ActionScript 2.0 :: Compiler Checking A Newer APIs?

Jan 7, 2011

I would like to target a specific version of Flash Player, but don't know if I'm using any APIs, for example a movieclip property, not available in that version. Is there any way to know? The compiler doesn't seem to generate errors in this case, and I'd rather not have to resort to runtime checking. Note I am using AS2.

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Flex :: Compiler 4.0 25% More Rapid Than Compiler?

Aug 5, 2011

Its stated in adobe site that the Flash Builder 4 compiler is indeed 25% more performing than the previous Flex Builder 3 compiler.

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For example if I make a simple application on Fx3 and the same on Fx4, then how would I compare the compiler performance using my project?

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Embedding Newer Types Of FLV Files

Jun 16, 2010

In the past I embedded several (with makers permission) youtube clips into a html web page (with the file stored on my server - mainly because I think it looks nicer). It worked fine. Now these were the old plain .flv low quality ones. But now I am trying to embed the newer higher quality youtube version, again, with the file stored on my server, and the embed code I used previously doesn't work. Now the new higher quality file is still called flv but it has a codec: mp4a

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<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="704" height="546"
wmode="transparent" data="mediaplayer.swf?file=xxx.flv&autoStart=false ">
<param name="movie" value="mediaplayer.swf?file=xxx.flv&autoStart=fals e" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

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Adding Newer Flex SDK To Builder 3?

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I have a Flex Builder 3.0.2. It was shipped with Flex SDK 2.0.1 and 3.2. I would like to add the new Flex SDK 3.5. I followed the documentation:


But it's just not working. There are many functions from the documentation I can't use still (but should be available with SDK 3.5). How can I use SDK 3.5?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Date And Download Newer MCs Accordingly?

Oct 17, 2003

Can anyone offer any insight into how to check if a file is newer and then down load MC/swfs from external connection (i.e. website) for use with projectors, or in that case swf? I know it's possible with Swf Studio or the like, just wondering if it's poss with flash alone.

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Flex :: Access IOS APIs Through It?

Jul 21, 2011

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IDE :: Tree Menu Conflict W/ Newer Flash Player Versions

Jul 24, 2009

I got project, an accordion menu/tree menu, that just has 2 expanding parts. Very simple looking, but needs to look exactly like the image I was given.Not knowing much code, I luckily found an old sample of a real simple tree menu, since I didn't need any expensive components or plugins, nor did I want to deal with external XML files (can't code an XML worth a damn anyhow). But this old sample had everything in the fla, and did just what I needed it to. I attached it here, took that exact same setup from the sample, and exact same code to make my current menu.At first, it did work fine, but the text looked really rough (I had to use images), but it definitely looked off. Looks fine in the fla, but when viewing the swf, the images are crap, some rollover states don't even line up.Then upon further inspection, I noticed that the profile of the original sample that I also built off of was an old Flash MX file. Profile said it was flash player 6, and actionscript 1.0. I'm guessing maybe player 6 just had crap antialiasing?Using flash CS3 (but saving these as flash 8), I was able to change the profile on the sample menu to flash 9 (& even actionscript 2.0) and it still works and looks fine, even after saving with the new profile.However, with my new menu that uses all that same code, when I use anything higher than flash player 6, my text look perfect again, but I lose all functionality!This doesn't make sense! And the guy needs this menu like yesterday! The way the text/images look in flash player 6 mode in unacceptable.

I am using flash cs3 and cs4 (same results on both).I put this post in this section because the code and original file are flash 8 or older stuff, plus in cs3, I did save these as flash 8 files.I both modified the original sample fla itself to the new menu to see if that might fix the problem, but it didn't.Nor did starting it over from scratch, despite again using the same old code.My new menu just isn't expanding, other than when profile is player 6 where it looks awful.You can see for yourself, if you change the current menu profile from player 6 to anything newer, the text looks great, but it will likely lose functionality like it does for me. Do the same with the old sample menu, you can even use the player 10 profile in cs4 and it still works.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash APIs For Android Platform

May 3, 2011

All i need to do is to invoke the soft keyboard from within my flash application. Is there anything I can do, without using a textfield or any such editable controls, which will pop up the keyboard.

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Html :: Use Flex Library APIs In View?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a set of Flex proprietary libraries (ActionScript APIs in SWCs), and I am wondering if it is possible to build a UI completely in HTML using these APIs for functionality, rather than a Flex based UI/view. If yes, what would be the approach (or some examples)?

One reason to do so is to re-use the existing Flex (domain layer) APIs (for the short term) rather than re-writing them in say, JavaScript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Initialization Of Remote APIs In A MVC Pattern

Dec 3, 2010

I'm trying to buid a video player application usin the Youtube API, which is loaded remotely from their servers as described [URL]...reference.html Basically I want to add a playList via XML or flashVars which would be stored in the Model among other data taken from the video feeds of youtube by HTTP request. The issues are:

1.- I don't know where the youtube API would fit in the MVC pattern, because it has two parts, the Loader instance that you can add to the display list and the API Object itself that is more like a controller. My first approach has been to create a controller class which loads it and initiates it. But then I have to provide a reference of the loader to the View. Should I do it using a setter in the view, dispatching an event and then a listener in the view gets this reference from the controller, or including the reference in the model??? I'm a little bit lost here.

2.- On the other side, I don't know how to implement the strategy pattern betwen the view and the controller in this scenario. Should I leave the whole initialization process outside the MVC pattern? It's not that I'm obsesed with design patters, I'm just trying to learn how to use them and put myself this as an exercise: Build a videolist player for youtube so that it's easy to add, let's say Vimeo support later.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Content On Page Requires A Newer Version Of Adobe Flash Player?

Feb 21, 2010

I have built my personal webpage in Flash CS3/AS3. I did some updates today, changed some pictures and stuff. Now when I upload and replace the previous *.swf on the server, and try to load my webpage my browser displays the folowing message:

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. I tried exporting with Flas Player 8, and checked it using different bowsers too (curenntly I use the latest version of Firefox), but I get the same error when trying to relode my site. I have no more ideas what to do.

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Professional :: Content On The Page Requires A Newer Version Of Adobe Flash Player?

Apr 26, 2011

I am a experiencing an issue with loading of the haeader(flash) on the site I am currently working. Each browser behaves in a similar manner while not displaying flash animated header. I tried to save it as CS3, as CS4 alows me to do so and even that does not work.Details: I am using Dreamvewaver CS4 and Flash CS4 to build this site, could there be some type of an issue with DW4?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4: Use Google APIs In RIA Without Server Side Code?

Mar 26, 2010

Just to confirm what I think I understand from reading about use of google APIs in RIAs (FLEX 4 and ActionScript) there is no way to connect to blogger API for example, directly from RIA because of google's crossdomain.xml file, right?

So if I want to use their APIs to get some data like content of my mailbox or list of posts on my blog I have to have some code running server side and RIA would just use that code as httpservice to collect data from google?

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Java :: Any Good APIs For Maintaining Open Connection With Flash?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a flash app which will send/receive a constant stream of data. The flash app should open a connection to the Java server, keep it open, and attempt to reconnect on socket failure. Are there any good APIs that offer this functionality? Smartfox Server is one option, but if I had my way I'd embed an API in my app rather than contort my app to run under Smartfox. Ideally it would offer an API on the flash end, another on the Java end, and efficiently (java nio preferably) handle the network component in between. I would just define handlers on both the client & server.

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Actionscript 3 :: Open Source Relationship Mapping/visualization APIs?

Sep 16, 2011

A local group is mapping the relationships between board members and various organizations around my town. get some visualizations together.The visualizations focus on relationships between people and organizations eg who is on which boards and will be drawn dynamically. I am assuming I will be generating XML via PHP or Perl in order to feed the map drawing engine. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flv Files Be Different And Kinda Awkward, If Their Produced In Older Or Newer Version Of Flash Video Encoder?

Jun 23, 2009

Can flv files be different and kinda awkward, if their produced in older or newer version of flash video encoder? Or anyoher software programs that can convert to the flv format? If so, have any of you folks come across an easy way to fix?

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Flash 10 :: Compiler In CS5 For IOS?

Sep 18, 2010

Has anyone used the compiler in CS5? I have a client that wants several Flash sites to play on Apple's iPhone/iPad. I'm doing some research now but wanted to see if anyone could add insight before I purchase the upgrade to CS5.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Compiler For Linux?

Sep 16, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool I could use to compile a swf from the command line.I got a project on my plate right now that calls for a game to be altered every day with a new configuration, features, etc.Thing is that the list of possible things that could be in there on any given day is quite large, and the assets each will need are big as well.So I'm trying to find a solution that will load the AS files, images, etc. for just the features that will be enabled everyday...without having to spend each day compiling a new swf from the authoring tool.

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Does Cs5 Compiler Include Comments

Feb 16, 2011

You know them flash decompilers - can they read your comments you leave in your code?Also, is there anyway to remove the comments if they can -- and can you somehow remove all whitespace and compact it so the swf runs faster, better, and is a smaller file?

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Flex3 :: Possible To Run SDK Compiler On FreeBSD?

Jun 14, 2010

I'd like to run the Flex SDK compiler toolchain on our FreeBSD integration server to get around some nasty things like having to check in compiled Flex artifacts (yuck, I know!).It's worth noting that we have and use the data visualization components under license, so we'll need support for building with those as well.

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Flash :: Compiler To Use Both The 3.5 SDK And 4.0 SDK In Flex?

Feb 16, 2011

There are some classes that were taken out of the 4.0 flex sdk and I would like to know how to configure my compiler to use both sdk's, if it is even possible.

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Flash ::Compiler Can't Allow Overriding

Feb 7, 2012

I have been assigned to work on a Java/Flash/BlazeDS project. When I pull down the project code, I need to run an Ant script as part of the setup. This script eventually compiles the Flash code, as seen below.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Standalone PDF Compiler W/o AIR

Jul 9, 2009

I'm tentatively looking into building a system to compile a PDF in runtime based on a users selection of PDF pages which are in local directories.I'm sure this is possible using something like activePDF.Now, the result would be a PDF which the user would review and eventually export.Am I right in thinking that without AIR the saving of the file to a location on a users machine of their choice is not possible?

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IDE :: Compiler Getting Stuck And / Or Crashed

Feb 11, 2012

I use flash cs5.5 for mobile. I recently started using flash builder with it. Something wrong with flash cs5.5 mobile compiler. I can't compile for iOS or android anymore, it just hangs and never finishes creating the swf. or crashes. Test movie never pops up the windows, Air debug launcher in this case. Its not my app, its the same with a new blank one. I can test movie and/or compile flash 10.2 swfs.

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Flash CS4 - No Actions But Get Compiler Error

May 18, 2011

I'm making an animation in Flash CS4 and I have absolutely no actionscript in my project. At some point I added a new layer called "actions" and typed a simple piece of code in a keyframe (stop) but then I changed my mind and deleted it. But even though now there is no code in my project I still get a very annoying compiler errors window, every time I test my movie. What should I do to get rid of it?

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Actionscript :: My Compiler Fails Silently

May 1, 2009

I have a large FLA (about 13 MB) which used to compile fine.

Recently, when I try to publish it, the AS 3.0 files are not getting compiled (Generated size report says 10 bytes for AS3 code) and the swf just keeps blinking (due to the unavailability of the class code for the components). When I tweak around a bit with the class path (and finally restoring it to where it was), sometimes it works

Is there any reason, why the compiler would silently fail. Does flash have any cyclic dependency problems (like in old include statements in C). I somehow see this as a compiler crash. I know there might something wrong with my code but it doesnt show any error.

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Android :: When Should Use The CPU Or Or The GPU Compiler Option In Flash?

Mar 8, 2011

I've read through this section of Adobe's excellent 10.1 optimization tips. I found the statement below to be very helpful. Is there anything else to look out for? Is the dumbed-down difference just: use the GPU for raster and CPU for vector graphics?

The GPU is only effective for bitmaps, solid shapes, and display objects that have the cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix set. When the GPUis used in tandem for other display objects and this generally results in poor rendering performance.

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Actionscript 3 :: Compiler Error 1083?

Aug 8, 2011

finding the error here. Its for my loading bar at the begging of my flash movie

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