Create A 'rate This App' Button In An Air App For IOS?
Jan 17, 2012
I often see a 'rate this app'-button in ios apps and want to recreate it in my own apps for ios. As i am working in Adobe AIR i can't use any of the native libraries linked in the answer below.
My question is - how do i make a 'rate this app'-button in an iOS app created with Adobe AIR?I can't find any Air Native Extensions (ANE) covering this specific case so i am thinking maybe there is a simpler way - maybe i just need a special link from the app to the app-store?
I'm recording Webcam to FMS 3.5 but when I play the recorded video from FMS it's choppy. I have set the camera.fps to 30 but when I trace out the currentFPS for camera it's variable and usually falls between 20 and 30. However when I play the recorded video, netStream's currentFPS returns a lower value, something closer to 10. So my question is, 1) why currentFPS of netStream is not the same as Camera's? 2) What's the actual frame rate of the recorded video (not the netStream, but FLV's)?
set the frame rate of an externally loaded movie to a different frame rate than the movie it is embedded within.
I basically have a flash site that loads flash movies using loadMovie command, however, the frame is lost within these movies and simply adopts the main site frame rate.
it possible to set the frame rate of an externally loaded movie to a different frame rate than the movie it is embedded within. I basically have a flash site that loads flash movies using loadMovie command, however, the frame is lost within these movies and simply adopts the main site frame rate.
Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut using a the control button plus a key button. For example, if I want to print the screen, I would press control + p.
I am having a problem where my buttons on main timeline are working fine. When I create a button within a movieclip layer (a page importeded from Photoshop as a movieclip) the button is not working once I leave. It doesn't show as a working button when I select Enable simple buttons, when I preview or publish as HTML. The thing is, it is a button, it has an instance name, is that weird blue color... and it works fine when I am double clicked into that movieclip layer. I also tried common library buttons and they work fine until I leave that layer as well, also tried it within other layers and creating a new file and doing it... all no success!
This is an image rotator and I'm having trouble creating the previous button. My next buton works just fine but no way I can figure out how to make the previous button. I tried almost everything by duplicating etc ... Here is the class I'm using:
Actionscript Code: class thumb{ var mcClip, listenerShowAuto, ref, intervalShowAuto, objXmlResult, dataXml, tabInfoToDisplay, tabItemToDisplay, marge, intervalAnim, target, href,
create a rollover button that once hovered over would create the snow and once 'un-hovered over' (<---:s) the snow would stop falling. I tried creating the button but kept getting errors etc.... Im a total noob (been using flash for about 1 month) if you could give us a hand that would be great....
I'm trying to insert an old banner ad into a new Flash site The problem is, the banner I made at 20 frames per second, and the Flash site is set to 41, so it literally plays the banner twice as fast.
Is it possible to set the frame rate of a movie through ActionScript 2? Is it possible to check it?
I've found many ways to check the rate at which it is playing, but I want, ideally, to be able to set the frame rate dynamically at runtime. I'm making a timer that uses flashing dots to show each unit of time, and I'd like to create a user interface so that someone playing the swf can set the time intervals without having to open the fla to change the frame rate.
i have to set the stage frame rate according to the frame rate of the flv and I will have differnet flv with different frame rate so i have to get frame rate of FlV using action script ??
Is there any method available in Video Class of ActionScript??
But if I want to change these values I have a problem, I could create a button that says 'on(release){ mc1.framespersec(15);' but all this will do is increase the frame rate by 15, not make it 15.
I am creating a flash game that runs at 45 fps. When run either in a browser or on the desktop in Windows XP it looks smooth. When I view it in Windows 7 it is choppy - as if it was running at 15 fps. It is still processing correctly, it just looks bad. Does anyone know why this is? Is it just Windows 7 I have a test code snippet that shows this weirdness. Just paste the following into a new file and publish.
var nCounter:Number = 0; var nColumn:Number = 9; var nRow:Number = 5 var aBoxes:Array = new Array(); function setInit(){ [Code]....
Actually I am working in an image scroller project. It was working perfectly. But the client asked to do some updations. First of all please download the file that I have atached, which is a screen shot of user control page for image scroller. There is an user control page for image scroller. You can see many options there. In user control, scroller is specified as marquee scroller. There is an option, Speed of scroller, which denotes how quickly the image should scroll. The unit of this field is seconds. Because we are giving seconds in that field. A single image should move out of the stage with in the specified seconds in "speed of scroller" field.
var UnitDistPerSec:Number = Number(TransSpeed)*10; where "TransSpeed" denotes the speed we are given in the user control page. var FPS = 100; var ScrlConst = UnitDistPerSec/FPS;
I have a problem exporting a flash movie to a Quicktime movie with the correct frame rate. When I try to transfer it to a DVD that will play in loop, the video is jerking. I really need to get a 30 fps video.
I'm using Flash CS3 on Mac OS X. I built my flash animation with photos and text only (no SWF or movies linked or embeded, no actionscript, no sound, one scene only). The frame rate I specified in my flash movie is 30 fps. My scene format is 1360 x 768 pixels (16:9).
I need to export my flash movie in an almost uncompressed format to bring it to a DVD.
Currently i m working on a loader.... i want to use this loader on different-different project but every fla file have different frame rate.In that case the animation of the loader is not looking so good.
I am working in a flash file, and I wish to embed a new swf. Normally, I would just import it using the video importer, but this swf has controls on it, and I have a feeling they might be lost if the swf is converted to a swf. So, I am now using the loader class to laod it in. Is it possible to make it totally independent to the rest of the fla? One example, I want the frame rate to be different in the loaded swf, to the original swf, is this possible?
I recently built a flash movie that I am going to export out into a quicktime movie for YouTube. I mistakenly built it with the frame rate of 12 fps and I need to switch it to 30 to make it compatible for YouTube.
My question is:
Is there an easy way to change the frame rate from 12 to 30 and keep the same timing that I have with the movie at 12fps? The only way I can think to do it is manually, but I was wondering if there is an easier way.
is there a way to get this parameter from flash somehow? The Capabilities class can't do it. I'm using the latest Flex SDK and the new Molehill API for FP11, if that matters.
I am trying to get the main timelines frame rate. In AS2 I can detect the frame rate from the outside in my main App, but I can not find the AS2 code to to do it from with in.In AS3 I can do:
I have a AS2 component that is frame rate dependent. I need to have it detect the FPS instead of passing FPS variable to it.
I'm building an application in Actionscript using Flash assets, and my frame rate becomes very low (~7 fps) when I attempt to render 20+ assets on the screen, even though most of those assets are stopped movie clips. I've tried setting .cacheAsBitmap to true, which helps a bit, but not enough. What else can I do to get the frame rate up? I've noticed that some movie clips seem to impact it more than others, but I'm not sure how to alter them to make them easier to render.
So I made a game in flash and sold it. I've been provided with an intro by the publisher that I need to insert at the beginning of my game, as it standard. I've done this before. The problem is that the intro .swf has a frame rate of 30 fps. My game is 12 fps. The animation is painfully slow if I just stick the movieclip in my game.
If I use loadMovie then the .swf will still play at my game's framerate.
On PC games I've written the game logic and render are seperate calls.This allowed me to time how long the render is taking and therefore only draw when there is time. The result of this is the game runs at the same speed on any PC but the graphics are smoother on a higher spec PC because the render is done more frequently.How do you achieve the same in AS3? - how can I time the render? - when is the actual render done?. Do I simply time the exit from my base class and also the entrance into it, is the difference simply my 'render time' - of course flash may do other things during the exit/enter of my function.I'l looking to maintain a frame rate of 50fps on the logic with a render 'when can'
My main frame rate of my flash piece I am working on is set at 30 fps. I want to be able to change the frame rate of another movieclip that is on the timeline. How would I do this? I have seen examples that do it with onclick speed up or slow the clip down. I just want to set it dynamically on the timeline by targeting the movieclip - how I do this?
So in basic premiss mymovieclip fps=20 -- how do I write the code for AS3?
I have site with an audio player and a few galleries.The problem is that the audio starts loading at the beginning. And when you click on a gallery, the audio already uses all of the download speed and therefore the galleries load slow.Is there a way to limit the bit-rate flash the swf uses to load the sound?[code]