As3 :: Flex - Printing - Blanks Swf After Print Or Cancel
Jun 11, 2010
ok back at another issues in as3 printing
When i click cancel on the print dialog box, i get error below and it blanks out my swf. The error consists, that whenever i try to print and cancel it, or even when i do succesfully print, swf goes blank.
I'm printing from flex, and since I want to customise the jobs such as with margins and a title, I created a UI Component PrintTemplate. I add my stuff to the PrintTemplate and then I print it.So the code is something like:
printTemplate.addElement(diagram); addElement(printTemplate); if (printJob.start()) {
There is a wide known issue with printing of Flash content in Firefox and Chrome browsers.So,one solution was created by "AnyCharts".But it seems not to work.I also tried to implement the latest version of the component that is now hosted and Google Code.I did exactly as the manual prescribes but it still doesn't work.AnyChart guys say on their blog page that something should be done with CSS as well ,but as you can see from the manual at Flash-Print-Fix home page ,there is no mention about CSS setup. My code works like this:
Following up from: http:[url]...I am trying to comeup with a function to print without creating a sprite, because that's what it seems to be causing my problem:
public function printScreen():void { var pJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); var options:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();[code]....
This is coming up with an: Error: Description Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:Bitmap to an unrelated type flash.display:Sprite. So how do you print a bitmap without creating a Sprite?
//I can get the right margins by defining a rectangle and giving it the following dimensions:
var rect1:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 792,612);
//When the print button is pressed the following code executes using the dimensions defined by rect1:
prntCover_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, printCover); function printCover(evt:MouseEvent):void { front_mc.visible = false;
This is not working to place the mc correctly on the page. This is all the Adobe help provides. Also Googled and tried different variations but no success.
I have a sprite that has a scrollbar that uses the scrollrect feature. The sprite has several bitmaps and textfields. When I print the outer sprite (The one with the scrollrect) all of the textfields outside the scrollrect are cut after the first line. In case anyone else is having problems with printing sprites with scrollrects using the bitmap printing option fixes and prints most of the stuff in the sprite. Excluding all textfields outside of the scrollrect. This however can be fixed partially by embedding your fonts.
So now the only problem left is printing multiline textfields that are outside the scrollrect. P.S. Imho the scrollrect should have nothing to do with the printed area of the sprite because the printJob.addPage has a printarea parameter.
I've done a lot of C# programming with both Winforms and WPF. I'm working on a Flex/Air app now for cross platform support. But this is my first flex project, so I'm learning as I go. I've got a window that I want to popup, that the user will fill out a form, then hit OK or CANCEL. I set it up the same way I would've in C#, but it doesn't work, and I can't really see a way to make it do what I want.
Is there a way to cancel a netstream publish from flex to a flash media server?
The issue is I have code where I can Start/Stop a recording to my Flash media server. However in my front end I have a cancel button which allows the user to cancel the current recording and all this code essentially does it close the netstream. But the issue is it still creates the file on my flash media server even though the user has canceled the stream. Is there a function that I can call that will clear up the stream and remove the file that was created?
So the real problem is the lack of an onReleaseOutside function. I found some examples of how to bypass this during a drag function but it was not applicable for a text input.The problem is that when a user selects some text in textinput and mouses off the application area and then mouses up, I'm getting a problem that the textinput keeps thinking that the mouse down is actively selecting text in the textinput and continually overwrites the characters being entered in the textinput. in the search bar of the live store on the page, type some text, then highlight it all and don't let up on the mouse until you are outside the store.I finally hacked some junk together so I can tell if the mouse goes off the stage using some code like.
var x = stage.mouseX;var y = stage.mouseY;if(x < 0 || y <0 || x >stage.stageWidth || y > stage.stageHeight)I'd like to just make the textinput stop thinking it should be highlighting text so that even if the user scrolls out of the applet and mouses up that the text input still overwrites what is in the search bar and functions as normal.
I have a Tree component that's used as a navigation menu between different 'pages'. When the user clicks a certain option in the menu, I switch the 'page' by switching between State components in my application. The thing is that when the user indeed clicks an option in the menu, I want to perform a validation of some of the information in a certain component. If the validation fails, I show an alert, and I'd like to prevent the navigation to the other page. One part of this is simply not changing the currentState of the document, but the tree component still goes on with the change event, and the result is page A still being shown on the screen, whereas the selected option in the tree is page B (to which the user wanted to navigate, but failed since some of the information wasn't valid).
I tried to figure out how I can cancel the change event on the tree component itself. The thoughts I had didn't quite fit nicely:
I searched for a slightly different event (such as 'changing' or 'startChange') on which I can call the stopPropagation() method (since the regular 'change' event is not cancelable), but none exists for the Tree component.
I also thought about always saving the current option that's selected in the Tree component by myself, and when the validation fails, I will set the Tree's selectedItem to that saved option. That's also ugly because such an action will raise another change event on the Tree, thus another change to the States components, and another population of the page in which I'm already at. That's something I really don't want to do.
I also though about using a different component, such as Menu (and I also found an implementation of a vertical Menu), but that doesn't even seem to help. The same problem will exist there.
There must be a best-practice for preventing a change process to commit!
I've got a Glow effect (glowIn) being applied to an object on the roll over which has a startDelay applied. I have another glow effect (glowOut) on roll out. If the user mouses out of the control during the startDelay of glowIn, I want to cancel the effect. How do I do this? In this instance, I'm using a glow effect with a startDelay of 300ms. I want a short pause before the item actually shows the effect, but I don't want the effect playing if the user mouses out during this time. I'm setting the properties as follows:
I don't think it matters much, but the component in question is a Series within a chart that gets created at runtime so I would prefer a solution in actionscript rather than mxml if possible.
I need to do a basic fil in the blanks quiz.I have this code working in flash 5 but can't get in working for FP9. Any ideas. Ive tried searching online but no success.Also would it be possible to do multiple balnk fields to get checked?[code]
I have a flash element in a page that load a chart based on some complex queries that can take up to a minute to load. I call the query with this code :
var chartData:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); chartData.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded); chartData.addEventListener("httpStatus", onHttpStatus);
I have a VideoDisplay instance playing some video. When I click on the video slider (also my component) the property videoDisplay.playheadTime is set and the videoDisplay.state goes from 'playing' into a 'seeking' state for a brief moment (the videoDisplay seeks for a new position and then plays the video again). Intended bevaiour. But if I'm (or any random user) fast enough, I can set the playheadTime again while the player is still in 'seeking' state. When repeated several times every click is enqueued and the videoDisplay jump on every place of the video I have clicked(this is happening in an interval about 10-15 second after my last click). When I use live dragging the videoDisplay, overwhelmed by seekings, goes into 'error' state.My question is - is there any way to cancel seeking state of the VideoDisplay class? For example player is in 'seeking' state, I set playheadTime, and the player forgets about last seeking and try to find the new place of the video.
I am an absolute newbie to flash, trying to pick it up for my website. I am trying to create a loader clip, which so far only shows clouds rolling across the screen. But I even before the clip loops, the screen goes blank for about half a second or less and then resumes from where it blanked. I can't understand why this is happening, and it is making the entire clip look weird.I have not used any Actionscript code. Only simple classic tweens. I am using Flash CS4. Also, the tween is just showing the clouds move from one end to the other, it is contained within the following structure.Scene 1 (single frame containing loader_mc) - > loader_mc (Main loader clip - no motion here, just a single frame containing cloud_mc) - > cloud_mc (Cloud rolling clip - about 110 frames)The structure is made so that more movie clips can be added to loader_mc.
I have a DataGrid, and what I would like to do, is when a user clicks on a row to select it, check a certain condition, and if it's met prevent the row from getting selected and keep the old selection intact.
I am working on an Adobe AIR (2.0) application that contains a feature to allow users to print documents (such as salary slips). Those documents are originally in PDF format. Due to circumstances we cannot directly display those PDFs in the AIR application (for example using flash.html.HTMLLoader). Therefore we convert the PDFs to SWFs (using the pdf2swf tool, see The SWFs are loaded into the application using a mx.controls.SWFLoader, like so:
Is there any kind of a standard for the location (padding) and size of the usual "ok" and "cancel" buttons on a Flex pop-up dialog box? In another stackoverflow question it was suggested that the approach be host operating system dependent (e.g. Windows vs Mac vs Linux).
I have referred this for creating error message tool tips, to be displayed continuously unless the error is resolved by the user. :: [URL]
But, this is being applied to a pop-up window visualized as a pop-up form.
When the user clicks 'CANCEL' button, I want the error message tooltips if present to be cleared off from the screen. The message tool tips remains on the screen even if the CANCEL button is clicked.
In s Flex 3 app, I have canvas with a PNG image for a background. The image is the same width & height as the canvas. I also have some other controls in the canvas:
where i developed an app that uses the webcam, adds an image and then takes a picture, well, i implemented textbook style the printjob, and well everytime after printing my swf goes blank. http:[url]...........But now i have been continuing testing, and i found out, that if i print from another application and then comeback, my video stream from the webcam is blank, this has no sense at all, since i am printing from another app. http:[url]....What is going on here i mean, this must be a flash player issue right.
I've got a number of related projects set up in Flash Builder. Each project gets its graphical assets from an exported SWC file (or multiple SWC files.) This works fine, but I wanted to create a shared project that contains stuff used across all projects. The first item in there is a screen with a number of clips containing dynamic text fields on them. This screen (and associated assets) are exported to a SWC and then I have written code in the shared project to add functionality to the screen and buttons. I'm using 2 fonts, both are embedded.
Both show up just fine in my test harness, but when I link the shared SWC and src folder (which is required in order to use this code/assets in the other projects) the textfields blank out if I try to set their text properties. If I leave the default text (set in the FLA) it shows up, and the static text fields in the FLA also show up, it's only when I set the text property.
I've tried a number of combinations, including removing embedding, exporting for ActionScript, setting all textfields in the shared project to dynamic, all with no luck. The main project does have the same font embedded, and I've checked that the same glyphs are selected in both the main and shared projects. I realize this is a rather complicated setup, but I have yet to find a workflow to allow a designer and developer to work on large projects that is better (but I'd love to hear one!)
I am building my website in adobe flex(i am n00b). I have some photographs which I would like to make sure that people cannot print.
I do understand that it is not possible to completely stop users from printing. But atleast disable the context menu or just the print option and the copy option.
I have pre-existing PDF files which I would like to send to a PrintJob in Flex 3. I can load the files fine with UrlRequest, but I need to somehow get the data into a Sprite to be included into a PrintJob.