FLV Movie Layered Over Html Webpage
Nov 14, 2009
I am looking for the code or formula to created the video person talking over/in front of an html page created in DW full screen. I know how to shoot/create the FLV Flash movie file with transparent (alpha) background. The problem is trying to get the movie to float frameless over the html file without interference to the web page. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.... [URL] sorry this girl is taken. maybe there is a tutorial on how to do this somewhere. I have been looking for a solution for a few days.
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style="width: 445px; height: 386px"
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Oct 30, 2010
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<a href="#">
<object class="im" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="286" width="655">
<param name="src" value="why_eating_dry_fruit_is_unhealthy.MOV">
1) Should I convert the mov to swf - that is, is swf a more compatible and appropriate format for seamless integration in html web page?
2) Whichever I choose, how do I reduce the file size - like on youtube where the videos run seamlessly? I plan on using javascript to scroll through a gallery of videos, so I need the videos to not bog down the page.
3) Also, a lot of sites with galleries of videos have an icon that indicates "click to play". Is that part of the video itself or can I just create an image and then when clicked on, the video plays?
I do have Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, if that matters. And if mov file is more suitable, then how can I reduce its file size?
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<h1>Test Heading</h1>
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Aug 24, 2008
want to preload the embedded swf's as you would images using javascript or css. I have so far been unsuccessful. I am trying to avoid having the great big white patches in the site while the menu or stocklist(on the stocklist page) load, and id prefer not to have a loading bar while it does. If possible id like to have all images and swf's loaded and cached before the page is displayed so it appears seemingly instantly. Is this possible?I first attempted to do this with a standard image preloading javascript and failed. Is it at all possible to preload swf's with javascript, if not what are my options?
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Sep 11, 2009
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
[Code] .....
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Jul 9, 2010
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Feb 7, 2012
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May 2, 2010
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Apr 2, 2009
When working in flash I can control size of my web like so (and other alignments):some_background.width = stage.stageWidth;some_background.height = stage.stageHeight;And with resize and fullscreen functions web is always going to populate size of a flash window.And lets say I make 1280x1024 web, when I publish it, it is going to be that size in a browser window.But how do I make it fir browser windows completely whatever the size of it?
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Jun 2, 2009
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Mar 16, 2011
having some real trouble putting two SWF videos into a website for my uni assignment. I can't stop the videos from autostarting, I have set the autostart parameter to false but still no luck.[code]
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Mar 17, 2010
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Apr 28, 2005
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Apr 28, 2005
my website has a flash menu that is a little bit annoying to see reloading everytime people hit a button. So i would like to set the buttons action to send a javascript variable or something like that. This way the html content, above the flash could change with a javascript include which would use this variable to know what page should be included... something like that. I don't know how to do this (flash to javascript and the use the variable to include a page content)
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Mar 28, 2012
Can a html webpage load multiple flash simultaneously which uses FLVplayback component ? Because I am trying to create a webpage then loads and play multiple videos in flv format simultaneously and was thinking of using 3 or more flash file to play the videos.
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