Embedding Fonts In Dynamic Text Fields?

May 5, 2009

I am having trouble embedding a font in my Flash file. I have the font in my library. I have the text field selected to that font with the * next to it. In my actions I have: vid_title_txt.embedFonts = true;
If I set it to false instead, it shows a different font. But if it is set to true, nothing shows.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedding Fonts In Dynamic Text Fields?

Mar 5, 2010

I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens, I`m completely clueless, can you help me?This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working,

function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Embedding Fonts In Dynamic Text Fields

Mar 5, 2010

I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens? This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working


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IDE :: Superscript Fonts In Dynamic Text Fields?

Jan 24, 2006

create superscipt number, or to hack it in dynamic text fields? I'm using XML along w/ a number of CSS styles and I can't find a way to achieve this. One option would be a nice small pixel font thats designed to looked like superscript numerals.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text On Scrollpane Without Embedding Fonts?

Aug 4, 2010

I've been trying to change text in a textfield on a scrollpane dynamically without embedding fonts. However, the text doesn't show up at all. I tried using device fonts but still nothing.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bold And Italic Fonts In Dynamic Text Fields?

May 24, 2006

I have a dynamic text field with the text "IMAGES". The font is Arial, it has BOLD and ITALIC checked, and has basic Latin fonts embedded. Now, I use Actionscript to change the text:

textField.text = "IMAGES";

Suddenly the text disappears! Now, it seems to me that since BOLD and ITALIC are checked on the text field, changing the .text value should simply change the text itself, which should then be rendered in bold and italic, and since I have bold+italic Latin glyphs embedded, it should display properly. But what's clearly happening is that when I set the text using Actionscript, it is attempting to display the NORMAL font instead, and since it's not embedded, it won't display. I know this because if I create another proxy text field off the screen and embed the NORMAL Arial glyphs, the original text field's text will display just fine - as normal-weight text.

But why is this? Do I have to use a TextFormat object to set the text to Bold and Italic EVERY time I want to dynamicaly change the text? This seems silly. I simply want my text field to be bold and italic every time the text changes, and NO normal text!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make Embed Fonts Work For Dynamic Text Fields

Mar 5, 2010

I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens,

This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working,

function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;
if (usados.length <= max - min)


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Flash Fonts - Text Fields' Fonts Replace To Default Fonts.some Text Gone Down

Feb 25, 2010

my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based site.it is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone down.so its confused to me.i used Myridpro font.now it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]

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Flash :: Dynamic Textfield Without Embedding Fonts?

Jun 13, 2011

is there any way to smoothen or make a dynamic textfield look better without embedding fonts? I've tried writing the textfield into a bitmap but haven't been successful with that yet, is there any other better approach?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedding Fonts And Loading Text In Using Xml?

Sep 17, 2009

I am embedding fonts and loading text in using xml, brill that all works brilliantly.However, when it is being converted to other languages, mainly german, & characters are coming in weird.I am embedding the fonts using the following,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts But Text Getting Bold

Oct 18, 2010

When Embedding fonts in as3 the text getting bold is there any way to rectify it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts // Using Css To Style Text?

Jul 5, 2011

how to use some kind of embed fonts feature while using css? or anti-alias the text that is styled using css?i have tried to set:

titlefield.embedFonts = true;
titlefield.stylesheet = sheet;

but it does not work. if i comment out the embedFonts the css works fine but the text is very aliased. and because as3 does not support the embed font property within css i am in a bit of a predicament!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Characters Not Embedding In Text Fields

Dec 10, 2010

I have all text fields set to static which supposedly has the characters embedded. However, when I open the file on a computer that does not have that font installed (Helvetica Neue) it is replaced with Time New Roman. I've read some articles about embedding on flash, but none of them seem to be quite clear about this. I have even tried to change the text fields from static to dynamic and embedding the glyphs, but it just doesn't look as good as when I have static text. Besides being a heck of a waste of time, since I would have to do it for all of the pages... This would be like 200 text fields or so..

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IDE :: Antialiasing Embedded Fonts In Static Text Fields

Aug 10, 2011

I've been struggling to get some text antialiased in a static text field in CS4. The text field is using an embedded font, with antialiasing set to "Anti-alias for readability".

The field is referring to the font symbol in the library and the symbol does not have bitmap text enabled.

When viewing the field itself, the text looks properly antialiased. The field is inside a graphic symbol. When I navigate out of the graphic symbol, the text loses its antialiasing. It is also not antialiased when published.

It has something to do with the font symbol, as it antialiases properly if I set the font to the actual font on the system. It's not a standard font though, so will need to be embedded.

The three images show the text in the text field, the symbol and the published swf.

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Embedding Multiple Fonts Fore One Text Field?

May 29, 2009

I am making a Flash movie where a user can change the font of a text field(AS3), and due to the embedded fonts functionality even fonts that ar not on the users computer can be selected.The problem is that I can embed only one font per text field. This should be no issue because they are embedded in the example text and are included in the library. But this does not work!It does not matter whether I use the font name or the name of the font in the library with trailing '*', it simply shows _serifThis problem drives me cray because it disables the main feature of the application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts Into Project And Displaying Text

Nov 1, 2010

I have been trying to embed a font into a project I am working and its just not happening. I am having 2 problems first I am trying to embed a font that I do not have installed on my machine (Helvetica Neue Bold), I do have a copy of the otf file though. As far as I know what I have tried should work however when I run the swf I only get Times New Roman. From the enumerated fonts I can see the font has embedded but it just wont show. Secondly if I replace the Helvetia font with one I do have on my machine (Arial for example) the text displays with the correct font but if I then set embedFonts = true the text disappears.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Text Fields With Embedded Fonts?

Nov 20, 2009

I have combed through the forums and read every font embedding article I could find and still I don't understand what's going on. I have created a simple test case that I have attached to this post. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.Here's the situation ...ultimately, my goal is to be able to dynamically create text fields with embedded fonts (I'm using Arial or Arial Unicode) that can display a variety of languages (English and Russian are the primary ones I'm working on right now). In the attached sample, I have added a font to the library and set it to use Arial Unicode.I have 3 text fields on the stage: Field 1 is generated entirely from code using createTextField, Field 2 is a design-time text field that uses the embedded library font, and Field 3 is a design-time text field that uses basic Arial rather than Arial Unicode.For the 2 design-time fields I have embedded the glyphs necessary to display English and Russian as well as some others.I also have a few buttons on the stage to create the 3rd text field (using createtextfield), send english or russian text to all 3 fields, and turn embedding on/off of the generated text field.

Here are the results I've found:With embedding OFF:English shows up fine in all 3 text fields (in the generated one, it uses the system default font instead).Russian shows up in the generated field and in the 3rd field (basic Arial) but NOT in the field that uses the embedded library font.With embedding ON:NOTHING shows up in the generated text field the 2 design time fields function the same as they did before.I REALLY don't understand why the design-time text field doesn't work when it uses the library version of the font. Why should that matter? I also don't get why even ENGLISH doesn't work in the generated field when embedding is on.

//EDIT: I just tried using Arial as the font for the generated text field rather than using the linkage name for the library font and now the embedding works. So I guess my main question is why it doesn't work using the library font....I thought that using the library font .

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Actionscript 3 :: Share Embedded Fonts With Text Fields In Multiple Movie Clips?

Oct 25, 2010

After a lot of experiments and reading many articles, Q&As, I still didn't find the answers to my problem, then I decided to ask my question at great stackoverflow forum:-)

The setup of my project is as follows:

- Create an AS3 project in Flash Builder 4 (Main.as3proj), and write source code in it;
- Create graphical assets in Flash CS5;
- Load the graphical assets in the AS3 project;

In the graphical assets (swfs), there are text fields, we would like to use Embedded fonts for the text fields. But we don't want to embed the fonts in all swfs, we want to create a swf as a font library (FontLib.swf), that embed all the fonts needed across all the graphical assets (swfs).

After loading or embedding the FontLib.swf to the main application (Main.swf), the embedded fonts is availabe: TextField.isFontCompatible(myFontName, myFont)

is true. And when I create a TextField with the embedded font at runtime, it works fine. But besides this, I want to use the embedded fonts for the TextFields in other graphical assets like what I described at the begging, but when I try to change the text for the dynamic text field in a movie clip, the text field will disappear. (Before changing the text, it can be displayed because Flash CS5 automatically embed the fonts for the characters already input in the fla/swf file).

I tried to clone the text field with the same properties of the text field in the movie clip and replaced the old one, as I said, this works as other text fields created at run time. But I have other problem with cloning and replacing the text fields in movie clip. I wonder if there is a way to instruct the flash player to use the externally loaded embedded fonts for the text fields in movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading, Dynamic Buttons, Dynamic Text Fields?

Jun 7, 2006

I can't get the code to "know" which of the dynamic thumbnails has been clicked (by "know", I mean return an index value, say 0 through 7 if there are 8 projects, that I can use to access that particular project in the array of 8 projects in the rest of the code)... So if the third movieclip thumbnail were clicked, I'd like "2" to come up somehow... I've tried this code, which is kind of lame, I know, based off of the idea of each of the thumbnail movieclips' names ending in their index number:

//"this" is the button that was pressed; would return a string ending in
//thumberMC_<number of whichever movieclip thumb was clicked>
var: testString:String = this;


Lastly, there's a dynamic textfield I'm trying to create that never shows up for some reason. Again, you could see in the FLA (in the "createDrawer" function around line 424).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Dynamic Text Fields Within Dynamic Mc?

Dec 16, 2005

Im using this xml "data.xml":

HTML Code:

I want to generate a mc for each rep with 6 text fields containg the 6 values for eash rep.So for this xml there would be 3 mc's with 6 text fields in each. This is one of my first times really diving in to xml parsing in Flash.

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Professional :: Text Jumps After Embedding Font In Dynamic Text Field?

Jun 10, 2010

Im using a standard font (Gotham rounded) within a dynamic text field. As soon as I embed the numerals within this text field the text lowers within the text field.Double clicking the field then renders the text higher up! It seems that the height it shows when I double click is the height it compiles atThe other strange and annoying thing is that my colleague working on the same project is using the exact same font and same file but this doesnt happen to him and so the font redners out differently when he compiles

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Dynamic Text On Not Yet Visible Text Fields?

Nov 4, 2009

Basically I want to get the text fields in my Flash translated. To achieve this, I have the translations in a XML file and all text fields are dynamic. I read the XML (dependent on a language calling parameter from the HTML) and set the text fields like:

this["text_1"].text = "Hello";

The "text_1" and "Hello" are of course retrieved from the XML and I use variables in my code.

Now to the problem: I can successfully set the text field, that is visible in the Frame 1 (where my script is executed), but setting text fields that appear later give me an error. Translated it means something like Null Pointer not accessible. So I assume, that the this["text_x"] can not be found.

Is there a way to access it without copying the script into each text element? I have also thought about events, e.g. when the text is shown the first time and I do the translation then (would have to cache the XML at startup then to save time), but didn't find anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate A Set Of Dynamic Text Fields With Text

Aug 15, 2007

I'm trying to populate a set of dynamic text fields with text using a for() loop and cant seem to get it to work.I have 9 seperate dynamic text boxes each labled picNum0 - picNum8. I want to read a number of pictures from an external file then have those numbers populate 1 through 9 into the text fields.I get the variables loaded in with the correct values but the text fields wont populate.[code]When I trace(curPic) inside the for(){} it outputs: picNum0 - picNum8, so I know that the variables are allocating ok, but dynamic text fields arent populating with the correct numbers.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 AS2 Dynamic Text Fields...

Mar 15, 2009

I am wondering how do we determine when a user "starts" entering text into a dynamic text field. Say a person has entered the wrong information and they get an error. I would like to be able to remove that error message as soon as the person selects the input fields again.

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Can't Get Dynamic Text Fields To Work

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to make this guessing game where you have to guess how many times a penguin will bounce off the water surface before it sinks The way I'm planning to do it is kind of like this:

1.[Script telling textbox to add +1] >>
2.[Bounce animation] >>
3.[Script that randomly sends you to point 1, or 4] >>
4.[Ending animation]

Yeah, and right now I'm desperately trying to get that dynamic text field to work ...I've made a button with this code:

(The textbox is called "test")
on (release) {
test ++;

And on the first frame of the timeline I've added this:

point = 0;

I've tried changing names, tried adding "_root." (_root.test ...) nothing works!

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IDE :: Kerning Dynamic Text-fields?

Jun 11, 2007

What I'm doing is that I want to create textfields using flash and insert them into my HTML portfolio site.The reason I'm doing this is to be able to use special fonts, kern the text properly and customize the anti-aliasing. I tried with CSS but I don't have enough control using that (regarding kerning and anti-aliasing).I have created a Flash file that can load specific .txt files into the textfield of the SWF (so that the text becomes formatted), using FlashVars. I discovered that kerning in Flash doesn't apply to dynamic textfields unless you set it using actionscript. So I've tried to use the following code on my textfield:

var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.letterSpacing = 3;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Fields From XML?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm populating dynamic text fields within (timeline) animated movieclips. For some reason, this only works with the first movieclip even though the rest are formatted identically. I'm getting no errors.I can load other nodes into this MC so I think the XML and the code targeting the nodes seems fine (tracing the node values works as well).

The problem seems to be with the target movieclips, however I cannot find any differences in their settings compared to the one that is working. AS and XML below:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.letterSpacing = -4;


I have attached the FLA and XML for reference, version CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fonts And Dynamic Text

Apr 13, 2011

I create some text, make it dynamic, load an XML file into it, and it works just fine.However, when I copy and paste the code into the web site that I'm using it for, it ONLY works if the font is set to Gill Sans Std(the font that the site uses). Otherwise, no text appears but the area where it SHOULD appear becomes selectable.I know this isn't a very good description of my problem, but I'm working with someone else's code and it's some of the worst I've ever seen.Can anyone think of why this might be happening? Also, when I try to add HTML tags, they don't work and the text effected by the tags disappears. Again, this works fine as an independent script, but when I try to use it where I need it it doesn't work.

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Flash :: AS Window Fonts - Flash Embedding Fonts But Never For The Program Itself

Mar 29, 2009

I've recently had to format my computer and now having a problem with the flash actionscript window: the actionscript text looks like bold, or in a different font. The problem is that when I search for something like "flash" and "fonts", no matter which other words I use, always comes a lot of things about fonts for flash files, or for flash embedding fonts, but never for the program itself. Wich font is missing in my system that flash CS3 needs?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Multiple Dynamic Text Fields?

Nov 11, 2011

i have my black berry being able to add a custom pin i created and when i send a message its shows on the screen but want i need help with is when more thane one persons use it when they text it removes the previous text so i need help in know how to create 4 dynamic text fields so when they text it can transfer to the other three and remove after a period of time..

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