Flex :: Programmatic Manipulating With Chart Elements In AS3

Dec 5, 2010

When I hover the mouse above the chart elements, it can show some standard hints. How can I show the tooltips without hovering?

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Xml :: Flex - Retrieving Sub-XML Elements To Display A Pie Chart?

Feb 9, 2011

I have designed an application that will load the information from an XML File to a Pie Chart.

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Now this works perfectly and I can see the generated Pie Chart.But now let's say that I changed the XML in the following manner.


in the results event how do I access it? bookStock = evt.result.books.stock.bookinfo; doesn't work. I get a "Error: Unknown Property: 'bookinfo'." When I analysed the bookStock object I get this. How do I access the XML element now? Does anything needs to be changed here?


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Flex :: Prevent A Default Chart Item Roll Over Highlight In A Spark Column Chart?

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Aug 26, 2011

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Flex :: Creating Programmatic Skins For Canvas

Mar 24, 2010

I am having 2 problems creating programmatic skin for Canvas.

First problem: I would like to have background with rounded corners and I am using GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex in order to have round corners for only the upper two corners. The problem is that drawRoundRectComplex takes for each corner one single parameter - the corner radius. However my scaleX and scaleY factors are different and in fact the corners are not properly rounded because I either can set the radius using scaleX or scaleY. Graphics.drawRoundRect is better because it takes two parameters for the corners - elipse width and height and then you could apply both scale factors but it doesn't allow me to specify different radius for different corners. How to use GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex when scaleX and scaleY are different.

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Flex :: Animate Between States In A Programmatic Skin?

May 12, 2010

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Does anyone know how I can achieve multiple animations on multiple properties of a programmatic button skin?

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Multi-column Programmatic Sorting?

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Flex :: Programmatic Equivalent Of Tag-based Event Handlers?

Feb 10, 2011

When I create something like the following:

<mx:DataGrid id"myDataGrid"
itemEditBegin="myDataGrid_itemEditBeginHandler(event)" />

When does the event listener for "itemEditBegin" get added and removed? Is this essentially the same as:

<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid"
creationComplete="myDataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" />
protected function myDataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


Basically, I'm wondering where I should add "myDataGrid.addEventListener" if I want to do it programmatically? Should it be in the creationComplete listener function of the object itself, or perhaps in the creationComplete listener function for whatever parent object it resides in?

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Flex :: AMCharts - Programmatic Scroll On Horizontal Axis

Nov 20, 2011

I would like to scroll the amcharts flex stock chart programmatically on it's horizontal axis, in other words along the time axis. I need to do this, because I need to scroll one period at a time and would like to hook this up to keyboard events. I couldn't find anything in the documentation here: [URL]. I've also tried mucking around with the period selector to see whether I can change the values on it, but no luck there.

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Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to develop chart in flash (eg. bar chart, pie chart)?

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Flex :: What's The Difference Manipulating Display Object Position

Oct 26, 2011

I have 2 possiblities. It looks like these are the same (or I'm wrong). Which is better and why?

var quest1:DisplayObject = FrameCanvas.baseCanvas.addChild(app.questionmark1); //
quest1.x = posX; //
quest1.y = posY; //


app.questionmark1.x = posX;
app.questionmark1.y = posY;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Animated Bar Chart Or Line Chart Type Of Component In Flash Programmatically?

Sep 14, 2009

How can I Create an animated Bar Chart or Line Chart type of component in flash programmatically, which should depends upon an incoming XML data, the chart should have the basic criteria like, Chart Label, Item Tooltips, background grids (without using any image). There also needs an ability to change the data which should reflect the chart as well.

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Flex - Options To Create Line Chart In Flex For Data-intensive Web App?

Jan 13, 2012

My group is working on a Flex/AS3 scientific web application that is data intensive. Luckily the only plots involved are line charts. However, each line chart may have multiple traces (up to 24), and each trace may contain up to 2000 points. The user will need to zoom in and out and interact with the data (e.g. data tips, etc.).

The response I'm getting from developers is that's a lot of data to render in a plot in Flash. For reasons beyond the scope of this post, we can't sample the data to reduce the size (this has already been done and nature of the data prevents further sampling).

Rendering speed is critical for this app. What kind of rendering speed should I expect the Flex 4 line chart component to provide for a given number of points (e.g. 1 second to render 1000 points?)

Are there products available that handle plotting large data sets better, which can be incorporated in Flex (I've seen FusionCharts and ZingCharts online but have no idea how they compare with Flex's components)? Of those, which are easy to develop with while still providing a lot of flexibility in look and feel?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Possible To Have Flex DataTips On Canvas Rather Than Chart Objects

Jan 17, 2010

Flex charts, like AreaChart, have wonderful built-in support for displaying data "tool tips" when a user hovers over a point supplied in the data of a graph. You can hover over any of the bar graph examples on this page for a demonstration. I have a graph situation where I optionally draw in some dots as reference points on CartesianDataCanvases supplied to my AreaChart through it's <mx:annotationElements> and <mx:backgroundElements> tags.

I would like to have the same hover data-tip functionality that the AreaChart has, but applied to these dots. I realize that I am just drawing on canvas, and that no actual dataProvider supports these dots, but if there was a way to supply the CartesianDataCanvas with an array of data values or something to that effect,

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Flex :: Build Flex Stack Bar Chart From Objects Array?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a dynamic ArrayCollection that will contain a unknown number of objects of type MyObj:

class MyObj


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Flex :: Adobe Flex - Doing Group By At Client End (DataGrid To Pie Chart)?

Dec 23, 2010

I am in a situation where user gets the cars data from the database based on the selection and displays it in datagrid like below ( for example)

Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

I thought of getting it from the database by querying and grouping it .But here the problem is after getting the data above in the datagrid user can able to filter at client end ( By year or model ) and can say get graph . This time that should only display the graph for the data visible in Datagrid .Grouping on database for every operation is becoming expensive. Since we have already data available at client end , is there any way to group it at client ..?

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Get Fine Grained Programmatic Control?

Sep 16, 2010

I am looking to get access to individual legend items in actionscript (a Legend Item being the label and coloured block identifying a chart series). Does anyone know of a property of the Legend or Chart that gives access to all of the currently displayed LegendItems in a Legend?

I know this is possible by using LegendMouseEvents, as the events give access to the LegendItem that has been clicked/rolled over ect. However, I cannot rely on an event in this case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatic 3D Rotation Effect?

Oct 25, 2011

When you roll over the image there is frontSide to backside animation.It looks like original animation have 'constant rotation perspective' regargless of image position the rotation look exactly the same.I tried to replicate this effect but when I am using standard rotationY image rotation (or rather rotation respective) varies depending on image position

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Flex :: Restrict Flex Bar Chart Y-axis Count?

Apr 30, 2010

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count?I have a very big name coming in my y-axis and i want to reduce or restrict it to 5 characters and on rollover i want to display it in full.

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Flex - Datatipfunction - Flex Chart Hide A Datatip?

Oct 6, 2010

We get data from multiple feeds and data may or may not exist for a certain date. o, for points that have no data we send NaN.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Corner Radius In Programmatic Skin

Jun 10, 2010

I created a skin to show on Button mousedown.I want to give corner raduis and border thickness also as skin attributes because I gave them to the button in the normal way but they are not working on mousedown when I chose to give skin on it.[code]

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Flex :: Set Y-axis Width On A Flex Chart?

Jun 28, 2011

When using a Flex chart, the y-axis is drawn as a thick (about 8px) grey line. Is it possible to change this to be just a thin line like the x-axis?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Drawing On Flex Chart

Aug 4, 2011

I've created a line chart in flex and it works like expected. Now, I would like to add shading to the background for specific information. For example, this chart - [URL], shows a shaded background for recessions. How would I mimic this shading in a Flex linechart?

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Jquery :: Programmatic Masonry / Space-FInding Layout?

Feb 8, 2011

Can anyone point me to a good Actionscript 3 class that handles "masonry" style layouts ala the ted.com homepage? Short of finished code, can anyone describe / summarize an efficient algorithm that handles this effect? Searches turn up arcane articles about kd-trees and other such stuff that's way over my head.

The jQuery Masonry plugin looks great, but I tried reverse engineering it without much success.

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1 Dimensional Chart In Flex?

Apr 15, 2011

I want a bubble chart that just shows items along a straight line. So I'd like the horizontal axis to essentially not exist. I have it working right now with the yField assigned to a field that happens to always be '1' on my test dataset.. but this is not going to be the case in general, so I need some way to restrict the y-axis... preferably without needing to go back to my model and parse through all my data to add a dummy value '1' on each entry.

Unfortunately setting min/max values just cuts off anything above or below rather than restricting entries.

I set computedMin and Maximum (no idea what they are and the docs don't really explain) but it didn't seem to restrict the data in any way.

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Flex :: How To Set X And Y Axis Name In Chart

Jun 30, 2011

In Flex how can I set a custom name (string) for the X axis and Y axis titles of a chart?
(Horizontal Axis and Vertical Axis)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Connecting Looped Programmatic Tweens To Their OnMotionFinished Events?

Mar 6, 2007

I'm working with the Tween object: I'm building a game where mc's need to drop periodically from the sky, and then when they reach the bottom of the screen, they need to be unloaded. The problem I'm having is firing "onMotionFinished" events for these dynamically, "loop-generated" mc's. I think I need to be able to send parameters to an onMotionFinished function, but I can't figure out how. I made a stripped-down version of what I'm doing, here's the code:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
//this keeps track of which bomb we're on
bomb_count = 0;


Basically I just want to have more control over the programmatic tween and its associated events. Everything is there, it's just that the onMotionFinished event isn't attached to the tween I want it to be attached to, it's attached to the most recent tween that occured, or something. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that all my tweens have the same name, but I don't know how to name them differently in the loop.

I read some stuff about "delegates" and "superclasses" and other dizzying objecty things that seemed relevant but like I said, since I'm not oop fluent, I get pretty lost pretty quick, esp.

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Flex :: Placement Of Legend For A Chart?

Jun 22, 2009

I would like to be able to specify the placement of a legend for a linechart. Currently, it continues to appear to the right of the chart. I have tried playing with the width/height of the chart to no avail... Putting the legend before the linechart in the mxml causes it to appear to the left. I can't seem to get it appear at the bottom though. I can't seem to find any good examples for this. They don't seem to specify anything but the legend usually shows up below the chart, I can't seem to do it.

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Flex :: Speed Up Chart Rendering?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm using a lineseries chart, but it gets fairly slow to re-render when I add a new point when the total # of points is ~1200 points. Granted, this is running on a fairly slow PC (~600 MHz). Reading the Flex documentation on how to speed up rendering (turning off dropshadows, turning off filterData, etc...) doesnt seem to help. I bound my chart to an ArrayCollection (rather than the array I used before which I manually updated) and it doesnt seem to be any faster. Adobe's documentation seems to have me believe that the Chart looks only at what changed since the last time it was updated, but i'm only adding one point!

If their info is correct, why does it take significantly longer (5 seconds) to update one point when I have ~1200 points then when I only have 2 points (instantaneous)? FYI - When I add a new point to my ArrayCollection, I have to do a "AC.refresh()" to get the DataBinding to pick up the new data.

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