I am building a Flex iPhone application that in an ideal world would need to open up the iPhone SMS interface to send texts, make calls, access phone information (such as phone number) and access contact lists... I realise there isn't much in the way of accessing phone specific API's through flex at the moment, does anyone know if or when this is coming?
My main question: I seen this interesting article on extending AIR to access android APIs and was wondering if there was anything similar for accessing iOS APIs? What are people doing at the moment if you need to access iOS APIs? Is everyone waiting for an update to Flex/AIR?
I have a set of Flex proprietary libraries (ActionScript APIs in SWCs), and I am wondering if it is possible to build a UI completely in HTML using these APIs for functionality, rather than a Flex based UI/view. If yes, what would be the approach (or some examples)?
One reason to do so is to re-use the existing Flex (domain layer) APIs (for the short term) rather than re-writing them in say, JavaScript.
Just to confirm what I think I understand from reading about use of google APIs in RIAs (FLEX 4 and ActionScript) there is no way to connect to blogger API for example, directly from RIA because of google's crossdomain.xml file, right?
So if I want to use their APIs to get some data like content of my mailbox or list of posts on my blog I have to have some code running server side and RIA would just use that code as httpservice to collect data from google?
how to use the HippoHX APIs and Classes to make a close button, fullscreen button and execute a program with arguments. I'm pretty new to as3 (started using it last week) and have absolutely no idea how it works. If you don't know what HippoHX is, you can find out at the official website.I'm asking here because i don't understand their API documentation.
All i need to do is to invoke the soft keyboard from within my flash application. Is there anything I can do, without using a textfield or any such editable controls, which will pop up the keyboard.
I would like to target a specific version of Flash Player, but don't know if I'm using any APIs, for example a movieclip property, not available in that version. Is there any way to know? The compiler doesn't seem to generate errors in this case, and I'd rather not have to resort to runtime checking. Note I am using AS2.
I'm trying to buid a video player application usin the Youtube API, which is loaded remotely from their servers as described [URL]...reference.html Basically I want to add a playList via XML or flashVars which would be stored in the Model among other data taken from the video feeds of youtube by HTTP request. The issues are:
1.- I don't know where the youtube API would fit in the MVC pattern, because it has two parts, the Loader instance that you can add to the display list and the API Object itself that is more like a controller. My first approach has been to create a controller class which loads it and initiates it. But then I have to provide a reference of the loader to the View. Should I do it using a setter in the view, dispatching an event and then a listener in the view gets this reference from the controller, or including the reference in the model??? I'm a little bit lost here.
2.- On the other side, I don't know how to implement the strategy pattern betwen the view and the controller in this scenario. Should I leave the whole initialization process outside the MVC pattern? It's not that I'm obsesed with design patters, I'm just trying to learn how to use them and put myself this as an exercise: Build a videolist player for youtube so that it's easy to add, let's say Vimeo support later.
I have a flash app which will send/receive a constant stream of data. The flash app should open a connection to the Java server, keep it open, and attempt to reconnect on socket failure. Are there any good APIs that offer this functionality? Smartfox Server is one option, but if I had my way I'd embed an API in my app rather than contort my app to run under Smartfox. Ideally it would offer an API on the flash end, another on the Java end, and efficiently (java nio preferably) handle the network component in between. I would just define handlers on both the client & server.
A local group is mapping the relationships between board members and various organizations around my town. get some visualizations together.The visualizations focus on relationships between people and organizations eg who is on which boards and will be drawn dynamically. I am assuming I will be generating XML via PHP or Perl in order to feed the map drawing engine. [URL]
It's too complicate to explain but I'll give you an example
I have an AS3 ResultEvent Object and this object has several propeties which can be accessed by this like:event.result.name or event.result.age and, I have this String variable: eventProperty:String that contains "name" or "age" How do I access to event.result. with the variable?
class Foo { [Bindable] public var property: String; }
The class Foo has an implicit event dispatcher to handle property change events. How can I access that without making Foo explicitly extend EventDispatcher?
I've embedded a MovieClip symbol with the [Embed] syntax into my AS3 project, which I'm compiling with the Flex 3 SDK. That MovieClip has instances of other clips within it that are placed on stage with instance names. I can't just access them by instance name like I would if I were compiling with the Flash IDE. How can I reference them?
A web service return to my flex3 client this custom exception: <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:ro="urn:Gov2gLibrary" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="[URL]" xmlns:xsd="[URL]" xmlns:xsi="[URL]" xmlns:HNS="[URL]" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="[URL]" xmlns:v1="[URL]"> <faultcode>E2gError</faultcode> <faultstring>abc</faultstring> <detail><HNS:ROException> [Code] .....
This is obviously a part of the FaultEvent object I get when the remote call fail, so I'm trying to access "T2gMsg" subnode values like this: protected function onFaultEvent(e:FaultEvent):void { var obj:Object = e.fault; var err:XMLList = obj.element.detail.children()[0].children(); // now I have in err the "Messages" list, subnode of ROException, // so I should cycle to read one message at time: for each (var x:XML in err.children()) { //? }
How to read ID, Severity etc values. I think something like "x.ID" should work but it's not, while x.child("ID") or x.elements("ID") return null. What can I do?
Say I have code in my main mxml and in a function like this:
and now I want to refactor code and move this to it's own class and method in a separate file. How could I access root now, since this obviously now points to the new class I created.
I made a blog widget in flex. I need manipulate cookie in my widget which is added to my user's blog. But under some circumstance, some blog hosts forbid accessing to javascript, so i can not access cookie in flex by externalInterface. Does anyone know how to access cookie in this context?
I have a SWF that contacts a php script all on the same domain. In the first case both are hosted behind the same domain and communicate with no problem. Everything is working great.However when I take the same markup that embeds the SWF and paste it on another site (using a full qualified path for the swf in both the locally hosted and remotely hosted code), the SWF no longer communicates with the php script I wrote. I added a cross domain file to my site which looks like this.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
I am using flex/actionscript. i have created a webservice with following path [url]... When i run the above url its works fine. but when i use it using httpservice and send method it is giving me error. event[code]...
I have an Adobe Flex application that needs to call C++ functions from a dll .Since Flex apps execute within the browser, is there any way to do this ?
I follow the wizard to create a http service to connect to a php script. The script fetches some random record from the database.The label definition is:
I have build a module in Flex that I call myModule, this module has a method myMethod. Now I use the ModuleManager to load this module.
mod = ModuleManager.getModule("myModule.swf"); mod.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler); mod.load();
now I want to access the method
(customComp as myModule).myMethod()
where customComp is the DisplayObject created by the factore.create() method of the module info. This code will not compile as myModule is not a defined property. Can someone help me with that? What do I have to import? The myModule.swf is not an asset, it lies in the bin directory of my project.
I have two mxml files. one is main that is application tag mxml file and another is my mxml component file. I have a viewstack in my main mxml whose id is, say, "mainViewStack". Now I want to set selectedChild property of "mainViewStack" from my mxml component file. [code]...
How would you define/create generative typography ? I thought also of some sort of "intelligent" adaption. For example a font that uses serifs in certain condition or not... Are there some findings in how you could access the vectors of a font in actionscript ?
Does anyone know if its possible to access children elements in a SWC? I have created some MC's and inside of some of these MC's I have some dynamic textFields. I export the content to a SWC and load it into my Flex project. No problem loading it or accessing the parent elements, they display fine. But I want to access the textfields nestes in the MC's and modify the text. When I debug the app, I can see the textfields as child elements. It's typed as a TextField and the Instance Name is the same as input in the Flash IDE but I cannot access it. When Flex compiles it throws an error saying it doesn't recognize the method. I've tried to insert actionscript on the timeline, linked external classes and nothing can be accessed.
I am using a custom componenet based off of text as an itemRenderer for a dataGrid that is displaying an XMLList. I want to be able to re-use this itemRenderer for multiple columns, how do I access the dataGridColumn so I know which field to assign to the text value?
super.data gives me the whole XML item, super.parentDocument gives me the whole DataGrid