Flash :: Modifying The Background Color Of Page In HTML

May 28, 2009

I had published the Flash project which resulted in the creation of a HTML file. I previewed what the web page would look like by opening the HTML file in a browser. The first obvious issue was that the page was not centered, but left-justified. I think that I know how to satisfy that issue by reading the HTML file into Dreamweaver and adding a <center> tag just below the <body> tag. The issue that I cannot figure out is that my page is a bit smaller than my monitor size, so there is naturally the white "fill" areas to the margins. Is there a way to change this color to black?  Is that the bgcolor variable that is in the <body> tag?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Color & HTML Background Color

Jun 18, 2009

So i'm working on this website and I want to be able to switch out the entire color scheme on the website everytime a button is pressed, I've stepped away from flash for awhile and actionscript 3 is new me. Plus I haven't quite found any truely useful stuff on forums yet.
What i can't figure out is when a button is pressed the HTML background color changes to one of 5 preselected colors (that alternate ever time the button is pressed). Then for each background change the text changes too as it is part of a entire new color scheme.
What I've managed so far is to change the color of the background thats within the Flash file. What i did was to make a movie clip that plays to a next frame and stop everytime the button is pressed. Now i just need to also get to change the HTML color and the font colors.
//"homeText" being the name of dynamic text field and "Button" the name of the button and "background" being the movie clip that is the background within the flash file.
Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Button_CLICK);
function Button_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{
background.play();    homeText.TextFormat(color "0x000000");}
I'm not sure if my code is just sloppy or if i'm completely going the wrong route here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change HTML Background Color From Flash

Apr 3, 2009

Im using this code to change the HTML background color from Flash:

In Flash:

on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:changeBgColor('#ff00ff')");


It does work when i publish flash till Flash Player 7- for 8 or 9 it does not work. What else i can do to make it work for Flash Player 9..

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Nov 26, 2010

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May 24, 2010

I am quite new to AS3 and I have never worked with classes, so I am encountering a couple of problems.

I'd like to center a movieclip, have it so that it doesn't scale. And then I'd like to add a background color that stays there no matter how I scale the browser.

Can someone please explain me this in babysteps? Since I don't know how to implement a class and make it work with my fla.

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Professional :: Changing Color Without Modifying Existing Items

Jul 28, 2011

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And also when doing this, the text gradually changes color, for example: there are 4 items in total that I want to edit the color of. Each item is a different colored box with text on the front (for a main Navigation of the website). --- The first item, the text will stay white. Gradually through the second and third items it starts to change, and by the fourth / last item, the text is completely blue. Is it possible for a portion of text to be connected somehow to an object within the animation in a movieclip? If so, is it possible to go inside and edit this? -the shape, animation, and text? Is there an easier way to change the color of an item inside a movie clip? I can supply additional information if needed.. files etc.

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I have a template that I want to modify. I want to add two subpages to a products page, and I don't know how to do it. The site is: [URL]. I tried with simple goto but it generates errors. I think of loading a swf when you click on the sub-buttons but that doesnt work too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign A Color Those Labels In The "AC_FL_RunContent" Script In The Html Page

Feb 4, 2009

1. I have a collection of text input fields and each one has a label next to it. Right now those labels all appear in black. How do I get them to display in white so they are readable on a dark blue background. Can I assign a color those labels in the "AC_FL_RunContent" script in the html page or does it have to be done in the fla? If it has to be done in the fla can you describe the steps I need to take.

2. I have to pass a URL with getURL which is functioning BUT, I need to append a series of parameters so it looks something like this

getURL("http://mymail.playourvideo.net/forwardvm.php?acct=the valuse of the acct textfield instance");

I've tried doing this for each parameter in the function that fires when I click the Send Button it's obviously the wrong approach.

function doSendButton()
_root.acct.text = acct;
_root.sname.text = sname;


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Professional :: Preloading An HTML / Flash Page On PREVIOUS Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a site where all the pages have a common SWF embedded at the top (Nav and banner), but the rest of the page is HTML.Everything is working fine, but I'm finding the 'independence' between the HTML and Flash is making for some sloppy transitions from page to page.I was expecting the SWF to be delayed, at least for the first page visit(and I have a preload routine inside the swf to make it's delay and appearance a bit more visually pleasant), but was surprised to sometimes find the SWF appearing and playing while the HTML content was delayed (resulting in a SWF floating in black).What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can do some sort of preload on my index page.BUT, not the standard one that I'm sure everyone would suggest (like the javascript image 'preload', or the newer 'css visibility' preload trick). The problem with the standard one is that it doesn't check to see if everything is loaded.What I'm after is a routine on my index page that invisibly loads some of the elements from my inner pages (common swf, maybe some of the images) and WAITS until it's done before moving to the inner pages (displaying the company logo and/or a load status in the meantime).Many people would suggest a preloader inside the common SWF on my inner pages (which I have), but the problem with that on its own is that it doesn't stop the HTML from displaying.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a preloader (like those in a SWF, which loops until everything is loaded) that controls both the SWF AND the HTML.Recently, I found that you can use one swf to preload another, which would be a potential solution, as I could make an SWF on the index page whose sole purpose is to load (invisibly) the common SWF, displaying the load status and then loading an inner html page once it's done.Problem is, I have bee having trouble finding the coding for that, as most searches for preloaders end up being about standard preloaders, where it's monitoring the same SWF that the code is on, as opposed to controlling a second, external SWF.Can someone point me to or provide me with the proper coding/procedure for a preloader that controlls a second external swf or give me a better solution?

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Flex :: Transparent White Color To Background Color Of Image?

May 21, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Both The Text Color And The Background Color Of The Textfield?

Jun 17, 2005

I have a dynamic textfield that displays different text. What I want is the ability to control both the text color and the background color of the textfield.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing HTML Form And Hidden Variables From Flash To Html Page

Dec 3, 2003

I have a html/flash site now, [URL]. i access email from my site itself by giving the userid and pwd text box which i copied from the actual website hosting my email access. i copied the entire <form...></form> tag to my page and thus was able to put the name and pwd in my home page only and access the email in a separate window. now i have redesigned my webpage using only flash. i would like to know how i can implement the same using flash. as i have not much experience using action scripting i am a bit stuck about how you pass the hidden form variables. the below is the the exact form syntax:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Picker Component Background Color?

Jul 18, 2011

Is it possible to change the background color of AS3 Color Picker component using AS3? It is always black behind the swatches and I would prefer it be white but even after alternating the skins in the library it always appears black.For example, I would like the swatch to initially be a circle which I have done and have it open to a grid of circular swatches.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Color Picker Component Background Color

Nov 1, 2009

Is it possible to change the background color of AS3 Color Picker component using AS3? It is always black behind the swatches and I would prefer it be white but even after alternating the skins in the library it always appears black. For example, I would like the swatch to initially be a circle which I have done and have it open to a grid of circular swatches. I have done this but an overpowering black box always appears below.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash + HTML + Variables - Go To The Home.html Page An Animation Will Play From Start And Then Stop At The End Of It

Feb 25, 2010

when you go to the home.html page an animation will play from start and then stop at the end of it. However, for all other pages i.e contact.html aboutus.html we need the animation to skip to the end straight away and not to play the whole animation through. I was thinking this would be controlled by a variable or some kind of external text file ect. Basically in the first frame the actionscript needs to basically say

"if this html page is aboutus.html then go to the last frame and stop" and with the index page it would say "if this html page is index.html then keep playing"

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Flash :: Set The Background Color In SwfObject?

May 17, 2010

I am using swfobject to display some Flash content (please don't tell Steve Jobs) and I need to set the background color of the swfobject content to black so it blends nicely with the black page it is on.I tried using the following code but it didn't change anything:

<object id="flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="900" height="600" bgcolor="#000">

What is the correct way to set the background color to #000000?

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Flash - Make Set Background Color The Mc?

Sep 30, 2011

I wanto to make set background color the mc.


This codes not show bacground.

var bg_colour:Color = new Color(1_mc.2_mc.3_mc.my_mc);

var bg_colour:Color = new Color(1_mc.2_mc);

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Mar 11, 2011

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Jun 19, 2011

I would like to ask when swf object rendering at the html page? Is it rendered only it's visible? If swf at the page bottom that is not visible, will swf be rendered when I scroll down? The problem is that swf object raises some events when it's rendered and I would like to force rendering even if swf object is not visible.

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Html :: Works When Tested In Flash, But Not On Html Page?

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to create an ad for a website. When someone clicks on the ad, it is supposed to redirect them to a website, and register the click with google analytics.I have done this with the following script:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
movieClip_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {


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Professional :: Changing Background Color In A Flash Exe?

Mar 20, 2011

I am trying to change the background color in a flash 8 .exe file that seems to extract setup variables via an xml file.  The xml file reads as follows:

*?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?**settings*  *min*10000*/min*  *max*10119*/max* *exclude*  *range min="12" max="14"**/range* *range min="16" max="18"**/range* */exclude*  *putbackin*false*/putbackin*  *titletext**![CDATA[*font color="#000000"


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Image Instead Of Background Color In Flash Logo ?

Nov 18, 2004

I cant edit the .fla as this is .swf and .jpg app all i do is change the image. how do i change this background stuff in this code from color to an image ie

background Value="myback.bmp"
(The Code)
<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"

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