Flex :: AMCharts - Programmatic Scroll On Horizontal Axis

Nov 20, 2011

I would like to scroll the amcharts flex stock chart programmatically on it's horizontal axis, in other words along the time axis. I need to do this, because I need to scroll one period at a time and would like to hook this up to keyboard events. I couldn't find anything in the documentation here: [URL]. I've also tried mucking around with the period selector to see whether I can change the values on it, but no luck there.

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<ProjectName>Alcoswitch - ToggleSwitches
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[Code] .....
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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Chart With Multiple Y Axis Shows Wrong Horizontal Origin

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Maybe it is because I didn't tell to GridLines which axis use as a source? But, I am not sure if it is possible to do...

how to show horizontal origin on a chart with multiple axis.

Here is an examle which reproduses my problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Get Correct Y-axis When There Is A Vertical Scroll?

Aug 17, 2010

In flex, I am getting the y-coordinate in the following way:

nextHBox = HBox(ingBox.getChildByName("ing" + nextId));
nextYAxis = ingBox.localToGlobal(new Point(nextHBox.x,nextHBox.y)).y;
newCanvas.x = nextYAxis;

nextYAxis gives me the y-axis and I use it to position new component. It works absolutely fine. But, when there is vertical scroll, and I scroll it a little bit, and then the above mentioned code places the component at wrong place. I believe, it has something to do with the scroll.

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Flex :: Spark DataGrid Disable Horizontal Scroll And Resize Columns?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Scroll Without A Scroll Bar?

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I am trying to make a horizontal scroll work. There is no scroll bar. I am having a long movie clip with a mask on top of that. I have two buttons on left and right ends of the mask. When I click on a button, i want the movie clip to move right or left accordingly. I want the movie clip to keep moving when the button is in 'press and hold' state. So when the button is released, the movie clip should stop moving. It keeps moving until the very end of the movie clip.The name of the movie clip is "menuMC".

Here is the code:
In frame 1:


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Flex :: Stacked Bar Chart With Date As X-axis And Names As Y-axis?

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import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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Flex :: Programmatic Skinning Of PopUpButton?

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Flex :: Creating Programmatic Skins For Canvas

Mar 24, 2010

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Second problem: Even though I set my programmatic skin through style - <> the skin's updateDisplayList gets executed only once and after that somehow "backgroundImage" style gets "undefined" and my programmatic skin is not associated anymore to the Canvas instance. As a workaround I am setting on each resize event "backgroundImage" style again but this is ugly. What could cause such "silent" resetting of the "backgroundImage" style to undefined?

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Flex :: Animate Between States In A Programmatic Skin?

May 12, 2010

I have a button with the various states (up/over/down etc) that uses a skin file to render the display. I want to achieve animation between the states. For instance, between the change from 'up' to 'over' I want to fade in a color and a border.

The way I am doing this at the moment is to use viewstates and animate between them using transitions and the mx:AnimateProperty. However, using this method I can only animate one property per viewstate. So only the border, or the color can be animated.

Does anyone know how I can achieve multiple animations on multiple properties of a programmatic button skin?

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Multi-column Programmatic Sorting?

Jul 30, 2009

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Feb 10, 2011

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<mx:DataGrid id"myDataGrid"
itemEditBegin="myDataGrid_itemEditBeginHandler(event)" />

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<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid"
creationComplete="myDataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" />
protected function myDataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


Basically, I'm wondering where I should add "myDataGrid.addEventListener" if I want to do it programmatically? Should it be in the creationComplete listener function of the object itself, or perhaps in the creationComplete listener function for whatever parent object it resides in?

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IDE :: Have A Simple Horizontal Scroll Bar?

Jun 2, 2009

Does any one have a simple horizontal scroll bar? I need a long image to scroll from left to right (no up or down)

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IDE :: Horizontal Scroll With Onmouseover?

Aug 11, 2009

I currently have a document set up with a large movie clip (about 2000px wide) and have created 2 buttons - left and right. I would like for when you mouse over the left or right button, the movieclip would slide across the screen horizontally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HOrizontal Scroll With Images?

Nov 10, 2009

Im making a website with a horizontal scroll and when I reach a certain point on the movie clip that im scroll, no images appear.

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Get Image Library On Horizontal Scroll?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm putting together an image library on a horizontal scroll. Each of the images is a movie clip and there is an expansion button to see the full images that are contained. How to make it so the scroll contents expands and contracts as the movie clips expand and contract.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Scroll On Mouse Over?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to take a "film strip" movie clip and scroll it to the left or right on mouse over.Mouse over left, it scrolls to the start of the movie clip...mouse over right, it scrolls towards the end, stopping at the end.Simple enough right? I can't find a single source. I found this script on but it gives me an error. That and I don't think it stops at the end. I think it loops.

ActionScript Code:
leftButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, moveClip);
rightButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, moveClip);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Dragable Scroll Bar

Nov 4, 2004

[URL] on this page, on clicking the porfolio button the page berings up a page wich has a horizontal dragable scroll bar, any have seen or have similar script

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Horizontal AND Vertical?

Jun 7, 2003

I need a script that will let a user scroll a movieclip Horizontally AND Vertically. Just like a regular vertical scrollbar which u always see, it has an up arrow and down arrow. i need that, as well as a right and left arrow.i have a big image file, and i want to mask it, and let users scroll thru it up down right and left.

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IDE :: How To Create Horizontal Scroll Bar For Website

Nov 11, 2008

I am creating a horizontal scrollbar for my website. The bar is to scroll through a selection of images. I initially created the vertical bar through Kirupas tutorial which was great but I want to create a horizontal one.

Here is the code:
scrolling = function () {
var scrollWidth:Number = scrollTrack._width;
var contentWidth:Number = contentMain._width;
var scrollFaceWidth:Number = scrollFace._width;
var maskWidth:Number = maskedView._width;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Horizontal Thumbnail Scroll?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a bunch of thumbnails that i have a left and right scroll button for. It works great but when you get to the last image i want it to loop to the first one not just stop at the end.Here's some of my code let me know if you need more.Quote:

function addScrollListeners():void {
right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,start Scroll);
right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Zoom - Vertical And Horizontal Scroll

Aug 2, 2009

i have a 400x400 image i want to zoom it by 200 percent whan it zoom i need vertical and horizontal scroll bar to show it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Space Images In Horizontal Scroll?

Jan 26, 2010

I was hoping to use the model script and make simple adjustments of file names and loading specs but it has gone beyond my simple understanding.
I have 64 images which need to load 50 pixels apart starting with a 50 pixels pace. The image sequence will loop. Each image is of constant 385 pixels deep but widths vary and I hoped AS could load them in sequence at 100% instead of using a finite number for the width. The attached file shows the gallery images at bottom right, loaded but all stacked upon each other with the last image uppermost.
Code so far:
var imagesNumber:Number = 64;
var baseX:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfield Reset Horizontal Scroll?

Nov 20, 2009

I have (yet another...) TextField issue. I have an input textfield that is used both for capturing user input and displaying messages. It's around ten characters wide, single line and not resizable. I have a method that allows you to flash a brief message into the textfield for a couple of seconds before returning it to the state it was in:

ActionScript Code:
public function flashDisplay(alert:String):void
tempText = textField.text;


Usually this works fine, but when the user types a long word into the textfield, the text scrolls left and the first letters of the word scroll out of view. This isn't a problem until you try to show an alert and the alert is also scrolled out of view at the beginning - even if it's a short word.

How can I reset the horizontal scroll that the user has created when updating textField.text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continously Horizontal Scroll Image

Oct 6, 2005

I wan to do a continously horizontal scrolling image without displaying any disruptions in the .. but i can't do this effect..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Scroll In List Component?

Jan 29, 2008

Is there an option to turn on the horizontal scroll for the list component? I have some list entries that are longer than the list is wide, so they get cut off at the end...can this be done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Horizontal Buttonmenu Can't Loop?

Apr 13, 2008

I Have a menu with 4 buttons and only three buttons are shown the fourth button is behind a colored square. Each button has it's own color. When i push a button a square on the left will drop down with the same color as the button. And when you push another button the square goes up and will be replaced by another square with the same color as the last button you have pushed. But now for the most difficult part. When you push a button all the four buttons will tween to the left untill the activated button is behind the square. All the other buttons will return from the right.

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