remote Java class (on Spring/BlazeDS) from the Flex/Cairngorm application. I am going crazy at the moment trying to see what is wrong


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Get Object By Its `id` In An AIR WindowedApplication?

Mar 23, 2011

I've got some javascript that calls an AIR function. This AIR functions creates a new HTML element and adds it to the "Stage" like so[code]...

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Flash :: Access Object Property Or Function On Extended Class That Isn't In The Super Class?

Jan 29, 2012

If I have three classes:

public class Example {
public function Example () {

You can see that the two last classes extend the first one, and both have the 'variable' property. In case that I have an instance of Example and I am sure it is also an ExtendedExample OR AnotherExtendedExample instance, is there some way to access the 'variable' property? Something like

function functionThatReceivesAnExtendedExample (ex:Example):void {
if(some condition that I may need) {

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Variables In Main Application Class From Instantiated Class?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a which instantiates a class which needs to access the "currentState" property and the States array as well. However we cannot get this to work as we cannot see how we can access this information.

Within currentState is accessed via "this.currentState". This does not work in the class which is instatiated within The following error is thrown:

"Access of undefined property currentState."

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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Public Property From AvEniroments Class Through The Player Class?

Nov 24, 2011

I have the following inheritance structure:

var environment:AvEnvironment = new AvEnvironment(...);
environment.addChild(new Terrain());
environment.addChild(new Player());

I am trying to access a public property from AvEniroments class through the Player class, however I'm getting an undefined property error (#119). I've tried the following:

this.x = AvEnvironment.xs // public property in this class
this.x = parent.xs

I've also tried something like this:

var ev:AvEnvironment = AvEnvironment(parent);
this.x = ev.xs

but I get a TypeError. Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Displayobject On Stage In A Class That Is Not A Document Class?

Mar 7, 2012

How to access a display object on the stage in a class which is not a document class?

I am looking for a solution that doesn't involve passing the stage as a parameter to the class.

One solution i always come across is using "". Is it a good method because as far as I have heard using global variables is not recommended because it might cause some problems while working on big projects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Stage Property From A Different Class That's Not The Principal Class?

Jul 2, 2009

I was wondering how do you access the stage property from a different class that's not the principal class tied to the fla? Essentially, I have which calls another class, and I can't seem to be able to use the stage.stageWidth property from What's the proper way to be able to use the stage property from any class? Do I have to import it separately each time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Access TextField From Class Imported By Doc Class?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm just now learning the new object oriented way of scripting. It's been a wild ride, but I've finally learned how to keep script off my frames (very hard coming from as2).Here's my problem:

I have a TextField on the stage in my main .fla file named loadPercent.

I'm loading a jpg with and displaying the bytes loaded in loadPercent.

I can access my loadPercent TextField from my MainClass

but I can't access it from

the document class is

import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

I get three '#1120 access of undefined propery' errors for each time i try to access loadPercent.

a few basic questions: 1. all my files are in a folder in my documents, not in the flash directory, is this bad? I've seen people using com.whatever etc.

2. my main .fla file does not share the same name as my (it's not named MainClass.fla) Is that a problem?

I'm assuming these are inconsequential because my code seems to work up to a certain point.

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Flex :: Access A Custom Property In A Custom Class?

Jan 25, 2010

I couldn't work it out yet...

package components {
public class templateSelection extends VBox {
static public var tempSelectionBag:Dictionary;


I want to have a custom class tempSelection with a Dictionary as a public accessable property of that class. If I use this code, the compiler tells me:

1046: Typ wurde nicht gefunden oder war keine Kompilierungszeit- onstante:Dictionary

Which translates to:

Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Dictionary

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Movieclip On Document Class From Another Class?

Mar 3, 2011

Going further on my app, I felt in another problem. Despite having lots of posts on the web regarding this, none of the solutions worked for me In my document class ( ve two containers. One empty and another with a star that is being imported from the library. Here´s the main class:

import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Function At Main Class From A Sub Class?

Mar 3, 2011

My first experience is build an aquarium with a lot of fish swimming, and they can be clicked. When one of them is clicked we should receive a trace message saying ("I�m a Fish!"). To do this, I thought that the best way will be:

1- create a document class, named

2- create a base class, named

2- create a movie clip with a fish.

3- export the movieclip to actionscript. In the mc properties set Class as "fish" and Base Class as "Clicked".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Extend Class W/o Access To Class Code?

Feb 3, 2010

Say you were importing and you wanted it to extend the MovieClip class, is this possible? Where you dont have access to the class to just type "extends XXX"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Function In The Main Class From Another Class?

Mar 1, 2010

i have a game that i want to put load screen on, which i created a separate class for. first the main class is initialized and in the constructor function, it does an addChild(loadScreen) which places an instance of the loadScreen MC on the stage. within the loadScreen is a "Play Button" that when a user presses this button i want it to continue startGame in the Main class. the way i tried it was Main.startGame from the loadScreen class, but that obviously does not work. is it possible to call a function from a different class.i have three files:


the file:

import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;


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Flex :: Access To Object Property When The Propety To Access To It's In A String Variable?

Oct 20, 2010

It's too complicate to explain but I'll give you an example

I have an AS3 ResultEvent Object and this object has several propeties which can be accessed by this or event.result.age and, I have this String variable: eventProperty:String that contains "name" or "age" How do I access to event.result. with the variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Values Held By A Class Instance From Another Class Instance?

Oct 14, 2009

I have to admit I pretty much ran away from Flash when AS2 came along and only used it for animation purposes over the last 5 years.So I'm having a major crash course in AS3 in Flash CS3 and I'm not enjoying it one bit. I'm getting maybe 10mins of finished work per hour as I try to figure out the limits and rules of AS3. Quite often it seems that AS3 simply can't do what I want it to. Anyway: is the main class and it loads a bunch of XML into four arrays. The file starts like this:[code]If I trace the value of, say, cc._Categories from the main FLA, it's empty. I'm guessing that the next line of AS in the main FLA doesn't wait for the previously called function to complete? (This may tie in to my next problem)My next step is that I want to display various things based on the data in the array. I have another class, which will hold all the functions to create the items on display. I thought it would be best for these to be a separate object. I wonder if I'm right?

So I declare an instance of Characterchecks in the main FLA and call it cc, and then run the functions to populate the arrays... Now I create an instance of Display and call it cd. How can I get functions in cd to see the values of the variables in cc? And if the main timeline can't tell that the functions aren't finished filling the arrays, how is cd supposed to know?I might be asking dumb questions, or maybe I'm doing things ***-backwards, I don't know. I'd appreciate any help, I really would. This whole thing has me at the end of my tether... being the most technically advanced person in my circle of co-workers and web design friends means I have no-one to explain why things need to be done a certain way or what the best way is.

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Access Class Object In .fla?

Mar 12, 2012

I have tried for days to solve this. I am trying to access the "newsData" object from my .fla to populate my manually created textfields.

Here is the class:

package {
import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;


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