I built a website in Flash (CS5/AS3) and published it to a .swf and .html file. I then uploaded to my host and tested. My site displays fine in Firefox and IE, but appears as an empty page when attempting to view in: The site will load, but isn't visible for me until I double click in the browser window or minimize/maximize the window... The site also loads fine if I access it through a hyperlink. This one's really got me confused! Any more ideas?
I had designed and setup a flash website for a client a while ago and just recently they emailed me saying their website doesn't work in Google Chrome or Safari. I have SWF Object 2 on the website and that doesn't seem to help. The flash component of the website doesn't show up at all yet works fine in IE and FF. What could be the issue here?
I have a div that I want to be able to display over an iframed youtube flash player (and I do not want to embed the object directly) or iframed flash advertising. So far, my solution is to display an transparent iframe behind the div, which works for Firefox, Safari, and IE8, however, Google Chrome doesn't appear to follow suit. Because the flash objects are iframed from a third party site, I can't modify their wmode, either.
how to get this div to display over third-party flash in Chrome?
So I have a flash site and I am curious why it is not working in Chrome. The site works great for Safari, Firefox, and IE. Just won't work in Chrome. Well below is the code
I keep getting this error in Google Chrome on a site I have built.The following plug-in has crashed: Shockwave Flash.I have been working on this site for months, and have been testing regularly with Chrome with no problems. But today, it suddenly started happening when I get to a certain section of the site. I have checked the code, and the buttons that trigger this to happen. There is nothing wrong. Checked the debugger, no problems. Tested all other browsers, and they do not have a problem.I even tested using SRWare's IRON browser. A Chromium variant. It works fine in IRON, just not in Chrome for Mac or PC. On linux, Chrome works fine.
I have the Netbook version of Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat and installed Google Chrome stable. I installed the latest version of Adobe Flash.Here is the behavior:1. YouTube videos appear as a white screen when embedded on the page in Chrome. I hear sound.2 The video is normal when I switch to full-screen mode.3. HTML5 videos display normally in Chrome4. Firefox displays YouTube videos without any problem.5. Ubuntu Lucid 10.4, with the same software components, displays YouTube video in Chrome without problems.Any thoughts on correcting this odd problem?
So, Since years the site ( Its a kind of CMS ) Just worked Fine, but about 3 days ago all the flash's object's in the Whole Site are with 300px X 150px. But it just happens in Google Chrome, in all other Browsers it just Work's fine!
How it would be fixed? Take a look at the code of the object:
I have added a new flash moovie to my website, the problem i have is that in Mozilla, Google Chrome and possibly more the side scrollbars disapear, however in IE they show perfectly. i can not show a url as i have to leave the old page up until i can find out what is causing the problem.
I have a simple HTML file which embeds a Flash file. On the page styling I have a #flashContent with width:100% and height:100%; the Flash object itself has width="100%" and height=100% and is inside a div with id="flashContent". The idea is to make the Flash object (which is a game) to fill the whole browser window even as it resizes.
This works with no problems on IE and Firefox, but there is a small problem on Chrome. About 90% of the time when the page first loads all that is shown is black (the page's background color). The game only appears if the user resizes the window; from then on out it works correctly.
I'd like to ask if there is anything I am doing wrong or if there is an workaround to ensure the Flash game appears correctly on the Chrome browser.
I have embedded an online-call on a website.Everithing works fine in all browsers except Google Chrome. Flash plugin in Chrome doesn't ask permission to use microphone and doesn't call. Any suggestions?P.S. The size of the Flash object on the page is enough for displaying the dialog.At first size of Flash block was the issue but it didn't prevent flash element from calling to our call-centre even though caller couldn't been heard. Now we fixed the size and dialog pops up in all major browsers except Chrome. It feels like Flash movie in Chrome doesn't come to using microphone.
The screen reader (JAWS) is able to read the textfield in flash on Google's Chrome but not in Internet Explorer 8. I'm using the latest version of swfobject.
i have my project developed in Flex3, http:[url]....i am facing is, copying(Ctrl + C) the content from screen textarea when the swf is running in chrome browser.suppose, i have to add some text on the stage, so the text area which is opened on the left side, i can't copy the text written in text area, although by right clicking in text area, and selcting the copy option, thats working, but my client has asked for copying the content by using Ctrl + c, although it's working very fine with other browsers,
only chrome is not supporting copying(Ctrl + c), although selecting all(Ctrl + A ) is working.
how to best handle the issue of not having enough permission inside of a Google Chrome Extension. I am interacting with the YouTube API, but I am not using swfobject.js, just using am embdeeded div. I do not believe this is introducing my security issue, but perhaps it is. In development, I had to navigate to Adobe's flash player security page and designate my development folder as a 'safe' location. In deployment, I do not have the ability to do this. I do not want my users to have to click 'Allow All' on flash player security, but I do not see another way to achieve my results.Seems to be a duplicate of SWFobject in a Chrome Extension - API Unavaiable but remains unanswered.Source: https:[url].....
To run: Pull from the repo, load up Chrome, click the wrench, go to extension, check 'Developer Tools' -> Load Unpacked Extension and browse to the folder.
I produced a website a year ago now, and up until now it has been working fine. My client brought to my attention today that there are suddenly problems when viewing the site in chrome, IE and safari. You cannot get past the landing page as the 'enter' button is not there despit the graphics being in the right place.I have updated to flash player 10.1, and opened, published and uploaded the flash file in a newer version of flash to see whether that helped, but no go.
AS3 on 1st frame:
Code: stop(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loaderFF); function loaderFF(e:Event):void{
I am developing an app that has similar functionality as the Google Chrome new tab page. You can see it by opening Chrome and clicking the new page tab. I believe that it was written in jquery or something non-flash. Any source that I could take a look at, if you have done something similar? I will post code as I go.
I'm trying to integrate the Google Map Api into my flash site. Ive managed to display the map, but there is no marker, also, my map flashes frantically and wont stay stable. This is the AS im using.
Code: Select allimport com.google.maps.*; import com.google.maps.overlays.*; import com.google.maps.controls.*; var map:Map = new Map(); map.key = "ABQIAAAAVa81BaFuAYp7h1sySsII5xSoR_2O1uVIgKyXCqNwBvI_ph4EiRStHK79ILIE2AoBfDjHAk1cTe5htg"; map.setSize(new Point(550,450)); [Code]...
I have an online flex app that is served via an html page. Its critical that the flex app is refreshed in the user's cache every time that it changes. To help ensure that this happens, I change the name of the swf file every time that it changes. In addition, the html page contains the following lines of code:
Using these techniques, FF and IE always seem to grab the latest swf file every time. Google chrome, however, NEVER gets the latest swf file - the only way to get the update is to hit shift+refresh in chrome.
Is there a fail-safe way for me to ensure that the latest swf file is always delivered to the browser?
What is the best way to go about disabling the cache in google chrome for mac, so that when I am developing a flash application, it will bring in the new movie every time?
I used to use either IE or FF as browser for initial test. I recently moved to Google Chrome. Google Chrome does not give a range of errors for flash.For example the error below comes up in IE whilst Chrome simply does not work:Error: Error #2176: Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.As I was used to IE telling me this it took me ages to figure out what was going wrong.
I am trying to set up google analytics for a full flash site.
I added code to the html page and I think it's working properly - to see who is going to my site. But...for more advanced tracking, I think I need to add code to the flash file too.
I got this code to use google analytics to track activity on my flash site but I am not exactly sure on how to use it. Do I place the code on all the buttons I would like to track or is there a way to embed this code into to HTML document that my flash site is embedded in. I figured because of the onRelease action that it needs to be on a button,but I was hoping that there my be a better way. (My flash site has a lot of buttons.)
I have a few online magazines I run and I have noticed that when in full screen mode in Google Chrome, all my buttons, everything is disabled I just have a 'hand' for a mouse and nothing works.
My fullscreen option works on all other browsers its only Google Chrome it seems to of disabled any user interaction whilst in full screen mode.
I have tried searching but cant find any similar problems, and need this fixed ASAP. You Tube works in full screen mode on Google Chrome, so it cant just be a Google Chrome bug. Maybe there are some added security features you have to code for in Google Chrome.
Here is a link, make sure you are using Google Chrome or you wont replicate the error.
Try the navigation on the top bar, then click full screen top left, then notice how no buttons work anymore.
I was having an issue with a Flash AS3 SWF Preloader stalling in Google Chrome only, Mac or PC, when JavaScript is disabled. It's fine with JavaScript. I diagnosed that the contentLoaderInfo Event.COMPLETE was not being fired. The successful workaround was to use the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS to check when the bytesLoaded >= bytesTotal. This worked OK in a relatively simple Flash application, however I also have an MP3 player, using a loaded XML file, MP3s, a thumbnail and other images. I am reluctant to plunge into the same workaround without first asking the question - when the bytesLoaded >= bytesTotal IS THIS THE SAME AS Event.COMPLETE? Or could I be faced with an error when trying to access either the event.target.data or event.target.content (depending on using loader or URLLoader class as required) to get the object in question?
I've created a Flex website that plays a video using the Spark VideoDisplay component. When selected, the VideoDisplay loads in the PopUpManager.
This works fine in all the browsers, except Google Chrome take significantly longer to start playing, during which the CPU usage peaks, then goes back down once video starts playing.
I've traced the player states it goes through and they are as follows:
Loading ready (hangs for ages with high cpu) buffering playing (immediately after buffering, CPU usage goes down, video plays smoothly)
What could be causing this to temporarily hang for so much longer in Chrome? I thought I could expect the same functionality and behaviour throughout all the browsers, as Flash is simply a plugin that runs as a separate process?
Edit: It seems that it's the same in Opera too. Is there any commonality between the two that would explain this behaviour?
In firefox and chrome on my macbook the video plays full screen in the background.However, my client is complaining about it not working at all on windows computers. While I thought that most browser compatibility issues were mostly browser based and not OS based, apparently the same site does not work in firefox and chrome on pc's.I'm not 100% sure, but it might be some sort of a z-index problem? I heard that the video would show up, but none of the content would.
Flash will ONLY load when it becomes into view on the screen For example, it won't load a Flashmove that is at the bottom of the page INSTEAD: it will ONLY load when that part of the screen comes into view
- Older Flash, ver 7 and below, this isn't a problem - Newer Flash, ver 8 and above: problem