Embedding Newer Types Of FLV Files

Jun 16, 2010

In the past I embedded several (with makers permission) youtube clips into a html web page (with the file stored on my server - mainly because I think it looks nicer). It worked fine. Now these were the old plain .flv low quality ones. But now I am trying to embed the newer higher quality youtube version, again, with the file stored on my server, and the embed code I used previously doesn't work. Now the new higher quality file is still called flv but it has a codec: mp4a

My old coding:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="704" height="546"
wmode="transparent" data="mediaplayer.swf?file=xxx.flv&autoStart=false ">
<param name="movie" value="mediaplayer.swf?file=xxx.flv&autoStart=fals e" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Map Data Types To Custom Types?

Jan 24, 2012

Consider the following function:

public function foo(bar1:int, bar2:uint, bar3:String, bar4:Boolean):void{}

What I want is to have the different types of data represented by custom named types which are essentially representing the original data types. I other word, I would like to proxy the data types and have a valid function as following:

public function foo(bar1:PAR_Bar1, bar2:PAR_Bar2, bar3:PAR_Bar3, bar4:PAR_Bar4):void{}

so PAR_Bar1 would proxy the `int` data type, PAR_Bar2 would proxy the `uint` data type, so on and so forth.

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I think that if I use proxy types I can easily differentiate between parameters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding XML Files Into Other XML Files?

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Embedding Swf Files In Facebook?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to embed a screen recorder into my facebook application, but I am getting errors.

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<fb:swf swfsrc ="http://www.screentoaster.com/swf/STRecorder.swf" width="950" " height="485" flashvars=" "forward_url=http://youtube.com/videos/watch?video=#{st_video_id}%26user=#{ext_user_id}&st_visibility_on_portal=public&ext_additional_data=Some_useful_infos_for_you&ext_user_id=username"copied over exactly" imgsrc=" http://www.screentoaster.com/swf/STRecorder.swf"> </fb:swf>

but the error I'm getting is that swfsrc is a relative URL.Is there a way to embed a relative url?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Statement Or Function For Embedding Xml Files?

Oct 22, 2010

so I am trying to embed xml files for a game based on the button I select. I assume I would need an event listener, however I do not know how the function should look.


[Embed(source="folder/jonesy.sng", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
[Embed(source="folder/markysng", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
[Embed(source="folder/John.sng", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]

The instance name for the button is "jonesy", "John" , "Marky". I would like when the user selects the button jonesy, the above code is activated.

If the user selects " John, or Marky" the corresponding embed code for those are loaded.

I have


jonesy.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, whichxml);
John.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, whichxmljohn);
function whichxml (e:MouseEvent):void


this isnt' working though. Not sure what is missing, or if it just needs to be an IF Then statment.I guess embeds have to go on the intro frame, or first frame? But, the problem I have is that, I have so many embeds it is freezing the whole game.

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Actionscript 3 :: Embedding Wav Files In Flash/Flex Project?

May 13, 2010

The Flash IDE is capable of embedding many types of uncompressed sound files, including wav, and offers optional compression when publishing.However,the [Embed] tag, only seems to allow embedding of mp3 files.Is it truly impossible to embed an uncompressed wav file,or am I missing some magic, undocumented mimeType?I was hoping for something like:

[Embed source="../../audio/wibble.wav" mimeType="audio/wav"]

...but I get no transcoder registered for mimeType 'audio/wav'.It's possible to embed wav or other format as an octet-stream and parse at runtime,but that's pretty heavy handed I think. I'm surprised that even though the Flash IDE can embed uncompressed sound data,[Embed] cannot, given that the swf spec can contain uncompressed sound data.

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But it's just not working. There are many functions from the documentation I can't use still (but should be available with SDK 3.5). How can I use SDK 3.5?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Compiler Checking A Newer APIs?

Jan 7, 2011

I would like to target a specific version of Flash Player, but don't know if I'm using any APIs, for example a movieclip property, not available in that version. Is there any way to know? The compiler doesn't seem to generate errors in this case, and I'd rather not have to resort to runtime checking. Note I am using AS2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Date And Download Newer MCs Accordingly?

Oct 17, 2003

Can anyone offer any insight into how to check if a file is newer and then down load MC/swfs from external connection (i.e. website) for use with projectors, or in that case swf? I know it's possible with Swf Studio or the like, just wondering if it's poss with flash alone.

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IDE :: Tree Menu Conflict W/ Newer Flash Player Versions

Jul 24, 2009

I got project, an accordion menu/tree menu, that just has 2 expanding parts. Very simple looking, but needs to look exactly like the image I was given.Not knowing much code, I luckily found an old sample of a real simple tree menu, since I didn't need any expensive components or plugins, nor did I want to deal with external XML files (can't code an XML worth a damn anyhow). But this old sample had everything in the fla, and did just what I needed it to. I attached it here, Menu_Old.zip.I took that exact same setup from the sample, and exact same code to make my current menu.At first, it did work fine, but the text looked really rough (I had to use images), but it definitely looked off. Looks fine in the fla, but when viewing the swf, the images are crap, some rollover states don't even line up.Then upon further inspection, I noticed that the profile of the original sample that I also built off of was an old Flash MX file. Profile said it was flash player 6, and actionscript 1.0. I'm guessing maybe player 6 just had crap antialiasing?Using flash CS3 (but saving these as flash 8), I was able to change the profile on the sample menu to flash 9 (& even actionscript 2.0) and it still works and looks fine, even after saving with the new profile.However, with my new menu that uses all that same code, when I use anything higher than flash player 6, my text look perfect again, but I lose all functionality!This doesn't make sense! And the guy needs this menu like yesterday! The way the text/images look in flash player 6 mode in unacceptable.

I am using flash cs3 and cs4 (same results on both).I put this post in this section because the code and original file are flash 8 or older stuff, plus in cs3, I did save these as flash 8 files.I both modified the original sample fla itself to the new menu to see if that might fix the problem, but it didn't.Nor did starting it over from scratch, despite again using the same old code.My new menu just isn't expanding, other than when profile is player 6 where it looks awful.You can see for yourself, if you change the current menu profile from player 6 to anything newer, the text looks great, but it will likely lose functionality like it does for me. Do the same with the old sample menu, you can even use the player 10 profile in cs4 and it still works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Content On Page Requires A Newer Version Of Adobe Flash Player?

Feb 21, 2010

I have built my personal webpage in Flash CS3/AS3. I did some updates today, changed some pictures and stuff. Now when I upload and replace the previous *.swf on the server, and try to load my webpage my browser displays the folowing message:

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. I tried exporting with Flas Player 8, and checked it using different bowsers too (curenntly I use the latest version of Firefox), but I get the same error when trying to relode my site. I have no more ideas what to do.

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Professional :: Content On The Page Requires A Newer Version Of Adobe Flash Player?

Apr 26, 2011

I am a experiencing an issue with loading of the haeader(flash) on the site I am currently working. Each browser behaves in a similar manner while not displaying flash animated header. I tried to save it as CS3, as CS4 alows me to do so and even that does not work.Details: I am using Dreamvewaver CS4 and Flash CS4 to build this site, could there be some type of an issue with DW4?

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Ruby On Rails :: Rails 3.1 - Embedding Flash.swf Files?

Sep 25, 2011

Having problems embedding my .swf file in rails 3.1. In past versions of rails I'd use swfobject and simply do:

<div id="swfbox">you don't have flash</div>
<script type ="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("swf/AudioRecorder.swf", "swfbox", "400", "400", "10.0.0", "");


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CS3 : Difference Between The Content Types?

Mar 16, 2009

I was looking for the difference between the different content types in Flash CS3/CS4 - Browser/Screen Saver/Application etc - especially it's capabilities and limitations. Of interest are Standalone player and Application.

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C++ :: Why Some 'Types' Are References While Some Are 'Primitives'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creates Various Types Of MC

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I want to create a function that creates various types of MC. Lets say so:


Explanation: Create function that creates MovieClip, make for statment to create more Mc with that function.

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I've been working on a cute game and I've hit a bit of a wall

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i have a tree of nodes that i dont want some type of nodes to appear in the tree, i can check the data on tree item renderer for each specific node type, so i have one type that i dont want it to be shown as tree node, like it doesn't exist.

if(this.data.type == TypeEnum.id){
this.height = 0;
else {

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Apr 21, 2011

This css can set style for all normal Arial, but I have Arial bold in project, how can I apply bold font for them?

@font-face {
fontFamily: Arial;


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Flash :: Method That Could Return Two Types?

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Consider the following function:

public function foo(bar1:int, bar2:uint, bar3:String, bar4:Boolean):void{}

What I want is to have the different types of data represented by custom named types which are essentially representing the original data types. In other words, I would like to proxy the data types and have a valid function as following[code]...

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