Get Fine Grained Programmatic Control?

Sep 16, 2010

I am looking to get access to individual legend items in actionscript (a Legend Item being the label and coloured block identifying a chart series). Does anyone know of a property of the Legend or Chart that gives access to all of the currently displayed LegendItems in a Legend?

I know this is possible by using LegendMouseEvents, as the events give access to the LegendItem that has been clicked/rolled over ect. However, I cannot rely on an event in this case.

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<mx:DataGrid id"myDataGrid"
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
//this keeps track of which bomb we're on
bomb_count = 0;


Basically I just want to have more control over the programmatic tween and its associated events. Everything is there, it's just that the onMotionFinished event isn't attached to the tween I want it to be attached to, it's attached to the most recent tween that occured, or something. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that all my tweens have the same name, but I don't know how to name them differently in the loop.

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<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="700" width="900" align="middle" data=""> <param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /> <param name="movie"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Run Loacal, Looks Fine. Run From Server, Looks Bad?

Mar 31, 2010

if i run the page locally on my machine, the banner looks fine no matter the browser. however, on the free hosting service server, size and position of certain movie clips are messed up in IE, safari and opera. they overlap in places, and u can see the corner of something that's supposed to be off the stage. why? note: the hosting service put some junk after my </body> tag.[URL]...

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Cannot Load Flash On Server But Locally Fine

Jul 11, 2009

I'm converting a several-years-old all-Flash site for a friend. I can activate the site in any browser if all the files are stored on my local drive but when I FTP the files to a server and try to launch, I get an error indicating either that the server has timed out or that the process is taking too long. I suspect the problem is in the index.html file which refers to some very old locations where the Flash Player is probably no longer obtainable, but I'm not sure.
[Code] .....

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SWF Works Fine On PC, But Doesn't Execute Online

Sep 3, 2009

I created a custom google voice callback swf so someone could put in their phone number, and google voice will call them and connect them to me (essentially calling me). Everything works fine when i run it from my computer, but when I put it online it doesn't work.

The way it works is you put in your own phone number and name, then click call, and it rings the phone of the phone number you put in. This doesn't happen when accessing it from online though.

I've provided a link to the fla for your view, and I'll also post the embed code I have on my site.

Embed code:

<div id="gvoice">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="616" height="162" id="gvwidget"


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Flash Not Loading - Works Fine On Localhost

Feb 11, 2010

Building a website and the navigation menu is flash (.swf file). The mnuLoader.swf file retrieves information from settings.xml file. Everything worked perfectly when I tested in localhost/website/page.html. When I upload to hosting server the mnuLoader.swf displays but does not load (its like it can't find the settings or picture files and displays the same as when you are waiting for something to load etc).

I have tried changing the xml file path from relative to absolute and no change. All three files index.html - mnuLoader.swf - settings.xml are in the same directory and the mnu_imgs folder contains the img icons for the menu. I don't understand why it would work on localhost but not on the actual server? Also directly underneath on the website I have another flash banner (just looping text pretty much) that works fine both on localhost and actual server so am pretty sure is not an access issue etc.

The mnuLoader.swf is Flash 8

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Works Fine When Its Not In A Google Gadget?

Oct 7, 2010

This swf works fine when its not in a google gadget.It will read and write xml as the user interacts wtih it. Why once its embeded inside a gadget will it only read xml? It will not send xml to my file on my server and write a new xml file.

Actionscript Code:
var reg3 = new XML(myendxml);  //Chat.text +=  "in the function";  var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();  variables.xmlData = reg3; 


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SWF Works Fine But Breaks When Embedded Online

Mar 19, 2010

As you can see on [url]...the last part of the Flash movie seems to be broken. Oddly enough, when I take the embedded SWF and view it separately[url]...

I'm not a flash expert, I don't know what can go wrong with embedding etc. but the actual FLA file seems to be ok, the map layer that is coming through randomly at the end shouldn't even be there! The frames at this point of the timeline on this layer are actually empty.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Works Fine In Debug But Not When Published

Jun 7, 2010

I have simple navigation code setup to step through frames (I'm using Flash instead PowerPoint--too many pictures that are PSDs and illustrations that are AIs to do the conversions over to something PowerPoint understands).[code]When I test it using the debug (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) it works fine.When I publish it, the up and down arrows work but the Home and End keys do not work.They do nothing, no error messages, nothing.Using Flash CS4 Pro 10.0.2 ActionScript 3. Windows 7 64-bit.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader Not Working Although It Loads Fine

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to make a preloader, althought it loads just fine the preloader bar wont move, better: the filesize against the loaded bytes does not let it move.
Code [URL].

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Professional :: UIScrollBar Works Fine On Pc But Not On Server?

Nov 22, 2010

I created a textfield on stage, set it as dynamic, put a UIScrollBar next to it , with component inspector I set scrollTargetName to the instance name of the textfield then I wrote these actions:
var externalReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("loremIpsum.txt");var externalLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader();externalLoad.load(externalReq);externalLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textReady);function textReady(event:Event):void {    theText.text =;}
Ot works on pc just fine.  When I upload the swf and the text file to my godaddy linux hosting account the scroller doesn't work.example on server: [URL]the text you see displayed is only about a quarter of the file, I should be able to scroll through it.

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