Creating A 3D Stacked Carousel?

Jul 1, 2011

The tutorials on the site are fantastic kudos to the developers of the site and the tutorials. On Creating 3D Carousels would anyone know a way to stack the rings? Also additional images to be called in each new ring via the XML file.

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Professional :: Creating A Xml File To Work For A 3D Carousel?

May 7, 2010

I'm using Flash CS4,i'm having problems creating a xml file to work with the action script for a 3D carousel. I've created folder for image png file and icons xml using a normal notepad in windows for file to work with the flash action script 2.0, but in output menu the msg says Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Users/User/Documents/caroselFile/icons.xml'.They're no compiler errors. Should the notepad be xml editor? I have been told i can use a normal notepad.Maybe i should of saved it in the fla directry but don't know where it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Carousel Effect And Working With Swapdepths

Oct 17, 2006

I am trying to create a carousel effect with AS3. It all works good except that I get my swapdepths to work. I have a CarouselItem class

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class CarouselItem extends Sprite{
private var _angle:Number;
public function CarouselItem(){
[Code] .....

I get the depth of the current object and then swap it with the one with the higher index.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Carousel Gallery - Each Image Accompanied By URL

Mar 22, 2009

Here is the scenario... I am attempting to create a carousel image gallery each image is accompanied by a url that when pressed will take the viewer to an external website. I am pulling this information from an xml document "images.xml". I am using a dynamic textfield with an instance name "links" to hold the urls. The problem is the URLs are not changing when I selected a new image. How can I make it so that when a user clicks on image1 for example they'll get "View Google" and when they click on image2 they'll get "View YouTube" etc?

Here is my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<images><image src="img/Layer-1.png" />
<urltxt><a href="[URL]">Cops</a></urltxt>
<image src="img/Layer-2.png" />
<urltxt><a href="[URL]">Dogs</a></urltxt>
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Stacked Buttons To Not Cancel Each-other?

Jun 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag 'n Drop Stacked Movieclips?

Aug 16, 2009

I have a four groups of images which are stacked one above the other. the images which are under the top image won't be seen.I need to drag an image which is on top and drop it on target movieclips(10)I need to validate each target movielcips will contain max 3 images which should be from different groups. No two same groups's images should bedropped on any target, doing so it will go to it's original position.I am facing a problem handling depths of the images/movieclips. Whenever I try to drag an image(placed at the top) the bottom-most image gets dragged. I don't know why is it happening

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clickable/unlcickable Stacked Objects?

Dec 21, 2010

i'm trying to develop a simple isometric flash game using AS3, but i have run into a small problem.

let's say i create a new movieclip (let's call it "ground") for the terrain base hexes (the ones that the character stands on) and populate that with more movieclip objects that represent each of the squares.since i want the game to be mouse-based, i want these hexes/movieclips to be clickable.

now, i will create a new movieclip (let's call it "objects") on top of the previous one that holds all the objects in a given map + your character and all the monsters. i want to do this, because then i can arrange the order (the z-depth) of the sprites according to their position on the map using swapChildren, etc (so that if your character is in a row in front of a tree, he is displayed on top, but if in a row behind the tree, he is displayed behind)

since the trees (or whatever other objects) can have clickable hexes behind them, i don't want them to get in the way of the mouse being able to detect the hexes themselves. the easiest way would be to make them mouseEnabled = false. but that would mean that i also have to make the whole "objects" clip mouseEnabled = false. at the same time if there are monsters inside the same "objects" movieclip i would want them to be clickable (for example to attack them), which means i cannot make "objects" mousEnabled = false.

hence my question. you can only change the depths of movieclips using swapChildren if they are in the same parent container, but you cannot make only part of that container's child movieclips invisible to the mouse. am i understanding something wrong and there is a different way to do this, or is this an actual and un-overcomeable limitation of AS3?

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IDE :: Xml Gallery With All The Pictures Visible And Stacked On Top Eachother?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic ColumnSet Rendering As 'overlaid' Instead Of 'stacked'?

Apr 19, 2011

I am using the charting components of Flex to build dynamic charts in Action Script. I'm struggling to get a stacked column set working within a cartesian chart. The chart object and horizontal axis are defined statically within mxml code, and the column set, column series, vertical axis, and other vertical axes, axis renderers, and line/plot series components are all defined dynamically in actionscript.

When I specify my ColumnSet object's type attribute to 'stacked' it renders all the column series data as overlaid instead of stacked. I can specify 'clusterd' dynamically (leaving everything else the same) and it will re-render correctly as clustered, but I've tried several different 'workarounds' to try and force stacked to occur without any luck. The same structure works fine to stack if everything is defined statically in mxml instead of being built dynamically.

Here's a snippet of the MXML definitions:

<mx:CartesianChart id="myColumnChart"


why dynamic construction would act differently than statically defining the chart's series elements, and only when 'stacked' is the column set's type? Is there some magic function call I need to make to get them to stack?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Images With Variable Heights In Stacked Rows?

Jun 1, 2009

I want to load multiple images from an xml document into rows, one on top the other on a y axis?

here is my xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rewardImage path="images/redStar1.jpg" />


right now i'm just trying to trace each image name and it's height through the for loop, but what i would like to do is stack each image, 1 following the other.

when i run the trace, the output repeats just the last images name and image height. There is something wrong in my loop, right? Also i should mention that each image has a different height dimension.

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Flex :: Stacked Bar Chart With Date As X-axis And Names As Y-axis?

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I'm making a chart where the x-axis needs to have dates and y-axis names. The lenght of the bar is longer when the date is later. But I want to stack multiple bars on eachother. for example This is the code I have so far

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stacked Events - Events Get Added On Top Of One Another?

Feb 24, 2011

I have noticed that using the "addEventListener" and coming back into a frame, I get multiple events tied to the same component.The design I am using jumps to an "I" frame (intermediate) and then back to the "M" frame (main) when the user performs an action.I add event listeners to several components when I enter that M frame. What I notice is that the events seem to stack up for a particular component.
For instance, if I enter M frame, N number of times and addEventListener("click", handleEvent) to a radio button, I get N calls to handleEvent when the user clicks on the radio button. I guess this kinda makes sense but is not what I want. I just want one event of a particular type (in this case "click") to be associated with the a particular component. I get around this issue by removing the event(s) in the I frame. Then they get reinstalled in the M frame. Only one at a time.
So, just wondering about this behaviour. Is there a way to check for the number of events that are currently active on a particular component? Better way to handle adding events?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Carousel - How To Add In Different Mc's

Jun 18, 2009

I'm working with Lee Brimelow's code from his first tutorial on carousels at [URL]. I'm wondering how to add in different mc's so I'll have more than just one rotating? I'm rotating houses for real estate, so I've got all my mc's made, and labeled (item, item2, item3, item4), I just can't figure out how to get each in there...


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CS3 - Make Carousel Effect?

Mar 22, 2010

how can I make a carousel effect similar to this website? Is there an easy program to assist? Is it flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create A Carousel

Jun 24, 2009

how to create a carousel..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: SwapDepths With 3d Carousel?

Feb 19, 2010

I did the 3d carousel tutorial from and I manage to create a background color that will load once you click an image with a movie clip called dim . However this movieclip dim keeps appearing atop my icons. I tried Swapdepths to change the orders but its not working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using SwapDepths With 3D Carousel

Feb 20, 2010

I did the 3d carousel tutorial from gotoandlearn site and I manage to create a background color that will load once you click an image with a movie clip called dim. However this movieclip dim keeps appearing atop my icons. I tried Swapdepths to change the orders but its not working. On function released. I want the var dim to be behind the var t:Movieclip =home. in the preview the movie clip dim with the alpha of 80 appears on top the var t that has the carousel images.

import mx.utils.Delegate;
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 300;
var radiusY:Number = 75;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Add Link To Carousel 2

Sep 12, 2008

i was going thru the tutorial of carousels how can i add links to diff pages using carousel

View 14 Replies

3D Carousel Displaying FLV Instead Of Images?

Jan 20, 2009

how to make the 3D carousel display different playing .flv files instead of images but have not been able to work it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get 3D Carousel To Appear Only On Homepage

Mar 9, 2009

I just built a carousel using Actionscript 2.0 in CS4 via an awesome tutorial on this site. I've added this carousel to an existing site and works beautifully on the home page but the problem is, when I click on a button to go to a new page, the carousel appears there as well obstructing the page content. Also, when I click back to home the carousel multiplies. My question is, how do I get the carousel to appear on the homepage ONLY and not multiply each time I click back to the home page? I'm a new Flash user.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Preloading The 3D Carousel?

May 2, 2009

I followed the tutorial for the 3D Carousel, tutorials 1 through 3. (Great tutorial by the way) The main thing that I want to change about the 3d carouosel is how it loads. If I simulate the download for say a 3d carousel, the icons come onto the stage kind of at random intervals depending on how quickly it downloads each external image file. I was hoping that some sort of preloader (whether it be the basic one or the advanced one in the tutorials) would work to load the movie without seeing the icons pop in slowly on load. But Neither of them seemed to work. I even tried the "load an external SWF" tutorial and that didn't work either.

So instead I decided to modify the 3D carousel to not pull external images into the movie by reading the xml file as it currently does but to just create individual item movie clips for each item. For some reason, when I edited the item movie clips I lost the masker effect. I can't seem to figure out how to get the masker effect to start working again. I tried tracing the bitmap for the icon, or breaking it apart but that didn't work.

What things or settings are needed in order for the masker to work correctly?Is there a smooth way to preload the 3D carousel without seeing the icons pop in one at a time as it loads the external images?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Does The Carousel 3D Work With CS3

May 4, 2009

I've been putzing around with this tutorial for a couple of days and I seem to come up with the same error pretty consistently so I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't be doing something a little differently for Flash CS3. The error I'm getting is 1046: type was not found or was not compile-time constant:imCon

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Carousel - How To Get Rid Of Angle

Sep 1, 2009

I have a carousel built and it works fine, but there is an angle on it that I want to get rid of. When the images move along the carousel, I want them to always stay the same on the X axis. Here is the code, I have tried mangling it in every possible combination, but it is outside my AS3 knowledge on how to get the angle changed.

import mx.utils.Delegate;
var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 1150;
var radiusY:Number = 50;
var centerX:Number = Stage.width / 2;
var centerY:Number = Stage.height / 6;
var speed:Number = 0.002;
[Code] .....

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Carousel With Images Loading Via XML ... Mod?

Mar 30, 2010

I am using the Casousel3 tutorial and getting some cool effects but would like to make some mods - but don't really have the knowledge it seems to do them. I have tried but only succeeded in creating a rather nice white screen. I would like to be able to bring in the images via xml at 75% their original size so that when i click them I can enlarge them too 100% (part where the text comes in - have sorted the enlarging) and not get any pixelisation appearing. I would also like to be able to preload the images as they are loading (with that swirl loading graphic if possible !?)

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Way To Delete Carousel 3d

May 4, 2010

I'm modifiying the 3D Carousel and I want that onRelease function it desapears. I've created a new layer with two frames. The first have an stop(); and the second have a red rectangle.

I can go to this frame but I've tryied a lot of diferent methods to stop/delete the carrusel and it continues appearing.

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Can't Get Carousel To Work Properly

Nov 15, 2010

I am VERY green when it comes to flash and this is my first ever project. What Im trying to accomplish; *a website for myself that is "simple" and clean to be used as an art portfolio/gallery of my work. -three sets of buttons that go to three pages all with carousels that hold my artwork for that type (ie. press the concept art button and it loads page 2 where there is a photo carousel that containing my concept art pieces.
-clicking another button will then call for a new page with a new carousel (I have three types of art that I am showcasing: concept art, fine art, 3D game art)

I have managed to create a flash page that has my name and the buttons and upon pressing the buttons it goes to the page I need. However the pages are at the moment empty due to the fact that I cannot get the carousels to work properly. I have watched the tutorial and dl the class package on 3D carousels. I changed the .as file within the package so that my carousel will be vertical by changing imc.x = Math.cos(imc.angle) * 450; to imc.y = Math.cos(imc.angle) * 450;


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Pre-Loader With Carousel 3

Dec 20, 2010

I have a carousel 3 based navigation item for my site built, and now new XML content (CDATA) for the carousel can be loaded dynamically into the carousel depending on pressing different language buttons (example attached). After a few fails and tries, all good!What I am trying to do is apply a preloader for the whole thing. I tried following this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=14393.but I am getting some conflicts with some other modifications made for the CDATA and multi-language buttons. Can someone please, please give me a hand and help me understand what direction I need to go in?Attached are 3 FLAs:

1) 'working' shows the different language buttons working as I have them - the tooltips and expanded icons will show different XML content depending on the language button selected (English, Polish, German, Dutch - haven't created content or translated yet, but you can see different identifiers!)

2) 'preloader' shows the preloader I would like to apply to the carousel item. The layers are moved to frame ten mostly, 'Export in Frame 1' has been un-checked in properties for the 'item' and 'tooltip' library items, and a new layer containing dummy 'item' and 'tooltip' instances in keyframe 5 have been added. The AS has also been changed, but it doesn't take into account the multi-XML change as in 1 above ......

3) 'bridging' is my sorry attempt to bridge the gap between 1 and 2 above. I think that a separate array will be needed - one for the multi-XML and another for the way in which the preloader works, but nothing that I have done so far can get this to work. I have been banging my head on this since (last) Saturday, the 'bridging' actions layer only contains a slight variation on some of the bonkers theories I have been trying, I've rolled back most of the changes - all to no avail though....Can anybody please have a look at what I am trying to do and let me know what it is that I am doing wrong, or give me some pointers? The 'problem' AS sits in the keyframe in frame 10 of the 'actions' layer.

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