Break Up A Bitmap?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to break a movieclip into pixels and then move each pixel independently, but am having a hard time wrapping my brain around the code.

Right now I have a MC on the stage with an image in it. I'm able to go through each pixel, copy them one at a time then add a tween like this:


function copyPixels() {
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(300, 400, 1, 1);
var bytes:ByteArray = bmd1.getPixels(rect);
var bmd3:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1,1, true, 0xFF000000);


But that doesn't really give the effect I want. I want the whole image visible then have one pixel at a time fly off. How do I do this? Do I copy the entire image to a ByteArray then address each element in the array?

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var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
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TEST' DESCRIPTION='' MCCOLOR='0x000066' THEFILE='one.jpg'/>

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DE R$ 999,99 POR 666,66

To be this.
DE R$ 999,99
POR 666,66

<price>DE R$ 999,99 POR R$ 666,66</price>

price_txt.Text = priceID;

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myLoadVars_lv = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {


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variable1= 1) Blackpool 02 Academy, 14/4/10, 19:30, 4.50 <br> Liverpool 02 academy, 25/08/11, 13:00, 5.00

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Syntax error:A string literal must be terminated before the line break.
Code :
output:TextField:TextField=new TextField();
outputText.text("Number of characters including
line  breaks and spaces so far: ");

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EDIT2: Ok Both problems solved since I just found out how to randomize the array It took me three days to solve these problems lol At the third day I posted here but I got with the solutions by myself EDIT: lol ok Silly me.. I've just found out how to do that... Just adding a n in the answer texts solves this issue... I feel silly now =P ... However, I got another doubt, since I need to randomize the questions... Let's say I'd need 20 questions in total (with its respective answers). From those, I only need 10 to show... Ok, no problem here. The thing is, from those 20 possible questions, I need any 10 to appear randomly. I still can't found out how to randomize the items inside an array.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Break Apart TextField Into Lines?

Nov 6, 2009

Here is a snippet of code that will be useful for breaking text apart into individual textFields for each line.

//create a textField to break apart
var breakTF:TextField = new TextField();


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Is there a way to break apart a character programatically? If there is no easy way (like cast Shape on TextField) could someone post the hard way of doing it?

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ActionScript Code:
var n:int = 3;
switch (n) {


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